
Papers (289)
# | Title | |
1. | Zerocash: Decentralized anonymous payments from bitcoin Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Garman, Christina and Green, Matthew and Miers, Ian and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2014. ![]() ![]() | |
2. | Pinocchio: Nearly practical verifiable computation Parno, Bryan and Howell, Jon and Gentry, Craig and Raykova, Mariana. 2013. | |
3. | On the size of pairing-based non-interactive arguments Groth, Jens. 2016. ![]() ![]() | |
4. | Quadratic span programs and succinct NIZKs without PCPs Gennaro, Rosario and Gentry, Craig and Parno, Bryan and Raykova, Mariana. 2013. | |
5. | Succinct Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge for a von Neumann Architecture. Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2014. | |
6. | SNARKs for C: Verifying program executions succinctly and in zero knowledge Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Genkin, Daniel and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
7. | Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity Eli Ben-Sasson and Iddo Bentov and Yinon Horesh and Michael Riabzev. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
8. | Verifiable Delay Functions Dan Boneh, Joseph Bonneau, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
9. | PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson and Oana Ciobotaru. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
10. | Separating succinct non-interactive arguments from all falsifiable assumptions Gentry, Craig and Wichs, Daniel. 2011. ![]() ![]() | |
11. | Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal and Updatable SRS Alessandro Chiesa and Yuncong Hu and Mary Maller and Pratyush Mishra and Noah Vesely and Nicholas Ward. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
12. | Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal andUpdatable SRS (thesis) Alessandro Chiesa and Yuncong Hu and Mary Maller and Pratyush Mishra and Noah Vesely and Nicholas Ward. 2021. | |
13. | Ligero: Lightweight sublinear arguments without a trusted setup Ames, Scott and Hazay, Carmit and Ishai, Yuval and Venkitasubramaniam, Muthuramakrishnan. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
14. | Aurora: Transparent Succinct Arguments for R1CS Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Riabzev, Michael and Spooner, Nicholas and Virza, Madars and Ward, Nicholas P. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
15. | Sonic: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs from Linear-Size Universal and Updateable Structured Reference Strings Maller, Mary and Bowe, Sean and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
16. | Succinct non-interactive arguments via linear interactive proofs Bitansky, Nir and Chiesa, Alessandro and Ishai, Yuval and Paneth, Omer and Ostrovsky, Rafail. 2013. | |
17. | Zcash protocol specification Hopwood, Daira and Bowe, Sean and Hornby, Taylor and Wilcox, Nathan. 2016. | |
18. | Recursive composition and bootstrapping for SNARKs and proof-carrying data Bitansky, Nir and Canetti, Ran and Chiesa, Alessandro and Tromer, Eran. 2013. | |
19. | MiMC: Efficient encryption and cryptographic hashing with minimal multiplicative complexity Albrecht, Martin and Grassi, Lorenzo and Rechberger, Christian and Roy, Arnab and Tiessen, Tyge. 2016. | |
20. | Scalable zero knowledge via cycles of elliptic curves Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
21. | The Algebraic Group Model and its Applications Georg Fuchsbauer and Eike Kiltz and Julian Loss. 2017. | |
22. | Doubly-efficient zkSNARKs without trusted setup Riad S. Wahby and Ioanna Tzialla and abhi shelat and Justin Thaler and Michael Walfish. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
23. | Interactive oracle proofs Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Spooner, Nicholas. 2016. ![]() ![]() | |
24. | Spartan: Efficient and general-purpose zkSNARKs without trusted setup Setty, Srinath. 2019. ![]() | |
25. | Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers Benedikt Bünz and Ben Fisch and Alan Szepieniec. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
26. | Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains Boneh, Dan and B\"unz, Benedikt and Fisch, Benjamin. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
27. | ZKBoo: Faster Zero-Knowledge for Boolean Circuits. Giacomelli, Irene and Madsen, Jesper and Orlandi, Claudio. 2016. | |
28. | Geppetto: Versatile verifiable computation Costello, Craig and Fournet, C\'edric and Howell, Jon and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Kreuter, Benjamin and Naehrig, Michael and Parno, Bryan and Zahur, Samee. 2015. ![]() ![]() | |
29. | Scalable Zero Knowledge with No Trusted Setup Ben-Sasson, Eli and Bentov, Iddo and Horesh, Yinon and Riabzev, Michael. 2019. | |
30. | Libra: Succinct Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Optimal Prover Computation Xie, Tiacheng and Zhang, Jiaheng and Zhang, Yupeng and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Song, Dawn. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
31. | Snarky Signatures: Minimal Signatures of Knowledge from Simulation-Extractable SNARKs Jens Groth and Mary Maller. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
32. | Zexe: Enabling decentralized private computation Bowe, S and Chiesa, A and Green, M and Miers, I and Mishra, P and Wu, H. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
33. | Recursive Proof Composition without aTrusted Setup Bowe, Sean Grigg, Jack Hopwood, Daira. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
34. | Fractal: Post-Quantum and Transparent Recursive Proofs from Holography Alessandro Chiesa and Dev Ojha and Nicholas Spooner. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
35. | Updatable and Universal Common Reference Strings with Applications to zk-SNARKs Jens Groth and Markulf Kohlweiss and Mary Maller and Sarah Meiklejohn and Ian Miers. 2018. | |
36. | Efficient RAM and control flow in verifiable outsourced computation. Wahby, Riad S and Setty, Srinath TV and Ren, Zuocheng and Blumberg, Andrew J and Walfish, Michael. 2015. | |
37. | Secure sampling of public parameters for succinct zero knowledge proofs Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Green, Matthew and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2015. | |
38. | Design of Symmetric-Key Primitives for Advanced Cryptographic Protocols Aly, Abdelrahaman and Ashur, Tomer and Ben-Sasson, Eli and Dhooghe, Siemen and Szepieniec, Alan. 2019. ![]() | |
39. | LegoSNARK: Modular Design and Composition of Succinct Zero-Knowledge Proofs Campanelli, Matteo and Fiore, Dario and Querol, Ana\"\is. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
40. | Scalable Multi-party Computation for zk-SNARK Parameters in the Random Beacon Model Sean Bowe and Ariel Gabizon and Ian Miers. 2017. | |
41. | Transparent Polynomial Delegation and Its Applications to Zero Knowledge Proof Jiaheng Zhang and Tiancheng Xie and Yupeng Zhang and Dawn Song. 2019. | |
42. | A multi-party protocol for constructing the public parameters of the Pinocchio zk-SNARK Bowe, Sean and Gabizon, Ariel and Green, Matthew D. 2018. | |
43. | Fast, Scalable, and Communication-Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits Chenkai Weng and Kang Yang and Jonathan Katz and Xiao Wang. 2020. | |
44. | Resolving the conflict between generality and plausibility in verified computation Setty, Srinath and Braun, Benjamin and Vu, Victor and Blumberg, Andrew J and Parno, Bryan and Walfish, Michael. 2013. | |
45. | Nova: Recursive Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Folding Schemes Abhiram Kothapalli and Srinath Setty and Ioanna Tzialla. 2021. | |
46. | DIZK: A Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proof System Wu, Howard and Zheng, Wenting and Chiesa, Alessandro and Popa, Raluca Ada and Stoica, Ion. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
47. | Square span programs with applications to succinct NIZK arguments Danezis, George and Fournet, C\'edric and Groth, Jens and Kohlweiss, Markulf. 2014. ![]() ![]() | |
48. | Accountable privacy for decentralized anonymous payments Garman, Christina and Green, Matthew and Miers, Ian. 2016. | |
49. | HyperPlonk: Plonk with Linear-Time Prover and High-Degree Custom Gates Binyi Chen and Benedikt Bünz and Dan Boneh and Zhenfei Zhang. 2022. | |
50. | zkbridge: Trustless cross-chain bridges made practical Xie, Tiancheng and Zhang, Jiaheng and Cheng, Zerui and Zhang, Fan and Zhang, Yupeng and Jia, Yongzheng and Boneh, Dan and Song, Dawn. 2022. | |
51. | Pinocchio coin Danezis, George and Fournet, Cedric and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Parno, Bryan. 2013. | |
52. | Succinct non-interactive zero knowledge arguments from span programs and linear error-correcting codes Lipmaa, Helger. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
53. | xJsnark: a framework for efficient verifiable computation Kosba, Ahmed and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Shi, Elaine. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
54. | QuickSilver: Efficient and Affordable Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Circuits and Polynomials over Any Field Kang Yang and Pratik Sarkar and Chenkai Weng and Xiao Wang. 2021. | |
55. | Feistel Structures for MPC, and more Albrecht, Martin R and Grassi, Lorenzo and Perrin, L\'eo and Ramacher, Sebastian and Rechberger, Christian and Rotaru, Dragos and Roy, Arnab and Schofnegger, Markus. 2019. | |
56. | A Comprehensive Survey on Smart Contract Construction and Execution: Paradigms, Tools and Systems Hu, Bin and Zhang, Zongyang and Liu, Jianwei and Liu, Yizhong and Yin, Jiayuan and Lu, Rongxing and Lin, Xiaodong. 2020. | |
57. | Subversion-zero-knowledge SNARKs Georg Fuchsbauer. 2017. | |
58. | Subvector commitments with application to succinct arguments Lai, Russell WF and Malavolta, Giulio. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
59. | Zendoo: a zk-SNARK Verifiable Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol Enabling Decoupled and Decentralized Sidechains Alberto Garoffolo and Dmytro Kaidalov and Roman Oliynykov. 2020. | |
60. | Ouroboros Crypsinous: Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Stake Kerber, Thomas and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Kiayias, Aggelos and Zikas, Vassilis. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
61. | Proofs for Inner Pairing Products and Applications Benedikt Bünz and Mary Maller and Pratyush Mishra and Nirvan Tyagi and Psi Vesely. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
62. | On Subversion-Resistant SNARKs Behzad Abdolmaleki and Helger Lipmaa and Janno Siim and Michał Zając. 2020. | |
63. | Dory: Efficient, Transparent arguments for Generalised Inner Products and Polynomial Commitments Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
64. | Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments Sergey Gorbunov and Leonid Reyzin and Hoeteck Wee and Zhenfei Zhang. 2020. | |
65. | plookup: A simplified polynomial protocol for lookup tables Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson. 2020. ![]() | |
66. | On a Generalization of Substitution-Permutation Networks: The HADES Design Strategy Grassi, Lorenzo and L\"uftenegger, Reinhard and Rechberger, Christian and Rotaru, Dragos and Schofnegger, Markus. 2019. | |
67. | Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Composite Statements Shashank Agrawal and Chaya Ganesh and Payman Mohassel. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
68. | Off-chaining models and approaches to off-chain computations Eberhardt, Jacob and Heiss, Jonathan. 2018. | |
69. | Algebraic cryptanalysis of STARK-friendly designs: application to MARVELlous and MiMC Albrecht, Martin R and Cid, Carlos and Grassi, Lorenzo and Khovratovich, Dmitry and L\"uftenegger, Reinhard and Rechberger, Christian and Schofnegger, Markus. 2019. | |
70. | Orion: Zero Knowledge Proof with Linear Prover Time Tiancheng Xie and Yupeng Zhang and Dawn Song. 2022. | |
71. | Ligero++: A New Optimized Sublinear IOP Bhadauria, Rishabh and Fang, Zhiyong and Hazay, Carmit and Venkitasubramaniam, Muthuramakrishnan and Xie, Tiancheng and Zhang, Yupeng. 2020. | |
72. | Scaling Verifiable Computation Using Efficient Set Accumulators Alex Ozdemir and Riad S. Wahby and Dan Boneh. 2019. ![]() | |
73. | Coda: Decentralized Cryptocurrency at Scale Joseph Bonneau and Izaak Meckler and Vanishree Rao and Evan Shapiro. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
74. | Fast and simple constant-time hashing to the BLS12-381 elliptic curve Wahby, Riad S and Boneh, Dan. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
75. | Nearly Linear-Time Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Correct Program Execution. Bootle, Jonathan and Cerulli, Andrea and Groth, Jens and Jakobsen, Sune K and Maller, Mary. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
76. | Succinct Arguments in the Quantum Random Oracle Model Alessandro Chiesa and Peter Manohar and Nicholas Spooner. 2019. | |
77. | Lunar: a Toolbox for More Efficient Universal and Updatable zkSNARKs and Commit-and-Prove Extensions Matteo Campanelli and Antonio Faonio and Dario Fiore and Anaïs Querol and Hadrián Rodríguez. 2020. | |
78. | Linear-time zero-knowledge SNARKs for R1CS Jonathan Lee and Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler and Riad Wahby. 2021. | |
79. | MARVELlous: a STARK-Friendly Family of Cryptographic Primitives Tomer Ashur and Siemen Dhooghe. 2018. | |
80. | Lattice-based SNARGs and their application to more efficient obfuscation Boneh, Dan and Ishai, Yuval and Sahai, Amit and Wu, David J. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
81. | Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge for Blockchain: A Survey Partala, Juha and Nguyen, Tri Hong and Pirttikangas, Susanna. 2020. | |
82. | Out of Oddity -- New Cryptanalytic Techniques against Symmetric Primitives Optimized for Integrity Proof Systems Tim Beyne and Anne Canteaut and Itai Dinur and Maria Eichlseder and Gregor Leander and Gaëtan Leurent and María Naya-Plasencia and Léo Perrin and Yu Sasaki and Yosuke Todo and Friedrich Wiemer. 2020. ![]() | |
83. | Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Set Membership: Efficient, Succinct, Modular Benarroch, Daniel and Campanelli, Matteo and Fiore, Dario and Gurkan, Kobi and Kolonelos, Dimitris. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
84. | Lattice-Based zk-SNARKs from Square Span Programs Gennaro, Rosario and Minelli, Michele and Nitulescu, Anca and Orr\`u, Michele. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
85. | Time- and Space-Efficient Arguments from Groups of Unknown Order Alexander R. Block and Justin Holmgren and Alon Rosen and Ron D. Rothblum and Pratik Soni. 2021. | |
86. | A non-PCP Approach to Succinct Quantum-Safe Zero-Knowledge Jonathan Bootle and Vadim Lyubashevsky and Ngoc Khanh Nguyen and Gregor Seiler. 2020. | |
87. | Cairo – a Turing-complete STARK-friendly CPU architecture Lior Goldberg and Shahar Papini and Michael Riabzev. 2021. | |
88. | Another look at extraction and randomization of Groth’s zk-SNARK Baghery, Karim and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Siim, Janno and Volkhov, Mikhail. 2020. | |
89. | Quarks: Quadruple-efficient transparent zkSNARKs Srinath Setty and Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
90. | Caulk: Lookup Arguments in Sublinear Time Arantxa Zapico and Vitalik Buterin and Dmitry Khovratovich and Mary Maller and Anca Nitulescu and Mark Simkin. 2022. ![]() ![]() | |
91. | Linear-Time Arguments with Sublinear Verification from Tensor Codes Bootle, Jonathan and Chiesa, Alessandro and Groth, Jens. 2020. | |
92. | Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes Benedikt Bünz and Alessandro Chiesa and Pratyush Mishra and Nicholas Spooner. 2020. ![]() | |
93. | An Algebraic Attack on Ciphers with Low-Degree Round Functions: Application to Full MiMC Maria Eichlseder and Lorenzo Grassi and Reinhard Lüftenegger and Morten Øygarden and Christian Rechberger and Markus Schofnegger and Qingju Wang. 2020. | |
94. | Rinocchio: SNARKs for Ring Arithmetic Chaya Ganesh and Anca Nitulescu and Eduardo Soria-Vazquez. 2021. | |
95. | Brakedown: Linear-time and post-quantum SNARKs for R1CS Alexander Golovnev and Jonathan Lee and Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler and Riad S. Wahby. 2021. | |
96. | Experimenting with Collaborative $\{$zk-SNARKs$\}$:$\{$Zero-Knowledge$\}$ Proofs for Distributed Secrets Ozdemir, Alex and Boneh, Dan. 2022. | |
97. | Doubly Efficient Interactive Proofs for General Arithmetic Circuits with Linear Prover Time Jiaheng Zhang and Weijie Wang and Yinuo Zhang and Yupeng Zhang. 2020. | |
98. | Post-Quantum Succinct Arguments Chiesa, Alessandro and Ma, Fermi and Spooner, Nicholas and Zhandry, Mark. 2021. | |
99. | Unlocking the lookup singularity with Lasso Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler and Riad Wahby. 2023. | |
100. | Brakedown: Linear-Time and Field-Agnostic SNARKs for R1CS Golovnev, Alexander and Lee, Jonathan and Setty, Srinath and Thaler, Justin and Wahby, Riad S. 2023. | |
101. | Interactive oracle proofs with constant rate and query complexity Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Gabizon, Ariel and Riabzev, Michael and Spooner, Nicholas. 2017. | |
102. | SuperNova: Proving universal machine executions without universal circuits Abhiram Kothapalli and Srinath Setty. 2022. | |
103. | Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs Generically Bezhad Abdolmaleki and Sebastian Ramacher and Daniel Slamanig. 2020. | |
104. | Making Groth's zk-SNARK Simulation Extractable in the Random Oracle Model Sean Bowe and Ariel Gabizon. 2018. | |
105. | Quasi-linear size zero knowledge from linear-algebraic PCPs Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Gabizon, Ariel and Virza, Madars. 2016. | |
106. | MIRAGE: Succinct Arguments for Randomized Algorithms with Applications to Universal zk-SNARKs Ahmed Kosba and Dimitrios Papadopoulos and Charalampos Papamanthou and Dawn Song. 2020. | |
107. | A Review of zk-SNARKs Chen, Thomas and Lu, Hui and Kunpittaya, Teeramet and Luo, Alan. 2022. | |
108. | Powers-of-Tau to the People: Decentralizing Setup Ceremonies Nikolaenko, Valeria and Ragsdale, Sam and Bonneau, Joseph and Boneh, Dan. 2022. | |
109. | cq: Cached quotients for fast lookups Liam Eagen and Dario Fiore and Ariel Gabizon. 2022. | |
110. | SNARKpack: Practical SNARK Aggregation Nicolas Gailly and Mary Maller and Anca Nitulescu. 2021. | |
111. | A survey of elliptic curves for proof systems Aranha, Diego F and El Housni, Youssef and Guillevic, Aurore. 2022. | |
112. | Prover-efficient commit-and-prove zero-knowledge SNARKs Lipmaa, Helger. 2016. | |
113. | Jolt: SNARKs for Virtual Machines via Lookups Arasu Arun and Srinath Setty and Justin Thaler. 2023. | |
114. | Halo Infinite: Recursive zk-SNARKs from any Additive Polynomial Commitment Scheme Dan Boneh and Justin Drake and Ben Fisch and Ariel Gabizon. 2020. | |
115. | Multivariate lookups based on logarithmic derivatives Ulrich Haböck. 2022. | |
116. | RedShift: Transparent SNARKs from List Polynomial Commitment IOPs Assimakis Kattis and Konstantin Panarin and Alexander Vlasov. 2019. | |
117. | Optimized and secure pairing-friendly elliptic curves suitable for one layer proof composition Youssef El Housni and Aurore Guillevic. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
118. | Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption Viand, Alexander and Knabenhans, Christian and Hithnawi, Anwar. 2023. | |
119. | How to Use SNARKs in Universally Composable Protocols. Kosba, Ahmed E and Zhao, Zhichao and Miller, Andrew and Qian, Yi and Chan, T-H Hubert and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Pass, Rafael and Shelat, Abhi and Shi, Elaine. 2015. | |
120. | Simulation-Extractable SNARKs Revisited Lipmaa, Helger. 2019. | |
121. | On the (in) security of SNARKs in the presence of oracles Fiore, Dario and Nitulescu, Anca. 2016. | |
122. | Rescue-Prime: a Standard Specification (SoK) Alan Szepieniec and Tomer Ashur and Siemen Dhooghe. 2020. | |
123. | Shorter and Faster Post-Quantum Designated-Verifier zkSNARKs from Lattices Yuval Ishai and Hang Su and David J. Wu. 2021. | |
124. | TEX - A Securely Scalable Trustless Exchange Rami Khalil and Arthur Gervais and Guillaume Felley. 2019. | |
125. | Reducing Participation Costs via Incremental Verification for Ledger Systems Weikeng Chen and Alessandro Chiesa and Emma Dauterman and Nicholas P. Ward. 2020. | |
126. | STARK Friendly Hash -- Survey and Recommendation Eli Ben-Sasson and Lior Goldberg and David Levit. 2020. | |
127. | Updateable Inner Product Argument with Logarithmic Verifier and Applications Daza, Vanesa and R\`afols, Carla and Zacharakis, Alexandros. 2020. | |
128. | Public Accountability vs. Secret Laws: Can They Coexist?: A Cryptographic Proposal Goldwasser, Shafi and Park, Sunoo. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
129. | Efficient Post-quantum SNARKs for RSIS and RLWE and Their Applications to Privacy Boschini, Cecilia and Camenisch, Jan and Ovsiankin, Max and Spooner, Nicholas. 2020. ![]() | |
130. | Baloo: Nearly Optimal Lookup Arguments Zapico, Arantxa and Gabizon, Ariel and Khovratovich, Dmitry and Maller, Mary and R\`afols, Carla. 2022. | |
131. | VERI-ZEXE: Decentralized private computation with universal setup Xiong, Alex Luoyuan and Chen, Binyi and Zhang, Zhenfei and B\"unz, Benedikt and Fisch, Ben and Krell, Fernando and Camacho, Philippe. 2022. | |
132. | On the security of the BCTV Pinocchio zk-SNARK variant Gabizon, Ariel. 2019. | |
133. | Simulation Extractable Versions of Groth’s zk-SNARK Revisited Karim Baghery and Zaira Pindado and Carla Ràfols. 2020. | |
134. | An Algebraic Framework for Universal and Updatable SNARKs Carla Ràfols and Arantxa Zapico. 2021. ![]() | |
135. | Families of SNARK-friendly 2-chains of elliptic curves El Housni, Youssef and Guillevic, Aurore. 2021. | |
136. | zk-SNARKs: A Gentle Introduction Nitulescu, Anca. 2019. | |
137. | Succinct Zero-Knowledge Batch Proofs for Set Accumulators Matteo Campanelli and Dario Fiore and Semin Han and Jihye Kim and Dimitris Kolonelos and Hyunok Oh. 2021. | |
138. | Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees Assimakis Kattis and Joseph Bonneau. 2020. | |
139. | Mind the Middle Layer: The HADES Design Strategy Revisited Nathan Keller and Asaf Rosemarin. 2020. | |
140. | Transparent Polynomial Commitment Scheme with Polylogarithmic Communication Complexity Alexander Vlasov and Konstantin Panarin. 2019. | |
141. | UC-Secure CRS Generation for SNARKs Behzad Abdolmaleki and Karim Baghery and Helger Lipmaa and Janno Siim and Michal Zajac. 2019. | |
142. | LEO: A Programming Language for Formally Verified,Zero-Knowledge Applications Collin Chin and Howard Wu and Raymond Chu and Alessandro Coglio and Eric McCarthy and Eric Smith. 2021. | |
143. | On cycles of pairing-friendly elliptic curves Chiesa, Alessandro and Chua, Lynn and Weidner, Matthew. 2019. | |
144. | Caulk+: Table-independent lookup arguments Jim Posen and Assimakis A. Kattis. 2022. | |
145. | Lattice-based succinct arguments from vanishing polynomials Cini, Valerio and Lai, Russell WF and Malavolta, Giulio. 2023. | |
146. | SAVER: Snark-friendly, Additively-homomorphic, and Verifiable Encryption and decryption with Rerandomization Jiwon Lee and Jaekyoung Choi and Jihye Kim and Hyunok Oh. 2019. | |
147. | AuroraLight: Improved prover efficiency and SRS size in a Sonic-like system Gabizon, Ariel. 2019. | |
148. | Simulation Extractability in Groth’s zk-SNARK Atapoor, Shahla and Baghery, Karim. 2019. | |
149. | BeeGees: stayin' alive in chained BFT Abraham, Ittai and Crooks, Natacha and Giridharan, Neil and Howard, Heidi and Suri-Payer, Florian. 2023. | |
150. | SPARKs: Succinct Parallelizable Arguments of Knowledge Naomi Ephraim and Cody Freitag and Ilan Komargodski and Rafael Pass. 2020. | |
151. | $\mathsf{zkSaaS}$: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs as a Service Sanjam Garg and Aarushi Goel and Abhishek Jain and Guru-Vamsi Policharla and Sruthi Sekar. 2023. | |
152. | Plonkup: Reconciling plonk with plookup Pearson, Luke and Fitzgerald, Joshua and Masip, H\'ector and Bell\'es-Mu\~noz, Marta and Mu\~noz-Tapia, Jose Luis. 2022. | |
153. | SIMS : Self Sovereign Identity Management System with Preserving Privacy in Blockchain Jeonghyuk Lee and Jungyeon Hwang and Jaekyung Choi and Hyunok Oh and Jihye Kim. 2019. | |
154. | Verifiable computing applications in blockchain \vSimuni\'c, Silvio and Bernaca, Dalen and Lenac, Kristijan. 2021. | |
155. | On the efficiency of privacy-preserving smart contract systems Baghery, Karim. 2019. | |
156. | Witness-Succinct Universally-Composable SNARKs Ganesh, Chaya and Kondi, Yashvanth and Orlandi, Claudio and Pancholi, Mahak and Takahashi, Akira and Tschudi, Daniel. 2022. | |
157. | Spartan and Bulletproofs are simulation-extractable (for free!) Quang Dao and Paul Grubbs. 2023. | |
158. | Weak Fiat-Shamir Attacks on Modern Proof Systems Quang Dao and Jim Miller and Opal Wright and Paul Grubbs. 2023. | |
159. | Subversion-Resistant Simulation (Knowledge) Sound NIZKs Karim Baghery. 2019. | |
160. | Counting Vampires: From Univariate Sumcheck to Updatable ZK-SNARK Helger Lipmaa and Janno Siim and Michal Zajac. 2022. | |
161. | flookup: Fractional decomposition-based lookups in quasi-linear time independent of table size Ariel Gabizon and Dmitry Khovratovich. 2022. | |
162. | On the (In)security of Kilian-Based SNARGs James Bartusek and Liron Bronfman and Justin Holmgren and Fermi Ma and Ron Rothblum. 2019. | |
163. | Formal security analysis of MPC-in-the-head zero-knowledge protocols Nikolaj Sidorenco and Sabine Oechsner and Bas Spitters. 2021. | |
164. | Linear-map Vector Commitments and their Practical Applications Matteo Campanelli and Anca Nitulescu and Carla Ràfols and Alexandros Zacharakis and Arantxa Zapico. 2022. | |
165. | Collisions on Feistel-MiMC and univariate GMiMC Bonnetain, Xavier. 2019. | |
166. | Distributed Auditing Proofs of Liabilities Konstantinos Chalkias and Kevin Lewi and Payman Mohassel and Valeria Nikolaenko. 2020. | |
167. | A Direct Construction for Asymptotically Optimal zkSNARKs Abhiram Kothapalli and Elisaweta Masserova and Bryan Parno. 2020. | |
168. | Succinct functional commitment for a large class of arithmetic circuits Lipmaa, Helger and Pavlyk, Kateryna. 2020. | |
169. | Short-lived zero-knowledge proofs and signatures Arasu Arun and Joseph Bonneau and Jeremy Clark. 2022. | |
170. | Revisiting the Nova Proof System on a Cycle of Curves Wilson Nguyen and Dan Boneh and Srinath Setty. 2023. | |
171. | A Note on the Unsoundness of vnTinyRAM's SNARK. Parno, Bryan. 2015. | |
172. | Lattice-Based Zero-Knowledge SNARGs for Arithmetic Circuits Nitulescu, Anca. 2019. | |
173. | Tiramisu: Black-Box Simulation Extractable NIZKs in the Updatable CRS Model Karim Baghery and Mahdi Sedaghat. 2020. | |
174. | Plumo: An Ultralight Blockchain Client Psi Vesely and Kobi Gurkan and Michael Straka and Ariel Gabizon and Philipp Jovanovic and Georgios Konstantopoulos and Asa Oines and Marek Olszewski and and Eran Tromer. 2021. | |
175. | zk-Bench: A Toolset for Comparative Evaluation and Performance Benchmarking of SNARKs Jens Ernstberger and Stefanos Chaliasos and George Kadianakis and Sebastian Steinhorst and Philipp Jovanovic and Arthur Gervais and Benjamin Livshits and Michele Orrù. 2023. | |
176. | Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cross-Domains Without Trusted Setup Backes, Michael and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Herzberg, Amir and Kate, Aniket and Pryvalov, Ivan. 2019. | |
177. | Zero-Knowledge Succinct Arguments with a Linear-Time Prover Jonathan Bootle and Alessandro Chiesa and Siqi Liu. 2020. | |
178. | Practical Witness-Key-Agreement for Blockchain-based Dark Pools Financial Trading Ngo, Chan Nam and Massacci, Fabio and Kerschbaum, Florian and Williams, Julian. 2021. | |
179. | ZPiE: Zero-knowledge Proofs in Embedded systems Xavier Salleras and Vanesa Daza. 2021. | |
180. | Curve Trees: Practical and Transparent Zero-Knowledge Accumulators Matteo Campanelli and Mathias Hall-Andersen and Simon Holmgaard Kamp. 2022. | |
181. | Dew: Transparent Constant-sized {zkSNARKs} Arasu Arun and Chaya Ganesh and Satya Lokam and Tushar Mopuri and Sriram Sridhar. 2022. | |
182. | Mining for Privacy: How to Bootstrap a Snarky Blockchain Thomas Kerber and Aggelos Kiayias and Markulf Kohlweiss. 2020. | |
183. | Plumo: Towards Scalable Interoperable Blockchains Using Ultra Light Validation Systems Gabizon, Ariel and Gurkan, Kobi and Jovanovic, Philipp and Konstantopoulos, Georgios and Oines, Asa and Olszewski, Marek and Straka, Michael and Tromer, Eran. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
184. | Polynomial IOPs for Linear Algebra Relations Alan Szepieniec. 2020. | |
185. | Zeromorph: Zero-Knowledge Multilinear-Evaluation Proofs from Homomorphic Univariate Commitments Tohru Kohrita and Patrick Towa. 2023. | |
186. | Decentralized reputation Tassos Dimitriou. 2020. | |
187. | Bandersnatch: a fast elliptic curve built over the BLS12-381 scalar field Simon Masson and Antonio Sanso and Zhenfei Zhang. 2021. | |
188. | Scalable and privacy-preserving off-chain computations Eberhardt, Jacob. 2021. | |
189. | Sublonk: Sublinear prover plonk Choudhuri, Arka Rai and Garg, Sanjam and Goel, Aarushi and Sekar, Sruthi and Sinha, Rohit. 2024. | |
190. | {aPlonK} : Aggregated {PlonK} from Multi-Polynomial Commitment Schemes Miguel Ambrona and Marc Beunardeau and Anne-Laure Schmitt and Raphaël R. Toledo. 2022. | |
191. | Efficient Functional Commitments: How to Commit to Private Functions Dan Boneh and Wilson Nguyen and Alex Ozdemir. 2021. | |
192. | On Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments in Relativized Worlds Chen, Megan and Chiesa, Alessandro and Spooner, Nicholas. 2022. | |
193. | Succinct Zero Knowledge for Floating Point Computations Garg, Sanjam and Jain, Abhishek and Jin, Zhengzhong and Zhang, Yinuo. 2022. | |
194. | Testudo: Linear Time Prover SNARKs with Constant Size Proofs and Square Root Size Universal Setup Matteo Campanelli and Nicolas Gailly and Rosario Gennaro and Philipp Jovanovic and Mara Mihali and Justin Thaler. 2023. | |
195. | SublonK: Sublinear Prover PlonK Arka Rai Choudhuri and Sanjam Garg and Aarushi Goel and Sruthi Sekar and Rohit Sinha. 2023. | |
196. | Lookup Arguments: Improvements, Extensions and Applications to Zero-Knowledge Decision Trees Matteo Campanelli and Antonio Faonio and Dario Fiore and Tianyu Li and Helger Lipmaa. 2023. | |
197. | Composition with Knowledge Assumptions Thomas Kerber and Aggelos Kiayias and Markulf Kohlweiss. 2021. | |
198. | BooLigero: Improved Sublinear Zero Knowledge Proofs for Boolean Circuits Yaron Gvili and Sarah Scheffler and Mayank Varia. 2021. ![]() | |
199. | Reinforced Concrete: Fast Hash Function for Zero Knowledge Proofs and Verifiable Computation Barbara, Mario and Grassi, Lorenzo and Khovratovich, Dmitry and L\"uftenegger, Reinhard and Rechberger, Christian and Schofnegger, Markus and Walch, Roman. 2021. | |
200. | Improving logarithmic derivative lookups using GKR Shahar Papini and Ulrich Haböck. 2023. | |
201. | Algebraic Group Model with Oblivious Sampling Helger Lipmaa and Roberto Parisella and Janno Siim. 2023. | |
202. | Efficient Isogeny Proofs Using Generic Techniques Kelong Cong and Yi-Fu Lai and Shai Levin. 2023. | |
203. | Universally Composable NIZKs: Circuit-Succinct, Non-Malleable and CRS-Updatable Behzad Abdolmaleki and Noemi Glaeser and Sebastian Ramacher and Daniel Slamanig. 2023. | |
204. | Proposal: The Turbo-PLONK program syntax for specifying SNARK programs Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
205. | Revisiting cycles of pairing-friendly elliptic curves Marta Bellés-Muñoz and Jorge Jiménez Urroz and Javier Silva. 2022. | |
206. | Derecho: Privacy Pools with Proof-Carrying Disclosures Josh Beal and Ben Fisch. 2023. | |
207. | Dispute-free Scalable Open Vote Network using zk-SNARKs ElSheikh, Muhammad and Youssef, Amr M. 2022. | |
208. | Proofs of discrete logarithm equality across groups Melissa Chase and Michele Orrù and Trevor Perrin and Greg Zaverucha. 2022. | |
209. | Faster Subgroup Checks for BLS12-381 Bowe, Sean. 2019. | |
210. | Barriers for Succinct Arguments in the Random Oracle Model Alessandro Chiesa and Eylon Yogev. 2020. | |
211. | Manta: a Plug and Play Private DeFi Stack Shumo Chu and Yu Xia and Zhenfei Zhang. 2021. | |
212. | LURK: Lambda, the Ultimate Recursive Knowledge Amin, Nada and Burnham, John and Garillot, Fran\ccois and Gennaro, Rosario and Rogozin, Daniel and Wong, Cameron and others. 2023. | |
213. | MUXProofs: Succinct Arguments for Machine Computation from Tuple Lookups Zijing Di and Lucas Xia and Wilson Nguyen and Nirvan Tyagi. 2023. | |
214. | Verifiable state machines: Proofs that untrusted services operate correctly Srinath Setty and Sebastian Angel and Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
215. | fflonk: a Fast-Fourier inspired verifier efficient version of PlonK Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson. 2021. | |
216. | Folding Schemes with Selective Verification Carla Ràfols and Alexandros Zacharakis. 2022. | |
217. | cqlin: Efficient linear operations on {KZG} commitments with cached quotients Liam Eagen and Ariel Gabizon. 2023. | |
218. | SoK: Lifting Transformations for Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs⋆ Abdolmaleki, Behzad and Ramacher, Sebastian and Slamanig, Daniel. 2020. | |
219. | Towards Accountability in CRS Generation Ananth, Prabhanjan and Asharov, Gilad and Dahari, Hila and Goyal, Vipul. 2021. | |
220. | Aggregating hash-based signatures using STARKs Irakliy Khaburzaniya and Konstantinos Chalkias and Kevin Lewi and Harjasleen Malvai. 2021. | |
221. | CycloneNTT: An NTT/FFT Architecture Using Quasi-Streaming of Large Datasets on DDR- and HBM-based FPGA Platforms Kaveh Aasaraai and Emanuele Cesena and Rahul Maganti and Nicolas Stalder and Javier Varela and Kevin Bowers. 2022. | |
222. | VOProof: Efficient zkSNARKs from Vector Oracle Compilers Yuncong Zhang and Alan Szepieniec and Ren Zhang and Shi-Feng Sun and Geng Wang and Dawu Gu. 2021. | |
223. | Compositional Formal Verification of Zero-Knowledge Circuits Alessandro Coglio and Eric McCarthy and Eric Smith and Collin Chin and Pranav Gaddamadugu and Michel Dellepere. 2023. | |
224. | Proof-Carrying Data from Multi-folding Schemes Zibo Zhou and Zongyang Zhang and Jin Dong. 2023. | |
225. | Baby SNARK (do do dodo dodo) Andrew Miller and Ye Zhang and Sanket Kanjalkar. 2020. ![]() | |
226. | Publicly Verifiable Zero Knowledge from (Collapsing) Blockchains Scafuro, Alessandra and Siniscalchi, Luisa and Visconti, Ivan. 2020. | |
227. | Unifying Compilers for SNARKs, SMT, and More Alex Ozdemir and Fraser Brown and Riad S. Wahby. 2020. | |
228. | Formalizing Soundness Proofs of SNARKs Bolton Bailey and Andrew Miller. 2023. | |
229. | On Soundness Notions for Interactive Oracle Proofs Alexander R. Block and Albert Garreta and Pratyush Ranjan Tiwari and Michał Zając. 2023. | |
230. | Batching-Efficient {RAM} using Updatable Lookup Arguments Moumita Dutta and Chaya Ganesh and Sikhar Patranabis and Shubh Prakash and Nitin Singh. 2024. | |
231. | Community Proposal: A Benchmarking Framework for (Zero-Knowledge) Proof Systems Benarroch, Daniel and Nicolas, Aur\'elien and Thaler, Justin and Tromer, Eran. 2020. | |
232. | Unbounded Simulation-Sound Subversion Resistant Quasi-Adaptive NIZK Proofs and Applications to Modular zk-SNARKs Behzad Abdolmaleki and Daniel Slamanig. 2020. | |
233. | ZK-SecreC: a Domain-Specific Language for Zero Knowledge Proofs Bogdanov, Dan and J\"a\"ager, Joosep and Laud, Peeter and Nestra, H\"armel and Pettai, Martin and Randmets, Jaak and Sokk, Ville and Tali, Kert and Valdma, Sandhra-Mirella. 2022. | |
234. | Vortex : Building a Lattice-based SNARK scheme with Transparent Setup Alexandre Belling and Azam Soleimanian. 2022. | |
235. | UniPlonk: Plonk with Universal Verifier Shumo Chu and Brandon H. Gomes and Francisco Hernandez Iglesias and Todd Norton and Duncan Tebbs. 2023. | |
236. | Succinct Proofs and Linear Algebra Alex Evans and Guillermo Angeris. 2023. | |
237. | zkInterface, a standard tool for zero-knowledge interoperability Daniel Benarroch and Kobi Gurkan and Ron Kahat and Aurélien Nicolas 1 and Eran Tromer. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
238. | Succinct Diophantine-Satisfiability Arguments Patrick Towa and Damien Vergnaud. 2020. | |
239. | Succinct Publicly Verifiable Computation Alonso González and Alexandros Zacharakis. 2021. | |
240. | Latus Incentive Scheme: Enabling Decentralization in Blockchains based on Recursive SNARKs Alberto Garoffolo and Dmytro Kaidalov and Roman Oliynykov. 2021. | |
241. | Less is more: refinement proofs for probabilistic proofs Jiang, Kunming and Chait-Roth, Devora and DeStefano, Zachary and Walfish, Michael and Wies, Thomas. 2022. | |
242. | $\mu$Cash: Transparent Anonymous Transactions Liam Eagen. 2022. | |
243. | Scaling Zero-Knowledge to Verifiable Databases Derei, Tal and Aulenbach, Benjamin and Carolino, Victor and Geren, Caleb and Kaufman, Michael and Klein, Jonathan and Islam Shanto, Rishad and Korth, Henry F. 2023. | |
244. | The Arithmetic of Pairing-Based Proof Systems El Housni, Youssef. 2022. | |
245. | Simulation-Extractable {KZG} Polynomial Commitments and Applications to {HyperPlonk} Benoit Libert. 2024. | |
246. | Accelerating the PlonK zkSNARK Proving System using GPU Architectures Derei, Tal. 2023. | |
247. | RapidUp: Multi-domain permutation protocol for lookup tables Ardevol, H\'ector Masip and Mel\'e, Jordi Baylina and Lubarov, Daniel and Mu\~noz-Tapia, Jos\'e L. 2022. | |
248. | State of the Art in Verifiable Computation Khovratovich, Dmitry. 2018. | |
249. | Mapping finite state machines to zk-SNARKS Using Category Theory Genovese, Fabrizio and Knispel, Andre and Fitzgerald, Joshua. 2019. | |
250. | Starkad and Poseidon: New Hash Functions for Zero Knowledge Proof Systems. Grassi, Lorenzo and Kales, Daniel and Khovratovich, Dmitry and Roy, Arnab and Rechberger, Christian and Schofnegger, Markus. 2019. ![]() | |
251. | ZKProof Community Reference ZKProofStandards. 2019. | |
252. | Security of the Poseidon Hash Function Against Non-Binary Differential and Linear Attacks Kovalchuk, L and Oliynykov, R and Rodinko, M. 2021. | |
253. | State of the Art Report: Verified Computation Woodcock, Jim and Andersen, Mikkel Schimdt and Aranha, Diego F and Hallerstede, Stefan and Hansen, Simon Thrane and Jakobsen, Nikolaj Kuhne and Kulik, Tomas and Larsen, Peter Gorm and Macedo, Hugo Daniel and Martin, Carlos Ignacio Isasa and others. 2023. | |
254. | Field-Agnostic {SNARKs} from Expand-Accumulate Codes Alexander R. Block and Zhiyong Fang and Jonathan Katz and Justin Thaler and Hendrik Waldner and Yupeng Zhang. 2024. | |
255. | How (not) to simulate PLONK Sefranek, Marek. 2024. | |
256. | Practical Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Structured Reference Strings Maller, Mary. 2019. | |
257. | Plonkup scheme with multiple queries Alexandr Bulkin and Tim Dokchitser. 2023. | |
258. | A Subversion-Resistant SNARK Behzad Abdolmaleki and Karim Baghery and Helger Lipmaa and Michal Zajac. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
260. | ZoKrates - Scalable Privacy-Preserving Off-Chain Computations Jacob Eberhardt and Stefan Tai. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
261. | OCEAN: A Built-In Replacement for Mining Pools Raymond Chee and Kartik Chitturi and Edouard Dufour-Sans and Kyle Soska. 2019. | |
262. | Updatable CRS Simulation-Extractable zk-SNARKs with a Single Verification Kim, Jihye and Lee, Jiwon and Oh, Hyunok. 2019. | |
263. | On Privacy Preserving Blockchains and zk-SNARKs Atapoor, Shahla. 2019. | |
264. | Optimized Collision Search for STARK-Friendly Hash Challenge Candidates Udovenko, Aleksei. 2020. | |
265. | Efficient polynomial commitment schemes for multiple points and polynomials Dan Boneh and Justin Drake and Ben Fisch and Ariel Gabizon. 2020. | |
266. | zkRelay: Facilitating Sidechains using zkSNARK-based Chain-Relays Martin Westerkamp and Jacob Eberhardt. 2020. | |
267. | Fast, Private, Flexible Blockchain Contracts ZkVM Oleg Andreev and Bob Glickstein and Vicki Niu and Tess Rinearson and Debnil Sur and Cathie Yun. 2019. ![]() ![]() | |
268. | Smart Contract With Secret Parameters Thiercelin, Marin and Cheng, Chen-Mou and Miyaji, Atsuko and Vaudenay, Serge. 2020. | |
269. | TinyRAM Architecture Specification v2. 000 Chiesa, Eli Ben-Sasson Alessandro and Genkin, Daniel and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2020. | |
270. | A Simple Range Proof From Polynomial Commitments Dan Boneh and Ben Fisch and Ariel Gabizon and Zac Williamson. 2020. ![]() | |
271. | Groth16 SNARKs are Randomizable and (Weakly) Simulation Extractable Mikhail Volkhov and Markulf Kohlweiss. 2020. | |
272. | PayPlace: A Scalable Sidechain Protocol for Flexible Payment Mechanisms in Blockchain-based Marketplaces Harishankar, Madhumitha and Iyer, Sriram V and Laszka, Aron and Joe-Wong, Carlee and Tague, Patrick. 2020. | |
273. | DEEP-FRI: Sampling Outside the Box Improves Soundness Eli Ben-Sasson and Lior Goldberg and Swastik Kopparty and Shubhangi Saraf. 2019. ![]() | |
274. | Computation Verification for Noobs Riabzev, Michael and Ben-Sasson, Eli and Ishai, Yuval. 2019. | |
275. | zk-SNARKs Analysis and Implementation on Ethereum Ballesteros Rodr\'\iguez, Alberto. 2020. | |
276. | Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits Spooner, Nicholas. 2020. | |
277. | On Succinct Non-InteractiveZero-Knowledge Protocols UnderWeaker Trust Assumptions Behzad Abdolmaleki. 2020. | |
278. | Halo 0.9: A Halo Protocol with Fully-Succinctness Lira Wang. 2020. | |
279. | On (Weak) Simulation-Extractability of Universal zkSNARKs Markulf Kohlweiss and Michał Zając. 2021. | |
280. | ZK Contingent Payments for Trained Neural Networks Zhelei Zhou and Xinlei Cao and Jian Liu and Bingsheng Zhang and Kui Ren. 2021. | |
281. | Sn{\aa}rkl: Somewhat Practical, Pretty Much Declarative Verifiable Computing in Haskell Stewart, Gordon and Merten, Samuel and Leland, Logan. 2018. | |
282. | EdMSM: Multi-Scalar-Multiplication for recursive SNARKs and more Youssef EL Housni and Gautam Botrel. 2022. | |
283. | A zk-evm specification B\'egassat, Olivier and Belling, Alexandre and Chapuis-Chkaiban, Th\'eodore and Delehelle, Franklin and Kolad, Blazej and Liochon, Nicolas. 2022. | |
284. | CRS-Updatable Asymmetric Quasi-Adaptive NIZK Arguments Behzad Abdolmaleki and Daniel Slamanig. 2022. | |
285. | Improved SNARK Frontend for Highly Repetitive Computations Sriram Sridhar and Yinuo Zhang. 2023. | |
286. | SoK: Understanding zk-SNARKs: The Gap Between Research and Practice Liang, Junkai and Hu, Daqi and Wu, Pengfei and Yang, Yunbo and Shen, Qingni and Wu, Zhonghai. 2025. | |
287. | An optimization of the addition gate count in Plonkish circuits Thakur, Steve. 2023. | |
288. | On PlonK SNARK Ben\vc\'\ik, Benjam\'\in. 2024. | |
289. | Public inputs in PlonK’s permutation argument Gabizon, Ariel and Williamson, Zachary J. 2021. |