Papers (25)

1.Enigma: Decentralized computation platform with guaranteed privacy Zyskind, Guy and Nathan, Oz and Pentland, Alex. 2015.   
2.Secure multiparty computations on bitcoin Andrychowicz, Marcin and Dziembowski, Stefan and Malinowski, Daniel and Mazurek, Lukasz. 2014.
3.How to use Bitcoin to design fair protocols Bentov, Iddo and Kumaresan, Ranjit. 2014.
4.Fair two-party computations via bitcoin deposits Andrychowicz, Marcin and Dziembowski, Stefan and Malinowski, Daniel and Mazurek, Lukasz. 2014.
5.Scalable Multi-party Computation for zk-SNARK Parameters in the Random Beacon Model Sean Bowe and Ariel Gabizon and Ian Miers. 2017.
6.How to use bitcoin to play decentralized poker Kumaresan, Ranjit and Moran, Tal and Bentov, Iddo. 2015.
7.YOSO: You Only Speak Once / Secure MPC with Stateless Ephemeral Roles Craig Gentry and Shai Halevi and Hugo Krawczyk and Bernardo Magri and Jesper Buus Nielsen and Tal Rabin and Sophia Yakoubov. 2021.
8.Fluid MPC: Secure Multiparty Computation with Dynamic Participants Arka Rai Choudhuri and Aarushi Goel and Matthew Green and Abhishek Jain and Gabriel Kaptchuk. 2020.
9.zkHawk: Practical Private Smart Contracts from MPC-based Hawk Aritra Banerjee and Michael Clear and Hitesh Tewari. 2021.
10.Round-Efficient Byzantine Agreement and Multi-Party Computation with Asynchronous Fallback Giovanni Deligios and Martin Hirt and Chen-Da Liu-Zhang. 2021.
11.Eagle: Efficient Privacy Preserving Smart Contracts Carsten Baum and James Hsin-yu Chiang and Bernardo David and Tore Kasper Frederiksen. 2022.
12.Verifiable computing applications in blockchain \vSimuni\'c, Silvio and Bernaca, Dalen and Lenac, Kristijan. 2021.
13.Formal security analysis of MPC-in-the-head zero-knowledge protocols Nikolaj Sidorenco and Sabine Oechsner and Bas Spitters. 2021.
14.SodsMPC: FSM based Anonymous and Private Quantum-safe Smart Contracts Shlomi Dolev and Ziyu Wang. 2020.
15.Cryptography with Weights: MPC, Encryption and Signatures Sanjam Garg and Abhishek Jain and Pratyay Mukherjee and Rohit Sinha and Mingyuan Wang and Yinuo Zhang. 2022.
16.TurboIKOS: Improved Non-interactive Zero Knowledge and Post-Quantum Signatures Yaron Gvili and Julie Ha and Sarah Scheffler and Mayank Varia and Ziling Yang and Xinyuan Zhang. 2021.
17.Practical Key-Extraction Attacks in Leading MPC Wallets Nikolaos Makriyannis and Oren Yomtov. 2023.
18.Efficient fair multiparty protocols using Blockchain and trusted hardware Paul, Souradyuti and Shrivastava, Ananya. 2019.
19.Compute, but Verify: Efficient Multiparty Computation over Authenticated Inputs Moumita Dutta and Chaya Ganesh and Sikhar Patranabis and Nitin Singh. 2022.
20.Reputation at Stake! A Trust Layer over Decentralized Ledger for Multiparty Computation and Reputation-Fair Lottery Mario Larangeira. 2021.
21.Auditable, Available and Resilient Private Computation on the Blockchain via MPC Cordi, Christopher and Frank, Michael P and Gabert, Kasimir and Helinski, Carollan and Kao, Ryan C and Kolesnikov, Vladimir and Ladha, Abrahim and Pattengale, Nicholas. 2022.
22.The Rush Dilemma: Attacking and Repairing Smart Contracts on Forking Blockchains Vincenzo Botta and Daniele Friolo and Daniele Venturi and Ivan Visconti. 2019.
23.State of the Art Report: Verified Computation Woodcock, Jim and Andersen, Mikkel Schimdt and Aranha, Diego F and Hallerstede, Stefan and Hansen, Simon Thrane and Jakobsen, Nikolaj Kuhne and Kulik, Tomas and Larsen, Peter Gorm and Macedo, Hugo Daniel and Martin, Carlos Ignacio Isasa and others. 2023.
24.Insured MPC: Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation with Punishable Abort Baum, Carsten and David, Bernardo and Dowsley, Rafael. 2018.
25.Absentia: secure function evaluation on Ethereum Demirag, Didem and Clark, Jeremy. 2021.
