Papers (39)

1.Simple schnorr multi-signatures with applications to bitcoin Maxwell, Gregory and Poelstra, Andrew and Seurin, Yannick and Wuille, Pieter. 2018.
2.Threshold-optimal DSA/ECDSA signatures and an application to Bitcoin wallet security Gennaro, Rosario and Goldfeder, Steven and Narayanan, Arvind. 2016.
3.Fast multiparty threshold ecdsa with fast trustless setup Gennaro, Rosario and Goldfeder, Steven. 2018.   
4.Fast secure two-party ECDSA signing Lindell, Yehuda. 2017.   
5.Fast secure multiparty ecdsa with practical distributed key generation and applications to cryptocurrency custody Lindell, Yehuda and Nof, Ariel. 2018.
6.Secure two-party threshold ECDSA from ECDSA assumptions Doerner, Jack and Kondi, Yashvanth and Lee, Eysa and Shelat, Abhi. 2018.
7.Threshold ECDSA from ECDSA Assumptions: The Multiparty Case Doerner, Jack and Kondi, Yashvanth and Lee, Eysa and Shelat, Abhi. 2019.
8.Asynchronous Distributed Key Generation for Computationally-Secure Randomness, Consensus, and Threshold Signatures. Kokoris Kogias, Eleftherios and Malkhi, Dahlia and Spiegelman, Alexander. 2020.   
9.Hierarchical deterministic Bitcoin wallets that tolerate key leakage Gutoski, Gus and Stebila, Douglas. 2015.
10.Can a Blockchain Keep a Secret? Benhamouda, Fabrice and Gentry, Craig and Gorbunov, Sergey and Halevi, Shai and Krawczyk, Hugo and Lin, Chengyu and Rabin, Tal and Reyzin, Leonid. 2020.
11.CHURP: Dynamic-Committee Proactive Secret Sharing. Maram, Sai Krishna Deepak and Zhang, Fan and Wang, Lun and Low, Andrew and Zhang, Yupeng and Juels, Ari and Song, Dawn. 2019.
12.Securing Bitcoin wallets via a new DSA/ECDSA threshold signature scheme Goldfeder, Steven and Gennaro, Rosario and Kalodner, Harry and Bonneau, Joseph and Kroll, Joshua A and Felten, Edward W and Narayanan, Arvind. 2015.
13.Distributed key generation in the wild Kate, Aniket and Huang, Yizhou and Goldberg, Ian. 2012.
14.Two-party ECDSA from hash proof systems and efficient instantiations Castagnos, Guilhem and Catalano, Dario and Laguillaumie, Fabien and Savasta, Federico and Tucker, Ida. 2019.
15.Reaching consensus for asynchronous distributed key generation Abraham, Ittai and Jovanovic, Philipp and Maller, Mary and Meiklejohn, Sarah and Stern, Gilad and Tomescu, Alin. 2021.   
16.Asynchronous data dissemination and its applications Das, Sourav and Xiang, Zhuolun and Ren, Ling. 2021.   
17.Using level-1 homomorphic encryption to improve threshold dsa signatures for bitcoin wallet security Boneh, Dan and Gennaro, Rosario and Goldfeder, Steven. 2017.
18.Towards scalable threshold cryptosystems Tomescu, Alin and Chen, Robert and Zheng, Yiming and Abraham, Ittai and Pinkas, Benny and Gueta, Guy Golan and Devadas, Srinivas. 2020.   
19.Albatross: publicly attestable batched randomness based on secret sharing Cascudo, Ignacio and David, Bernardo. 2020.   
20.Practical asynchronous distributed key generation Das, Sourav and Yurek, Thomas and Xiang, Zhuolun and Miller, Andrew and Kokoris-Kogias, Lefteris and Ren, Ling. 2022.   
21.BeatCoin: Leaking Private Keys from Air-Gapped Cryptocurrency Wallets Guri, Mordechai. 2018.
22.Fast Threshold ECDSA with Honest Majority Ivan Damgård and Thomas Pelle Jakobsen and Jesper Buus Nielsen and Jakob Illeborg Pagter and Michael Bæksvang Østergård. 2020.
23.Aggregatable Distributed Key Generation Kobi Gurkan and Philipp Jovanovic and Mary Maller and Sarah Meiklejohn and Gilad Stern and Alin Tomescu. 2021.  
24.Non-interactive distributed key generation and key resharing Jens Groth. 2021.   
25.Private Key Recovery Combination Attacks: On Extreme Fragility of Popular Bitcoin Key Management, Wallet and Cold Storage Solutions in Presence of Poor RNG Events. Courtois, Nicolas T and Valsorda, Filippo and Emirdag, Pinar. 2014.
26.hbACSS: How to Robustly Share Many Secrets Thomas Yurek and Licheng Luo and Jaiden Fairoze and Aniket Kate and Andrew Miller. 2021.
27.COBRA: Dynamic Proactive Secret Sharing for Confidential BFT Services Vassantlal, Robin and Alchieri, Eduardo and Ferreira, Bernardo and Bessani, Alysson. 2022.
28.Efficient asynchronous byzantine agreement without private setups Gao, Yingzi and Lu, Yuan and Lu, Zhenliang and Tang, Qiang and Xu, Jing and Zhang, Zhenfeng. 2022.
29.Practical Asynchronous High-threshold Distributed Key Generation and Distributed Polynomial Sampling Das, Sourav and Xiang, Zhuolun and Kokoris-Kogias, Lefteris and Ren, Ling. 2022.
30.Powers-of-Tau to the People: Decentralizing Setup Ceremonies Nikolaenko, Valeria and Ragsdale, Sam and Bonneau, Joseph and Boneh, Dan. 2022.
31.Paralysis Proofs: Safe Access-Structure Updates for Cryptocurrencies and More Fan Zhang and Philip Daian and Iddo Bentov and Ari Juels. 2018.
32.Practical Asynchronous Proactive Secret Sharing and Key Refresh G\"unther, Christoph U. and Das, Sourav and Kokoris-Kogias, Lefteris. 2022.
33.Phoenix: A Formally Verified Regenerating Vault Kirstein, Uri and Grossman, Shelly and Mirkin, Michael and Wilcox, James and Eyal, Ittay and Sagiv, Mooly. 2021.
34.Hours of Horus: Keyless Cryptocurrency Wallets Dionysis Zindros. 2021.
35.Towards Accountability in CRS Generation Prabhanjan Ananth and Gilad Asharov and Hila Dahari and Vipul Goyal. 2021.
36.Custody Protocols Using Bitcoin Vaults Swambo, Jacob and Hommel, Spencer and McElrath, Bob and Bishop, Bryan. 2020.
37.Calypso: Auditable sharing of private data over blockchains Kokoris-Kogias, Eleftherios and Alp, Enis Ceyhun and Siby, Sandra Deepthy and Gailly, Nicolas and Gasser, Linus and Jovanovic, Philipp and Syta, Ewa and Ford, Bryan. 2018.
38.Implementing a Smart Contract PKI Patsonakis, Christos and Samari, Katerina and Kiayias, Aggelos and Roussopoulos, Mema. 2020.
39.Large-Scale Non-Interactive Threshold Cryptosystems in the YOSO Model Andreas Erwig and Sebastian Faust and Siavash Riahi. 2021.
