Papers (120)

1.Securify: Practical security analysis of smart contracts Tsankov, Petar and Dan, Andrei and Drachsler-Cohen, Dana and Gervais, Arthur and Buenzli, Florian and Vechev, Martin. 2018.   
2.Formal verification of smart contracts: Short paper Bhargavan, Karthikeyan and Delignat-Lavaud, Antoine and Fournet, C\'edric and Gollamudi, Anitha and Gonthier, Georges and Kobeissi, Nadim and Kulatova, Natalia and Rastogi, Aseem and Sibut-Pinote, Thomas and Swamy, Nikhil and others. 2016.
3.A Semantic Framework for the Security Analysis of Ethereum smart contracts Grishchenko, Ilya and Maffei, Matteo and Schneidewind, Clara. 2018.
4.Defining the ethereum virtual machine for interactive theorem provers Hirai, Yoichi. 2017.   
5.Towards Verifying Ethereum Smart Contract Bytecode in Isabelle/HOL Amani, Sidney and B\'egel, Myriam and Bortin, Maksym and Staples, Mark. 2018.
6.VerX: Safety Verification of Smart Contracts Permenev, Anton and Dimitrov, Dimitar and Tsankov, Petar and Drachsler-Cohen, Dana and Vechev, Martin. 2019.
7.Designing secure Ethereum smart contracts: A finite state machine based approach Mavridou, Anastasia and Laszka, Aron. 2017.
8.A Survey of Smart Contract Formal Specification and Verification Tolmach, Palina and Li, Yi and Lin, Shang-Wei and Liu, Yang and Li, Zengxiang. 2020.
9.Formal verification of smart contracts based on users and blockchain behaviors models Abdellatif, Tesnim and Brousmiche, Kei-L\'eo. 2018.
10.VeriSolid: Correct-by-Design Smart Contracts for Ethereum Mavridou, Anastasia and Laszka, Aron and Stachtiari, Emmanouela and Dubey, Abhishek. 2019.
11.VeriSmart: A Highly Precise Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts So, Sunbeom and Lee, Myungho and Park, Jisu and Lee, Heejo and Oh, Hakjoo. 2019.
12.EthIR: A Framework for High-Level Analysis of Ethereum Bytecode Albert, Elvira and Gordillo, Pablo and Livshits, Benjamin and Rubio, Albert and Sergey, Ilya. 2018.
13.A concurrent perspective on smart contracts Sergey, Ilya and Hobor, Aquinas. 2017.
14.eThor: Practical and Provably Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Schneidewind, Clara and Grishchenko, Ilya and Scherer, Markus and Maffei, Matteo. 2020.
15.SmartBugs: A Framework to Analyze Solidity Smart Contracts Ferreira, Jo\~ao F and Cruz, Pedro and Durieux, Thomas and Abreu, Rui. 2020.  
16.solc-verify: A Modular Verifier for Solidity Smart Contracts Hajdu, \'Akos and Jovanovi\'c, Dejan. 2019.
17.Validation of decentralised smart contracts through game theory and formal methods Bigi, Giancarlo and Bracciali, Andrea and Meacci, Giovanni and Tuosto, Emilio. 2015.
18.Exploiting the laws of order in smart contracts Kolluri, Aashish and Nikolic, Ivica and Sergey, Ilya and Hobor, Aquinas and Saxena, Prateek. 2019.
19.A Comprehensive Survey on Smart Contract Construction and Execution: Paradigms, Tools and Systems Hu, Bin and Zhang, Zongyang and Liu, Jianwei and Liu, Yizhong and Yin, Jiayuan and Lu, Rongxing and Lin, Xiaodong. 2020.
20.A formal verification tool for Ethereum VM Bytecode Park, Daejun and Zhang, Yi and Saxena, Manasvi and Daian, Philip and Ro\csu, Grigore. 2018.
21.Safer smart contract programming with Scilla Sergey, Ilya and Nagaraj, Vaivaswatha and Johannsen, Jacob and Kumar, Amrit and Trunov, Anton and Hao, Ken Chan Guan. 2019.
22.Scilla: a Smart Contract Intermediate-Level LAnguage Sergey, Ilya and Kumar, Amrit and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018.   
23.Model-Checking of Smart Contracts Nehai, Zeinab and Piriou, Pierre-Yves and Daumas, Frederic. 2018.
24.Simplicity: A new language for blockchains O'Connor, Russell. 2017.
25.Towards safer smart contracts: A survey of languages and verification methods Harz, Dominik and Knottenbelt, William. 2018.
26.SAILFISH: Vetting Smart Contract State-Inconsistency Bugs in Seconds Bose, Priyanka and Das, Dipanjan and Chen, Yanju and Feng, Yu and Kruegel, Christopher and Vigna, Giovanni. 2021.
27.KEVM: A Complete Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine Hildenbrandt, Everett and Saxena, Manasvi and Zhu, Xiaoran and Rodrigues, Nishant and Daian, Philip and Guth, Dwight and Rosu, Grigore. 2017.   
28.Smt-based verification of solidity smart contracts Alt, Leonardo and Reitwiessner, Christian. 2018.
29.Mechanising Blockchain Consensus P\^\irlea, George and Sergey, Ilya. 2018.
30.Raziel: private and verifiable smart contracts on blockchains S\'anchez, David Cerezo. 2018.
31.Clockwork Finance: Automated Analysis of Economic Security in Smart Contracts Kushal Babel and Philip Daian and Mahimna Kelkar and Ari Juels. 2021.
32.SmartPulse: Automated Checking of Temporal Properties in Smart Contracts Stephens, Jon and Ferles, Kostas and Mariano, Benjamin and Lahiri, Shuvendu and Dillig, Isil. 2021.  
33.Monitoring smart contracts: Contractlarva and open challenges beyond Azzopardi, Shaun and Ellul, Joshua and Pace, Gordon J. 2018.
34.Domain Specific Language for Smart Contract Development W\"ohrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe. 2020.
35.Modeling bitcoin contracts by timed automata Andrychowicz, Marcin and Dziembowski, Stefan and Malinowski, Daniel and Mazurek, \Lukasz. 2014.
36.ConCert: A Smart Contract Certification Framework in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020.
37.ConCert: a smart contract certification framework in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020.
38.Marlowe: Financial contracts on blockchain Seijas, Pablo Lamela and Thompson, Simon. 2018.   
39.Formal Specification and Verification of Smart Contracts for Azure Blockchain Lahiri, Shuvendu K and Chen, Shuo and Wang, Yuepeng and Dillig, Isil. 2018.
40.Practical Smart Contract Sharding with Ownership and Commutativity Analysis P\^\irlea, George and Kumar, Amrit and Sergey, Ilya. 2021.
41.MPro: Combining Static and Symbolic Analysis for Scalable Testing of Smart Contract Zhang, William and Banescu, Sebastian and Pasos, Leodardo and Stewart, Steven and Ganesh, Vijay. 2019.
42.Smart contracts and opportunities for formal methods Miller, Andrew and Cai, Zhicheng and Jha, Somesh. 2018.
43.Formal Analysis of Composable DeFi Protocols Tolmach, Palina and Li, Yi and Lin, Shang-Wei and Liu, Yang. 2021.
44.What are the Actual Flaws in Important Smart Contracts (and How Can We Find Them)? Groce, Alex and Feist, Josselin and Grieco, Gustavo and Colburn, Michael. 2019.
45.On the specification and verification of atomic swap smart contracts⋆ van der Meyden, Ron. 2018.
46.SAFEVM: A Safety Verifier for Ethereum Smart Contracts Albert, Elvira and Correas, Jes\'us and Gordillo, Pablo and Rom\'an-D\'\iez, Guillermo and Rubio, Albert. 2019.
47.Compositional Security for Reentrant Applications Cecchetti, Ethan and Yao, Siqiu and Ni, Haobin and Myers, Andrew C. 2021.
48.Mi-Cho-Coq, a framework for certifying Tezos Smart Contracts Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Hu, Zhenlei and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2019.   
49.Temporal Properties of Smart Contracts Sergey, Ilya and Kumar, Amrit and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018.
50.Developing secure Bitcoin contracts with BitML Atzei, Nicola and Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Yoshida, Nobuko and Zunino, Roberto. 2019.
51.A minimal core calculus for Solidity contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Galletta, Letterio and Murgia, Maurizio. 2019.
52.A minimal core calculus for Solidity contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Galletta, Letterio and Murgia, Maurizio. 2019.
53.LEO: A Programming Language for Formally Verified,Zero-Knowledge Applications Collin Chin and Howard Wu and Raymond Chu and Alessandro Coglio and Eric McCarthy and Eric Smith. 2021.
54.Native Custom Tokens in the Extended UTXO Model Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Chapman, James and MacKenzie, Kenneth and Melkonian, Orestis and M\"uller, Jann and Jones, Michael Peyton and Vinogradova, Polina and Wadler, Philip. 2020.
55.Formalizing Nakamoto-Style Proof of Stake Søren Eller Thomsen and Bas Spitters. 2020.
56.Smart Contract modeling and verification techniques: A survey Imeri, Adnan and Agoulmine, Nazim and Khadraoui, Djamel. 2020.
57.Formal Specification and Model Checking of the Tendermint Blockchain Synchronization Protocol (Short Paper) Braithwaite, Sean and Buchman, Ethan and Konnov, Igor and Milosevic, Zarko and Stoilkovska, Ilina and Widder, Josef and Zamfir, Anca. 2020.
58.FlashSyn: Flash Loan Attack Synthesis via Counter Example Driven Approximation Zhiyang Chen and Sidi Mohamed Beillahi and Fan Long. 2022.
59.Smart Contract Interactions in Coq Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2019.
60.Extracting Smart Contracts Tested and Verified in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Milo, Mikkel and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020.
61.Rich specifications for Ethereum smart contract verification Br\"am, Christian and Eilers, Marco and M\"uller, Peter and Sierra, Robin and Summers, Alexander J. 2021.
62.Formal security analysis of MPC-in-the-head zero-knowledge protocols Nikolaj Sidorenco and Sabine Oechsner and Bas Spitters. 2021.
63.Proof-Carrying Smart Contracts Dickerson, Thomas and Gazzillo, Paul and Herlihy, Maurice and Saraph, Vikram and Koskinen, Eric. 2018.
64.Albert, an intermediate smart-contract language for the Tezos blockchain Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2020.
65.Termination of Ethereum's Smart Contracts Genet, Thomas and Jensen, Thomas and Sauvage, Justine. 2020.
66.Automated Verification of Electrum Wallet Mathieu Turuani and Thomas Voegtlin and Micha\"el Rusinowitch. 2016.
67.Towards a formally verified implementation of the MimbleWimble cryptocurrency protocol Betarte, Gustavo and Cristi\'a, Maximiliano and Luna, Carlos and Silveira, Adri\'an and Zanarini, Dante. 2019.
68.Formalising and verifying smart contracts with Solidifier: a bounded model checker for Solidity Antonino, Pedro and Roscoe, AW. 2020.
69.A formal model of Algorand smart contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Bracciali, Andrea and Lepore, Cristian and Scalas, Alceste and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
70.Unraveling recursion: compiling an IR with recursion to system F Jones, Michael Peyton and Gkoumas, Vasilis and Kireev, Roman and MacKenzie, Kenneth and Nester, Chad and Wadler, Philip. 2019.
71.WIP: Finding Bugs Automatically in Smart Contracts with Parameterized Invariants Bernardi, Thomas and Dor, Nurit and Fedotov, Anastasia and Grossman, Shelly and Immerman, Neil and Jackson, Daniel and Nutz, Alex and Oppenheim, Lior and Pistiner, Or and Rinetzky, Noam and others. 2020.
72.The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Pitfalls and Best Practices in Automated Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Schneidewind, Clara and Scherer, Markus and Maffei, Matteo. 2020.
73.Temporal aspects of smart contracts for financial derivatives Clack, Christopher D and Vanca, Gabriel. 2018.
74.Contingent payments on a public ledger: models and reductions for automated verification. Bursuc, Sergiu and Kremer, Steve. 2019.
75.Functional blockchain contracts Chakravarty, Manuel and Kireev, Roman and MacKenzie, Kenneth and McHale, Vanessa and M\"uller, Jann and Nemish, Alexander and Nester, Chad and Jones, Michael Peyton and Thompsona, Simon and Valentine, Rebecca and others. 2019.  
76.Blockchains as kripke models: An analysis of atomic cross-chain swap Hirai, Yoichi. 2018.
77.Analyzing Smart Contracts: From EVM to a sound Control-Flow Graph Albert, Elvira and Correas, Jes\'us and Gordillo, Pablo and Rom\'an-D\'\iez, Guillermo and Rubio, Albert. 2020.
78.Tezla, an Intermediate Representation for Static Analysis of Michelson Smart Contracts Santos Reis, Jo\~ao and Crocker, Paul and Melo de Sousa, Sim\~ao. 2020.
79.A Tendermint Light Client Braithwaite, Sean and Buchman, Ethan and Khoffi, Ismail and Konnov, Igor and Milosevic, Zarko and Ruetschi, Romain and Widder, Josef. 2020.
80.Making Tezos Smart Contracts More Reliable with Coq Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Claret, Guillaume and Jakobsson, Arvid and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2020.
81.Formal Modelling and Security Analysis of Bitcoin's Payment Protocol Modesti, Paolo and Shahandashti, Siamak F and McCorry, Patrick and Hao, Feng. 2021.
82.Formalising Decentralised Exchanges in Coq Nielsen, Eske Hoy and Annenkov, Danil and Spitters, Bas. 2022.
83.HoRStify: Sound Security Analysis of Smart Contracts Holler, Sebastian and Biewer, Sebastian and Schneidewind, Clara. 2023.
84.Formal Verification of Solidity contracts in Event-B Zhu, Jian and Hu, Kai and Filali, Mamoun and Bodeveix, Jean-Paul and Talpin, Jean-Pierre. 2020.
85.Flexible Formality Practical Experience with Agile Formal Methods Szamotulski, Marcin and Vinogradova, Polina. 2020.
86.Towards declarative smart contracts Purnell, Kevin and Schwitter, Rolf. 2019.
87.Cross-Chain Payment Protocols with Success Guarantees van Glabbeek, Rob and Gramoli, Vincent and Tholoniat, Pierre. 2019.
88.WhylSon: Proving your Michelson Smart Contracts in Why3 da Horta, Lu\'\is Pedro Arrojado and Reis, Jo\~ao Santos and Pereira, M\'ario and de Sousa, Sim\~ao Melo. 2020.  
89.Model Checking Bitcoin and other Proof-of-Work Consensus Protocols DiGiacomo-Castillo, Max and Liang, Yiyun and Pal, Advay and Mitchell, John C. 2020.
90.Efficient Verification of Optimized Code: Correct High-speed X25519 Marc Schoolderman and Jonathan Moerman and Sjaak Smetsers and Marko van Eekelen. 2021.
91.Formal Specification and Verification of Solidity Contracts with Events Hajdu, Akos and Jovanovic, Dejan and Ciocarlie, Gabriela. 2020.
92.Tendermint blockchain synchronization: formal specification and model checking Braithwaite, Sean and Buchman, Ethan and Konnov, Igor and Milosevic, Zarko and Stoilkovska, Ilina and Widder, Josef and Zamfir, Anca. 2020.
93.Compositional Formal Verification of Zero-Knowledge Circuits Alessandro Coglio and Eric McCarthy and Eric Smith and Collin Chin and Pranav Gaddamadugu and Michel Dellepere. 2023.
94.Renegotiation and recursion in Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Murgia, Maurizio and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
95.Smart Derivatives: On-Chain Forwards for Digital Assets Rius, Alfonso DDM and Gashier, Eamonn. 2020.
96.Verification of a Merkle Patricia Tree Library Using F Sato, Sota and Banno, Ryotaro and Furuse, Jun and Suenaga, Kohei and Igarashi, Atsushi. 2021.
97.Translation Certification for Smart Contracts Krijnen, Jacco and Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Keller, Gabriele and Swierstra, Wouter. 2021.
98.ZK-SecreC: a Domain-Specific Language for Zero Knowledge Proofs Bogdanov, Dan and J\"a\"ager, Joosep and Laud, Peeter and Nestra, H\"armel and Pettai, Martin and Randmets, Jaak and Sokk, Ville and Tali, Kert and Valdma, Sandhra-Mirella. 2022.
99.Formal Model-Driven Analysis of Resilience of GossipSub to Attacks from Misbehaving Peers Ankit Kumar and Max von Hippel and Pete Manolios and Cristina Nita-Rotaru. 2022.
100.Less is more: refinement proofs for probabilistic proofs Jiang, Kunming and Chait-Roth, Devora and DeStefano, Zachary and Walfish, Michael and Wies, Thomas. 2022.
101.Elysium: Automagically Healing Vulnerable Smart Contracts Using Context-Aware Patching Torres, Christof Ferreira and Jonker, Hugo and State, Radu. 2021.
102.CryptoVampire: Automated Reasoning for the Complete Symbolic Attacker Cryptographic Model Simon Jeanteur and Laura Kovács and Matteo Maffei and Michael Rawson. 2023.
103.Formal specification of a security framework for smart contracts Mandrykin, Mikhail and O'Shannessy, Jake and Payne, Jacob and Shchepetkov, Ilya. 2020.
104.Compiling a Higher-Order Smart Contract Language to LLVM Nagaraj, Vaivaswatha and Johannsen, Jacob and Trunov, Anton and P\^\irlea, George and Kumar, Amrit and Sergey, Ilya. 2020.
105.What is an EUTxO blockchain? Gabbay, Murdoch J. 2020.
106.CHAUSSETTE: A Symbolic Verification of Bitcoin Scripts Jacquot, Vincent and Donnet, Beno\^\it. 2023.
107.Executable Operational Semantics of Solidity Jiao, Jiao and Kan, Shuanglong and Lin, Shang-Wei and Sanan, David and Liu, Yang and Sun, Jun. 2018.
108.Formal verification of Deed contract in Ethereum name service Hirai, Yoichi. 2016.   
109.Toychain: Formally Verified Blockchain Consensus George P\^ırlea. 2019.
110.IELE: a rigorously designed language and tool ecosystem for the blockchain Kasampalis, Theodoros and Guth, Dwight and Moore, Brandon and Șerb\uanuț\ua, Traian Florin and Zhang, Yi and Filaretti, Daniele and Șerb\uanuț\ua, Virgil and Johnson, Ralph and Ro\csu, Grigore. 2019.   
111.An Empirical Study of Ownership, Typestate, and Assets in the Obsidian Smart Contract Language Coblenz, Michael and Aldrich, Jonathan and Sunshine, Joshua and Myers, Brad. 2020.
112.UTXOma: UTXO with Multi-Asset Support Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Chapman, James and MacKenzie, Kenneth and Melkonian, Orestis and M\"uller, Jann and Jones, Michael Peyton and Vinogradova, Polina and Wadler, Philip and Zahnentferner, Joachim. 2020.
113.Formal Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts Using Isabelle/HOL Ribeiro, Maria and Adao, Pedro and Mateus, Paulo. 2020.
114.Verification of recursive Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Murgia, Maurizio and Zunino, Roberto. 2020.
115.Functional Verification of Smart Contracts via Strong Data Integrity Ahrendt, Wolfgang and Bubel, Richard. 2020.
116.Specifying Framing Conditions for Smart Contracts Beckert, Bernhard and Schiffl, Jonas. 2020.
117.Efficient Verification of Optimized Code: Correct High-speed Curve25519 Schoolderman, Marc and Moerman, Jonathan and Smetsers, Sjaak and van Eekelen, Marko. 2020.
118.A tool for proving Michelson Smart Contracts in WHY3 da Horta, Lu\'\is Pedro Arrojado and Reis, Jo\~ao Santos and de Sousa, Sim\~ao Melo and Pereira, M\'ario. 2020.
119.EthVer: Formal verification of randomized Ethereum smart contracts Mazurek, \Lukasz. 2021.
120.Sn{\aa}rkl: Somewhat Practical, Pretty Much Declarative Verifiable Computing in Haskell Stewart, Gordon and Merten, Samuel and Leland, Logan. 2018.
