Papers (241)

1.Ethereum: a secure decentralised generalised transaction ledger Wood, Gavin. 2014.   
2.A next-generation smart contract and decentralized application platform Buterin, Vitalik. 2014.   
3.Blockchains and smart contracts for the internet of things Christidis, Konstantinos and Devetsikiotis, Michael. 2016.
4.Hyperledger fabric: a distributed operating system for permissioned blockchains Androulaki, Elli and Barger, Artem and Bortnikov, Vita and Cachin, Christian and Christidis, Konstantinos and De Caro, Angelo and Enyeart, David and Ferris, Christopher and Laventman, Gennady and Manevich, Yacov and Muralidharan, Srinivasan and Murthy, Chet and Nguyen, Binh and Sethi, Manish and Singh, Gari and Smith, Keith and Sorniotti, Alessandro and Stathakopoulou, Chrysoula and Vukolić, Marko and Weed Cocco, Sharon and Yellick, Jason. 2018.   
5.Hawk: The blockchain model of cryptography and privacy-preserving smart contracts Kosba, Ahmed and Miller, Andrew and Shi, Elaine and Wen, Zikai and Papamanthou, Charalampos. 2016.   
6.Formalizing and securing relationships on public networks Szabo, Nick. 1997.
7.Making smart contracts smarter Luu, Loi and Chu, Duc-Hiep and Olickel, Hrishi and Saxena, Prateek and Hobor, Aquinas. 2016.   
8.A survey of attacks on ethereum smart contracts (sok) Atzei, Nicola and Bartoletti, Massimo and Cimoli, Tiziana. 2017.   
9.Securify: Practical security analysis of smart contracts Tsankov, Petar and Dan, Andrei and Drachsler-Cohen, Dana and Gervais, Arthur and Buenzli, Florian and Vechev, Martin. 2018.   
10.Zeus: Analyzing safety of smart contracts Kalra, Sukrit and Goel, Seep and Dhawan, Mohan and Sharma, Subodh. 2018.   
11.Smartcheck: Static analysis of ethereum smart contracts Tikhomirov, Sergei and Voskresenskaya, Ekaterina and Ivanitskiy, Ivan and Takhaviev, Ramil and Marchenko, Evgeny and Alexandrov, Yaroslav. 2018.   
12.Town crier: An authenticated data feed for smart contracts Zhang, Fan and Cecchetti, Ethan and Croman, Kyle and Juels, Ari and Shi, Elaine. 2016.   
13.ContractFuzzer: fuzzing smart contracts for vulnerability detection Jiang, Bo and Liu, Ye and Chan, WK. 2018.
14.Formal verification of smart contracts: Short paper Bhargavan, Karthikeyan and Delignat-Lavaud, Antoine and Fournet, C\'edric and Gollamudi, Anitha and Gonthier, Georges and Kobeissi, Nadim and Kulatova, Natalia and Rastogi, Aseem and Sibut-Pinote, Thomas and Swamy, Nikhil and others. 2016.
15.Step by step towards creating a safe smart contract: Lessons and insights from a cryptocurrency lab Delmolino, Kevin and Arnett, Mitchell and Kosba, Ahmed and Miller, Andrew and Shi, Elaine. 2016.
16.Finding The Greedy, Prodigal, and Suicidal Contracts at Scale Nikolic, Ivica and Kolluri, Aashish and Sergey, Ilya and Saxena, Prateek and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018.
17.Slither: a static analysis framework for smart contracts Feist, Josselin and Grieco, Gustavo and Groce, Alex. 2019.   
18.An empirical analysis of smart contracts: platforms, applications, and design patterns Bartoletti, Massimo and Pompianu, Livio. 2017.
19.Ekiden: A Platform for Confidentiality-Preserving, Trustworthy, and Performant Smart Contracts Cheng, Raymond and Zhang, Fan and Kos, Jernej and He, Warren and Hynes, Nicholas and Johnson, Noah and Juels, Ari and Miller, Andrew and Song, Dawn. 2019.
20.Under-optimized smart contracts devour your money Chen, Ting and Li, Xiaoqi and Luo, Xiapu and Zhang, Xiaosong. 2017.
21.Smart contracts: security patterns in the ethereum ecosystem and solidity Wohrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe. 2018.
22.Madmax: Surviving out-of-gas conditions in ethereum smart contracts Grech, Neville and Kong, Michael and Jurisevic, Anton and Brent, Lexi and Scholz, Bernhard and Smaragdakis, Yannis. 2018.
23.Manticore: A User-Friendly Symbolic Execution Framework for Binaries and Smart Contracts Mossberg, Mark and Manzano, Felipe and Hennenfent, Eric and Groce, Alex and Grieco, Gustavo and Feist, Josselin and Brunson, Trent and Dinaburg, Artem. 2019.   
24.Zether: Towards Privacy in a Smart Contract World. B\"unz, Benedikt and Agrawal, Shashank and Zamani, Mahdi and Boneh, Dan. 2019.   
25.Arbitrum: scalable, private smart contracts Kalodner, Harry and Goldfeder, Steven and Chen, Xiaoqi and Weinberg, S Matthew and Felten, Edward W. 2018.   
26.Osiris: Hunting for integer bugs in ethereum smart contracts Torres, Christof Ferreira and Sch\"utte, Julian and others. 2018.
27.teether: Gnawing at ethereum to automatically exploit smart contracts Krupp, Johannes and Rossow, Christian. 2018.   
28.A Semantic Framework for the Security Analysis of Ethereum smart contracts Grishchenko, Ilya and Maffei, Matteo and Schneidewind, Clara. 2018.
29.Defining the ethereum virtual machine for interactive theorem provers Hirai, Yoichi. 2017.   
30.Vandal: A scalable security analysis framework for smart contracts Brent, Lexi and Jurisevic, Anton and Kong, Michael and Liu, Eric and Gauthier, Francois and Gramoli, Vincent and Holz, Ralph and Scholz, Bernhard. 2018.
31.Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks Rodler, Michael and Li, Wenting and Karame, Ghassan O and Davi, Lucas. 2018.   
32.Towards Verifying Ethereum Smart Contract Bytecode in Isabelle/HOL Amani, Sidney and B\'egel, Myriam and Bortin, Maksym and Staples, Mark. 2018.
33.VerX: Safety Verification of Smart Contracts Permenev, Anton and Dimitrov, Dimitar and Tsankov, Petar and Drachsler-Cohen, Dana and Vechev, Martin. 2019.
34.Designing secure Ethereum smart contracts: A finite state machine based approach Mavridou, Anastasia and Laszka, Aron. 2017.
35.Flash Boys 2.0: Frontrunning, Transaction Reordering, and Consensus Instability in Decentralized Exchanges Daian, Philip and Goldfeder, Steven and Kell, Tyler and Li, Yunqi and Zhao, Xueyuan and Bentov, Iddo and Breidenbach, Lorenz and Juels, Ari. 2019.  
36.SoK: Transparent Dishonesty: front-running attacks on Blockchain Eskandari, Shayan and Moosavi, Seyedehmahsa and Clark, Jeremy. 2019.
37.SCPKI: A smart contract-based PKI and identity system Al-Bassam, Mustafa. 2017.
38.Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart Contracts He, Jingxuan and Balunovi\'c, Mislav and Ambroladze, Nodar and Tsankov, Petar and Vechev, Martin. 2019.
39.Attacking the DeFi Ecosystem with Flash Loans for Fun and Profit Qin, Kaihua and Zhou, Liyi and Livshits, Benjamin and Gervais, Arthur. 2020.  
40.Zexe: Enabling decentralized private computation Bowe, S and Chiesa, A and Green, M and Miers, I and Mishra, P and Wu, H. 2018.   
41.The Art of The Scam: Demystifying Honeypots in Ethereum Smart Contracts Torres, Christof Ferreira and Steichen, Mathis. 2019.   
42.FairSwap: How to fairly exchange digital goods Dziembowski, Stefan and Eckey, Lisa and Faust, Sebastian. 2018.
43.Online detection of effectively callback free objects with applications to smart contracts Grossman, Shelly and Abraham, Ittai and Golan-Gueta, Guy and Michalevsky, Yan and Rinetzky, Noam and Sagiv, Mooly and Zohar, Yoni. 2017.
44.A survey of tools for analyzing ethereum smart contracts Di Angelo, Monika and Salzer, Gernot. 2019.
45.A scalable verification solution for blockchains Teutsch, Jason and Reitwie\ssner, Christian. 2017.
46.A Survey of Smart Contract Formal Specification and Verification Tolmach, Palina and Li, Yi and Lin, Shang-Wei and Liu, Yang and Li, Zengxiang. 2020.
47.Formal verification of smart contracts based on users and blockchain behaviors models Abdellatif, Tesnim and Brousmiche, Kei-L\'eo. 2018.
48.Harvey: A greybox fuzzer for smart contracts W\"ustholz, Valentin and Christakis, Maria. 2019.
49.Empirical Vulnerability Analysis of Automated Smart Contracts Security Testing on Blockchains Parizi, Reza M and Dehghantanha, Ali and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and Singh, Amritraj. 2018.
50.VeriSolid: Correct-by-Design Smart Contracts for Ethereum Mavridou, Anastasia and Laszka, Aron and Stachtiari, Emmanouela and Dubey, Abhishek. 2019.
51.Ethainter: A smart contract security analyzer for composite vulnerabilities Brent, Lexi and Grech, Neville and Lagouvardos, Sifis and Scholz, Bernhard and Smaragdakis, Yannis. 2020.
52.VeriSmart: A Highly Precise Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts So, Sunbeom and Lee, Myungho and Park, Jisu and Lee, Heejo and Oh, Hakjoo. 2019.
53.Proof-of-Work Sidechains Kiayias, Aggelos and Zindros, Dionysis. 2018.
54.EthIR: A Framework for High-Level Analysis of Ethereum Bytecode Albert, Elvira and Gordillo, Pablo and Livshits, Benjamin and Rubio, Albert and Sergey, Ilya. 2018.
55.A concurrent perspective on smart contracts Sergey, Ilya and Hobor, Aquinas. 2017.
56.eThor: Practical and Provably Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Schneidewind, Clara and Grishchenko, Ilya and Scherer, Markus and Maffei, Matteo. 2020.
57.Setting standards for altering and undoing smart contracts Marino, Bill and Juels, Ari. 2016.
58.solc-verify: A Modular Verifier for Solidity Smart Contracts Hajdu, \'Akos and Jovanovi\'c, Dejan. 2019.
59.Erays: Reverse engineering ethereum’s opaque smart contracts Zhou, Yi and Kumar, Deepak and Bakshi, Surya and Mason, Joshua and Miller, Andrew and Bailey, Michael. 2018.
60.GASOL: Gas Analysis and Optimization for Ethereum Smart Contracts Albert, Elvira and Correas, Jes\'us and Gordillo, Pablo and Rom\'an-D\'\iez, Guillermo and Rubio, Albert. 2019.
61.Validation of decentralised smart contracts through game theory and formal methods Bigi, Giancarlo and Bracciali, Andrea and Meacci, Giovanni and Tuosto, Emilio. 2015.
62.Exploiting the laws of order in smart contracts Kolluri, Aashish and Nikolic, Ivica and Sergey, Ilya and Hobor, Aquinas and Saxena, Prateek. 2019.
63.FastKitten: Practical Smart Contracts on Bitcoin Das, Poulami and Eckey, Lisa and Frassetto, Tommaso and Gens, David and Host\'akov\'a, Kristina and Jauernig, Patrick and Faust, Sebastian and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza. 2019.
64.A Comprehensive Survey on Smart Contract Construction and Execution: Paradigms, Tools and Systems Hu, Bin and Zhang, Zongyang and Liu, Jianwei and Liu, Yizhong and Yin, Jiayuan and Lu, Rongxing and Lin, Xiaodong. 2020.
65.A formal verification tool for Ethereum VM Bytecode Park, Daejun and Zhang, Yi and Saxena, Manasvi and Daian, Philip and Ro\csu, Grigore. 2018.
66.uPort open-source identity management system: An assessment of self-sovereign identity and user-centric data platform built on blockchain Naik, Nitin and Jenkins, Paul. 2020.
67.CONFUZZIUS: A Data Dependency-Aware Hybrid Fuzzer for Smart Contracts Ferreira Torres, Christof and Iannillo, Antonio Ken and Gervais, Arthur and others. 2021.
68.Safer smart contract programming with Scilla Sergey, Ilya and Nagaraj, Vaivaswatha and Johannsen, Jacob and Kumar, Amrit and Trunov, Anton and Hao, Ken Chan Guan. 2019.
69.Smart contracts for bribing miners McCorry, Patrick and Hicks, Alexander and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2018.
70.0x: An open protocol for decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain Warren, Will and Bandeali, Amir. 2017.
71.Enter the Hydra: Towards Principled Bug Bounties and Exploit-Resistant Smart Contracts Breidenbach, Lorenz and Cornell Tech, IC and Daian, Philip and Tramer, Florian and Juels, Ari. 2018.   
72.Scilla: a Smart Contract Intermediate-Level LAnguage Sergey, Ilya and Kumar, Amrit and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018.   
73.Model-Checking of Smart Contracts Nehai, Zeinab and Piriou, Pierre-Yves and Daumas, Frederic. 2018.
74.Simplicity: A new language for blockchains O'Connor, Russell. 2017.
75.Towards safer smart contracts: A survey of languages and verification methods Harz, Dominik and Knottenbelt, William. 2018.
76.zkay: Specifying and Enforcing Data Privacy in Smart Contracts Steffen, Samuel and Bichsel, Benjamin and Gersbach, Mario and Melchior, Noa and Tsankov, Petar and Vechev, Martin. 2019.
77.SAILFISH: Vetting Smart Contract State-Inconsistency Bugs in Seconds Bose, Priyanka and Das, Dipanjan and Chen, Yanju and Feng, Yu and Kruegel, Christopher and Vigna, Giovanni. 2021.
78.M{\"o}bius: Trustless Tumbling for Transaction Privacy Sarah Meiklejohn and Rebekah Mercer. 2017.
79.KEVM: A Complete Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine Hildenbrandt, Everett and Saxena, Manasvi and Zhu, Xiaoran and Rodrigues, Nishant and Daian, Philip and Guth, Dwight and Rosu, Grigore. 2017.   
80.SoK: unraveling Bitcoin smart contracts Nicola Atzei and Massimo Bartoletti and Tiziana Cimoli and Stefano Lande and Roberto Zunino. 2018.
81.BitML: a calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts Massimo Bartoletti and Roberto Zunino. 2018.
82.Smt-based verification of solidity smart contracts Alt, Leonardo and Reitwiessner, Christian. 2018.
83.Bitcoin covenants M\"oser, Malte and Eyal, Ittay and Sirer, Emin G\"un. 2016.
84.Analyzing Ethereum's Contract Topology Kiffer, Lucianna and Levin, Dave and Mislove, Alan. 2018.
85.Broken Metre: Attacking Resource Metering in EVM Daniel Perez and Benjamin Livshits. 2019.
86.Findel: Secure derivative contracts for Ethereum Biryukov, Alex and Khovratovich, Dmitry and Tikhomirov, Sergei. 2017.  
87.ZeeStar: Private Smart Contracts by Homomorphic Encryption and Zero-knowledge Proofs Steffen, Samuel and Bichsel, Benjamin and Baumgartner, Roger and Vechev, Martin. 2022.
88.Ethereum smart contracts: Security vulnerabilities and security tools Dika, Ardit. 2017.
89.OptiSwap: Fast Optimistic Fair Exchange Lisa Eckey and Sebastian Faust and Benjamin Schlosser. 2019.
90.Smart contracts make bitcoin mining pools vulnerable Velner, Yaron and Teutsch, Jason and Luu, Loi. 2017.
91.Raziel: private and verifiable smart contracts on blockchains S\'anchez, David Cerezo. 2018.
92.Clockwork Finance: Automated Analysis of Economic Security in Smart Contracts Kushal Babel and Philip Daian and Mahimna Kelkar and Ari Juels. 2021.
93.Vyper: A Security Comparison with Solidity Based on Common Vulnerabilities Kaleem, Mudabbir and Laszka, Aron. 2020.
94.Porosity: A decompiler for blockchain-based smart contracts bytecode Suiche, Matt. 2017.
95.SmartPulse: Automated Checking of Temporal Properties in Smart Contracts Stephens, Jon and Ferles, Kostas and Mariano, Benjamin and Lahiri, Shuvendu and Dillig, Isil. 2021.  
96.EtherTrust: Sound static analysis of ethereum bytecode Grishchenko, Ilya and Maffei, Matteo and Schneidewind, Clara. 2018.
97.Monitoring smart contracts: Contractlarva and open challenges beyond Azzopardi, Shaun and Ellul, Joshua and Pace, Gordon J. 2018.
98.A Formal Specification Smart-Contract Language For Legally Binding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations Dwivedi, Vimal and Norta, Alex and Wulf, Alexander and Leiding, Benjamin and Saxena, Sandeep and Udokwu, Chibuzor. 2021.
99.Precise Attack Synthesis for Smart Contracts Feng, Yu and Torlak, Emina and Bodik, Rastislav. 2019.
100.Domain Specific Language for Smart Contract Development W\"ohrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe. 2020.
101.Demystifying Exploitable Bugs in Smart Contracts Zhang, Zhuo and Zhang, Brian and Xu, Wen and Lin, Zhiqiang. 2023.
102.ConCert: A Smart Contract Certification Framework in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020.
103.ConCert: a smart contract certification framework in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020.
104.Marlowe: Financial contracts on blockchain Seijas, Pablo Lamela and Thompson, Simon. 2018.   
105.EtherSolve: Computing an Accurate Control-Flow Graph from Ethereum Bytecode Contro, Filippo and Crosara, Marco and Ceccato, Mariano and Preda, Mila Dalla. 2021.
106.Formal Specification and Verification of Smart Contracts for Azure Blockchain Lahiri, Shuvendu K and Chen, Shuo and Wang, Yuepeng and Dillig, Isil. 2018.
107.Kachina--Foundations of Private Smart Contracts Kerber, Thomas and Kiayias, Aggelos and Kohlweiss, Markulf. 2020.  
108.The Eye of Horus: Spotting and Analyzing Attacks on Ethereum Smart Contracts Christof Ferreira Torres and Antonio Ken Iannillo and Arthur Gervais and Radu State. 2021.
109.Deviant: A Mutation Testing Tool for Solidity Smart Contracts Chapman, Patrick. 2019.
110.Practical Smart Contract Sharding with Ownership and Commutativity Analysis P\^\irlea, George and Kumar, Amrit and Sergey, Ilya. 2021.
111.MPro: Combining Static and Symbolic Analysis for Scalable Testing of Smart Contract Zhang, William and Banescu, Sebastian and Pasos, Leodardo and Stewart, Steven and Ganesh, Vijay. 2019.
112.Constant-deposit multiparty lotteries on Bitcoin Bartoletti, Massimo and Zunino, Roberto. 2017.
113.Smart contracts and opportunities for formal methods Miller, Andrew and Cai, Zhicheng and Jha, Somesh. 2018.
114.Why Do Smart Contracts Self-Destruct? Investigating the Selfdestruct Function on Ethereum Chen, Jiachi and Xia, Xin and Lo, David and Grundy, John. 2020.
115.Formal Analysis of Composable DeFi Protocols Tolmach, Palina and Li, Yi and Lin, Shang-Wei and Liu, Yang. 2021.
116.What are the Actual Flaws in Important Smart Contracts (and How Can We Find Them)? Groce, Alex and Feist, Josselin and Grieco, Gustavo and Colburn, Michael. 2019.
117.UTxO-vs account-based smart contract blockchain programming paradigms Brunjes, Lars and Gabbay, Murdoch J. 2020.
118.Replicated state machines without replicated execution Lee, Jonathan and Nikitin, Kirill and Setty, Srinath. 2020.
119.Block-STM: Scaling Blockchain Execution by Turning Ordering Curse to a Performance Blessing Gelashvili, Rati and Spiegelman, Alexander and Xiang, Zhuolun and Danezis, George and Li, Zekun and Xia, Yu and Zhou, Runtian and Malkhi, Dahlia. 2022.
120.On the specification and verification of atomic swap smart contracts⋆ van der Meyden, Ron. 2018.
121.SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts Albert, Elvira and Correas, Jes\'us and Gordillo, Pablo and Rom\'an-D\'\iez, Guillermo and Rubio, Albert. 2019.
122.Compositional Security for Reentrant Applications Cecchetti, Ethan and Yao, Siqiu and Ni, Haobin and Myers, Andrew C. 2021.
123.Finding Consensus Bugs in Ethereum via Multi-transaction Differential Fuzzing Yang, Youngseok and Kim, Taesoo and Chun, Byung-Gon. 2021.
124.TEX - A Securely Scalable Trustless Exchange Rami Khalil and Arthur Gervais and Guillaume Felley. 2019.
125.smartFHE: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts from Fully Homomorphic Encryption Ravital Solomon and Ghada Almashaqbeh. 2021.
126.Verifying liquidity of Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Zunino, Roberto. 2018.
127.Practical Mutation Testing for Smart Contracts Honig, Joran J and Everts, Maarten H and Huisman, Marieke. 2019.
128.Mi-Cho-Coq, a framework for certifying Tezos Smart Contracts Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Hu, Zhenlei and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2019.   
129.Temporal Properties of Smart Contracts Sergey, Ilya and Kumar, Amrit and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018.
130.Developing secure Bitcoin contracts with BitML Atzei, Nicola and Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Yoshida, Nobuko and Zunino, Roberto. 2019.
131.VERI-ZEXE: Decentralized private computation with universal setup Xiong, Alex Luoyuan and Chen, Binyi and Zhang, Zhenfei and B\"unz, Benedikt and Fisch, Ben and Krell, Fernando and Camacho, Philippe. 2022.
132.LazyLedger: A Distributed Data Availability Ledger With Client-Side Smart Contracts Al-Bassam, Mustafa. 2019.
133.Enhancing Bitcoin transactions with covenants O’Connor, Russell and Piekarska, Marta. 2017.
134.A minimal core calculus for Solidity contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Galletta, Letterio and Murgia, Maurizio. 2019.
135.A minimal core calculus for Solidity contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Galletta, Letterio and Murgia, Maurizio. 2019.
136.Contracts over Smart Contracts: Recovering from Violations Dynamically Colombo, Christian and Ellul, Joshua and Pace, Gordon J. 2018.
137.Towards a Smart Contract-based, Decentralized, Public-Key Infrastructure Patsonakis, Christos and Samari, Katerina and Roussopoulos, Mema and Kiayias, Aggelos. 2017.
138.zkHawk: Practical Private Smart Contracts from MPC-based Hawk Aritra Banerjee and Michael Clear and Hitesh Tewari. 2021.
139.Sui Lutris: A Blockchain Combining Broadcast and Consensus Blackshear, Sam and Chursin, Andrey and Danezis, George and Kichidis, Anastasios and Kokoris-Kogias, Lefteris and Li, Xun and Logan, Mark and Menon, Ashok and Nowacki, Todd and Sonnino, Alberto and others. 2023.
140.Elipmoc: Advanced Decompilation of Ethereum Smart Contracts GRECH, NEVILLE and LAGOUVARDOS, SIFIS and TSATIRIS, ILIAS and SMARAGDAKIS, YANNIS. 2022.
141.Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts Carsten Baum and James Hsin-yu Chiang and Bernardo David and Tore Kasper Frederiksen. 2022.
142.Beigepaper: An Ethereum Technical Specification Dameron, Micah. 2017.
143.Prism Removes Consensus Bottleneck for Smart Contracts Wang, Gerui and Wang, Shuo and Bagaria, Vivek and Tse, David and Viswanath, Pramod. 2020.
144.Verifiable computing applications in blockchain \vSimuni\'c, Silvio and Bernaca, Dalen and Lenac, Kristijan. 2021.
145.Smart Contract modeling and verification techniques: A survey Imeri, Adnan and Agoulmine, Nazim and Khadraoui, Djamel. 2020.
146.Loopring: A decentralized token exchange protocol Wang, Daniel and Zhou, Jay and Wang, Alex and Finestone, Matthew. 2018.  
147.Lower Bounds for Off-Chain Protocols: Exploring the Limits of Plasma Stefan Dziembowski and Grzegorz Fabiański and Sebastian Faust and Siavash Riahi. 2020.
148.Smart Contract Interactions in Coq Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2019.
149.Extracting Smart Contracts Tested and Verified in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Milo, Mikkel and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020.
150.Don’t Run on Fumes—Parametric Gas Bounds for Smart Contracts Alberta, Elvira and Correasb, Jes\'us and Gordillob, Pablo and Rom\'an-D\iezc, Guillermo and Rubioa, Albert. 2021.
151.Rich specifications for Ethereum smart contract verification Br\"am, Christian and Eilers, Marco and M\"uller, Peter and Sierra, Robin and Summers, Alexander J. 2021.
152.Fun with Bitcoin smart contracts Massimo Bartoletti and Tiziana Cimoli and Roberto Zunino. 2018.
153.EthScope: A Transaction-centric Security Analytics Framework to Detect Malicious Smart Contracts on Ethereum Wu, Lei and Wu, Siwei and Zhou, Yajin and Li, Runhuai and Wang, Zhi and Luo, Xiapu and Wang, Cong and Ren, Kui. 2020.
154.A Gas-Efficient Superlight Bitcoin Client in Solidity Stelios Daveas and Kostis Karantias and Aggelos Kiayias and Dionysis Zindros. 2020.  
155.Proof-Carrying Smart Contracts Dickerson, Thomas and Gazzillo, Paul and Herlihy, Maurice and Saraph, Vikram and Koskinen, Eric. 2018.
156.Albert, an intermediate smart-contract language for the Tezos blockchain Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2020.
157.Termination of Ethereum's Smart Contracts Genet, Thomas and Jensen, Thomas and Sauvage, Justine. 2020.
158.OptSmart: A Space Efficient Optimistic Concurrent Execution of Smart Contracts Anjana, Parwat Singh and Kumari, Sweta and Peri, Sathya and Rathor, Sachin and Somani, Archit. 2021.
159.Keeping Time-Release Secrets through Smart Contracts Jianting Ning and Hung Dang and Ruomu Hou and Ee-Chien Chang. 2018.
160.Formalising and verifying smart contracts with Solidifier: a bounded model checker for Solidity Antonino, Pedro and Roscoe, AW. 2020.
161.A formal model of Algorand smart contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Bracciali, Andrea and Lepore, Cristian and Scalas, Alceste and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
162.Assessing Smart Contracts Security Technical Debts Ahmadjee, Sabreen and Mera-G\'omez, Carlos and Bahsoon, Rami. 2021.
163.Smartanvil: Open-source tool suite for smart contract analysis Ducasse, St\'ephane and Rocha, Henrique and Bragagnolo, Santiago and Denker, Marcus and Francomme, Cl\'ement. 2019.
164.SodsMPC: FSM based Anonymous and Private Quantum-safe Smart Contracts Shlomi Dolev and Ziyu Wang. 2020.
165.SodsMPC: FSM based Anonymous and Private Quantum-safe Smart Contracts Shlomi Dolev and Ziyu Wang. 2020.
166.How Do Smart Contracts Benefit Security Protocols? Li, Rujia and Wang, Qin and Wang, Qi and Galindo, David. 2022.
167.Self-reproducing coins as universal turing machine Chepurnoy, Alexander and Kharin, Vasily and Meshkov, Dmitry. 2018.
168.Unraveling recursion: compiling an IR with recursion to system F Jones, Michael Peyton and Gkoumas, Vasilis and Kireev, Roman and MacKenzie, Kenneth and Nester, Chad and Wadler, Philip. 2019.
169.WIP: Finding Bugs Automatically in Smart Contracts with Parameterized Invariants Bernardi, Thomas and Dor, Nurit and Fedotov, Anastasia and Grossman, Shelly and Immerman, Neil and Jackson, Daniel and Nutz, Alex and Oppenheim, Lior and Pistiner, Or and Rinetzky, Noam and others. 2020.
170.The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Pitfalls and Best Practices in Automated Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Schneidewind, Clara and Scherer, Markus and Maffei, Matteo. 2020.
171.Temporal aspects of smart contracts for financial derivatives Clack, Christopher D and Vanca, Gabriel. 2018.
172.Threshold Signatures in the Multiverse Leemon Baird and Sanjam Garg and Abhishek Jain and Pratyay Mukherjee and Rohit Sinha and Mingyuan Wang and Yinuo Zhang. 2023.
173.Smart Contract Derivatives Kostis Karantias and Aggelos Kiayias and Dionysis Zindros. 2020.
174.Resources: A Safe Language Abstraction for Money Blackshear, Sam and Dill, David L and Qadeer, Shaz and Barrett, Clark W and Mitchell, John C and Padon, Oded and Zohar, Yoni. 2020.
175.Functional blockchain contracts Chakravarty, Manuel and Kireev, Roman and MacKenzie, Kenneth and McHale, Vanessa and M\"uller, Jann and Nemish, Alexander and Nester, Chad and Jones, Michael Peyton and Thompsona, Simon and Valentine, Rebecca and others. 2019.  
176.Bitcoin covenants unchained Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
177.Tezla, an Intermediate Representation for Static Analysis of Michelson Smart Contracts Santos Reis, Jo\~ao and Crocker, Paul and Melo de Sousa, Sim\~ao. 2020.
178.Making Tezos Smart Contracts More Reliable with Coq Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Claret, Guillaume and Jakobsson, Arvid and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2020.
179.HoRStify: Sound Security Analysis of Smart Contracts Holler, Sebastian and Biewer, Sebastian and Schneidewind, Clara. 2023.
180.Formal Verification of Solidity contracts in Event-B Zhu, Jian and Hu, Kai and Filali, Mamoun and Bodeveix, Jean-Paul and Talpin, Jean-Pierre. 2020.
181.Towards declarative smart contracts Purnell, Kevin and Schwitter, Rolf. 2019.
182.Bypassing Non-Outsourceable Proof-of-Work Schemes Using Collateralized Smart Contracts Alexander Chepurnoy and Amitabh Saxena. 2020.
183.Secret Network: A Privacy-Preserving Secret Contract \& Decentralized Application Platform Woetzel, Carter. 2021.
184.PESCA: A Privacy-Enhancing Smart-Contract Architecture Wei Dai. 2022.
185.SoK: Privacy-Preserving Smart Contract Huayi Qi and Minghui Xu and Dongxiao Yu and Xiuzhen Cheng. 2023.
186.WhylSon: Proving your Michelson Smart Contracts in Why3 da Horta, Lu\'\is Pedro Arrojado and Reis, Jo\~ao Santos and Pereira, M\'ario and de Sousa, Sim\~ao Melo. 2020.  
187.An Alternative Paradigm for Developing and Pricing Storage on Smart Contract Platforms Patsonakis, Christos and Roussopoulos, Mema. 2019.
188.Formal Specification and Verification of Solidity Contracts with Events Hajdu, Akos and Jovanovic, Dejan and Ciocarlie, Gabriela. 2020.
189.Towards Smart Hybrid Fuzzing for Smart Contracts Torres, Christof Ferreira and Iannillo, Antonio Ken and Gervais, Arthur and State, Radu. 2020.
190.Beyond the Blockchain Address: Zero-Knowledge Address Abstraction Sanghyeon Park and Jeong Hyuk Lee and Seunghwa Lee and Jung Hyun Chun and Hyeonmyeong Cho and MinGi Kim and Hyun Ki Cho and Soo-Mook Moon. 2023.
191.Renegotiation and recursion in Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Murgia, Maurizio and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
192.PriFHEte: Achieving Full-Privacy in Account-based Cryptocurrencies is Possible Varun Madathil and Alessandra Scafuro. 2023.
193.Bitcontracts: Adding Expressive Smart Contracts to Legacy Cryptocurrencies Karl Wüst and Loris Diana and Kari Kostiainen and Ghassan Karame and Sinisa Matetic and Srdjan Capkun. 2019.
194.Running on Fumes Albert, Elvira and Gordillo, Pablo and Rubio, Albert and Sergey, Ilya. 2019.
195.A Smart Contract Refereed Data Retrieval Protocol with a Provably Low Collateral Requirement James Shook and Scott Simon and Peter Mell. 2019.
196.Ethna: Channel Network with Dynamic Internal Payment Splitting Stefan Dziembowski and Paweł Kędzior. 2020.
197.Smart Derivatives: On-Chain Forwards for Digital Assets Rius, Alfonso DDM and Gashier, Eamonn. 2020.
198.Smart Proofs via Smart Contracts: Succinct and Informative Mathematical Derivations via Decentralized Markets Carr\'e, Sylvain and Gabriel, Franck and Hongler, Cl\'ement and Lacerda, Gustavo and Capano, Gloria. 2021.
199.On-Chain Smart Contract Verification over Tendermint⋆ Olivieri, Luca and Spoto, Fausto and Tagliaferro, Fabio. 2021.
200.Etherless Ethereum Tokens: Simulating Native Tokens in Ethereum John Andrews and Michele Ciampi and Vassilis Zikas. 2021.
201.Translation Certification for Smart Contracts Krijnen, Jacco and Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Keller, Gabriele and Swierstra, Wouter. 2021.
202.A specification for a ZK-EVM B\'egassat, Olivier and Belling, Alexandre and Chapuis-Chkaiban, Th\'eodore and Liochon, Nicolas. 2021.
203.Babel Fees via Limited Liabilities Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Karayannidis, Nikos and Kiayias, Aggelos and Jones, Michael Peyton and Vinogradova, Polina. 2021.   
204.The Rush Dilemma: Attacking and Repairing Smart Contracts on Forking Blockchains Vincenzo Botta and Daniele Friolo and Daniele Venturi and Ivan Visconti. 2019.
205.Elysium: Automagically Healing Vulnerable Smart Contracts Using Context-Aware Patching Torres, Christof Ferreira and Jonker, Hugo and State, Radu. 2021.
206.Formal specification of a security framework for smart contracts Mandrykin, Mikhail and O'Shannessy, Jake and Payne, Jacob and Shchepetkov, Ilya. 2020.
207.Compiling a Higher-Order Smart Contract Language to LLVM Nagaraj, Vaivaswatha and Johannsen, Jacob and Trunov, Anton and P\^\irlea, George and Kumar, Amrit and Sergey, Ilya. 2020.
208.Contractvm: decentralized applications on Bitcoin Bartoletti, Massimo and Gessa, Davide and Podda, Alessandro Sebastian. 2018.
209.Obsidian: a safer blockchain programming language Coblenz, Michael. 2017.
210.Executable Operational Semantics of Solidity Jiao, Jiao and Kan, Shuanglong and Lin, Shang-Wei and Sanan, David and Liu, Yang and Sun, Jun. 2018.
211.GASTAP: A Gas Analyzer for Smart Contracts Albert, Elvira and Gordillo, Pablo and Rubio, Albert and Sergey, Ilya. 2018.
212.Formal verification of Deed contract in Ethereum name service Hirai, Yoichi. 2016.   
213.Pay-To-Win: Incentive Attacks on Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrencies Aljosha Judmayer and Nicholas Stifter and Alexei Zamyatin and Itay Tsabary and Ittay Eyal and Peter Gazi and Sarah Meiklejohn and Edgar Weippl. 2019.
214.Proofs-of-delay and randomness beacons in ethereum B\"unz, Benedikt and Goldfeder, Steven and Bonneau, Joseph. 2017.
215.ACE: Asynchronous and Concurrent Execution of Complex Smart Contracts Karl Wüst and Sinisa Matetic and Silvan Egli and Kari Kostiainen and Srdjan Capkun. 2019.
216.IELE: a rigorously designed language and tool ecosystem for the blockchain Kasampalis, Theodoros and Guth, Dwight and Moore, Brandon and Șerb\uanuț\ua, Traian Florin and Zhang, Yi and Filaretti, Daniele and Șerb\uanuț\ua, Virgil and Johnson, Ralph and Ro\csu, Grigore. 2019.   
217.Gas limit aware mutation testing of smart contracts at scale Hartel, Pieter and Schumi, Richard. 2019.
218.Smashing ethereum smart contracts for fun and real profit Mueller, Bernhard. 2018.   
219.WaterCarver: Anonymous Confidential Blockchain System based on Account Model Jiajun Xin and Pei Huang and Lei Chen and Xin Lai and Xiao Zhang and Wulu Li and Yongcan Wang. 2019.
220.Verifiable Computation using Smart Contracts Avizheh, Sepideh and Nabi, Mahmudun and Safavi-Naini, Reihaneh and Venkateswarlu K, Muni. 2019.
221.{\AE}GIS: Smart Shielding of Smart Contracts Ferreira Torres, Christof and Baden, Mathis and Norvill, Robert and Jonker, Hugo. 2019.
222.Reparo: Publicly Verifiable Layer to Repair Blockchains Thyagarajan, Sri Aravinda Krishnan and Bhat, Adithya and Magri, Bernardo and Tschudi, Daniel and Kate, Aniket. 2020.
223."Many-out-of-Many" Proofs with Applications to Anonymous Zether Benjamin E. Diamond. 2020.
224.Fast, Private, Flexible Blockchain Contracts ZkVM Oleg Andreev and Bob Glickstein and Vicki Niu and Tess Rinearson and Debnil Sur and Cathie Yun. 2019.   
225.Implementing a Smart Contract PKI Patsonakis, Christos and Samari, Katerina and Kiayias, Aggelos and Roussopoulos, Mema. 2020.
226.Smart Contract With Secret Parameters Thiercelin, Marin and Cheng, Chen-Mou and Miyaji, Atsuko and Vaudenay, Serge. 2020.
227.Stablecoins 2.0: Economic Foundations and Risk-based Models Ariah Klages-Mundt and Dominik Harz and Lewis Gudgeon and Jun-You Liu and Andreea Minca. 2020.
228.An Empirical Study of Ownership, Typestate, and Assets in the Obsidian Smart Contract Language Coblenz, Michael and Aldrich, Jonathan and Sunshine, Joshua and Myers, Brad. 2020.
229.GasMet: Profiling Gas Leaks in the Deployment of Solidity Smart Contracts Canfora, Gerardo and Di Sorbo, Andrea and Laudanna, Sonia and Vacca, Anna and Visaggio, Corrado A. 2020.
230.Smart Contract Languages: A Thorough Comparison Gramlich, Benjamin. 2020.
231.Formal Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts Using Isabelle/HOL Ribeiro, Maria and Adao, Pedro and Mateus, Paulo. 2020.
232.Ethereum Smart Contracts Optimization Margherita Renieri. 2020.
233.Verification of recursive Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Murgia, Maurizio and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
234.Functional Verification of Smart Contracts via Strong Data Integrity Ahrendt, Wolfgang and Bubel, Richard. 2020.
235.Specifying Framing Conditions for Smart Contracts Beckert, Bernhard and Schiffl, Jonas. 2020.
236.A tool for proving Michelson Smart Contracts in WHY3 da Horta, Lu\'\is Pedro Arrojado and Reis, Jo\~ao Santos and de Sousa, Sim\~ao Melo and Pereira, M\'ario. 2020.
237.Revisiting the Liquidity/Risk Trade-Off with Smart Contracts (Short Paper) Danos, Vincent and Krivine, Jean and Prat, Julien. 2021.
238.EthVer: Formal verification of randomized Ethereum smart contracts Mazurek, \Lukasz. 2021.
239.Property-based testing of ERC-721 Ethereum smart contracts de Figueiredo Novo, Isac Daniel. 2021.
240.The cost of immortality: A Time To Live for smart contracts Saingre, Dimitri and Ledoux, Thomas and Menaud, Jean-Marc. 2021.
241.Side Contract Commitment Attacks on Blockchains Landis, Daji and Schwartzbach, Nikolaj I.. 2023.
