Papers (355)
# | Title | |
1. | A Survey on Blockchain Interoperability: Past, Present, and Future Trends Belchior, Rafael and Vasconcelos, Andr\'e and Guerreiro, S\'ergio and Correia, Miguel. 2020. | |
2. | Scaling blockchains: A comprehensive survey Hafid, Abdelatif and Hafid, Abdelhakim Senhaji and Samih, Mustapha. 2020. | |
3. | SoK: Layer-two blockchain protocols Gudgeon, Lewis and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Roos, Stefanie and McCorry, Patrick and Gervais, Arthur. 2020. | |
4. | BlockSci: Design and applications of a blockchain analysis platform Kalodner, Harry and M\"oser, Malte and Lee, Kevin and Goldfeder, Steven and Plattner, Martin and Chator, Alishah and Narayanan, Arvind. 2020. ![]() | |
5. | Attacking the DeFi Ecosystem with Flash Loans for Fun and Profit Qin, Kaihua and Zhou, Liyi and Livshits, Benjamin and Gervais, Arthur. 2020. ![]() | |
6. | High-Frequency Trading on Decentralized On-Chain Exchanges Zhou, Liyi and Qin, Kaihua and Torres, Christof Ferreira and Le, Duc V and Gervais, Arthur. 2020. | |
7. | Improved Price Oracles: Constant Function Market Makers Angeris, Guillermo and Chitra, Tarun. 2020. ![]() | |
8. | Sync hotstuff: Simple and practical synchronous state machine replication Abraham, Ittai and Malkhi, Dahlia and Nayak, Kartik and Ren, Ling and Yin, Maofan. 2020. ![]() | |
9. | Order-Fairness for Byzantine Consensus Mahimna Kelkar and Fan Zhang and Steven Goldfeder and Ari Juels. 2020. | |
10. | A Survey of Smart Contract Formal Specification and Verification Tolmach, Palina and Li, Yi and Lin, Shang-Wei and Liu, Yang and Li, Zengxiang. 2020. | |
11. | UC Non-Interactive, Proactive, Threshold ECDSA Ran Canetti and Nikolaos Makriyannis and Udi Peled. 2020. | |
12. | UC Non-Interactive, Proactive, Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Aborts Canetti, Ran and Gennaro, Rosario and Goldfeder, Steven and Makriyannis, Nikolaos and Peled, Udi. 2020. | |
13. | Fast, Scalable, and Communication-Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Boolean and Arithmetic Circuits Chenkai Weng and Kang Yang and Jonathan Katz and Xiao Wang. 2020. | |
14. | Mac n Cheese: Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Arithmetic Circuits with Nested Disjunctions Baum, Carsten and Malozemoff, Alex J and Rosen, Marc and Scholl, Peter. 2020. | |
15. | Combining GHOST and Casper Buterin, Vitalik and Hernandez, Diego and Kamphefner, Thor and Pham, Khiem and Qiao, Zhi and Ryan, Danny and Sin, Juhyeok and Wang, Ying and Zhang, Yan X. 2020. | |
16. | Ethainter: A smart contract security analyzer for composite vulnerabilities Brent, Lexi and Grech, Neville and Lagouvardos, Sifis and Scholz, Bernhard and Smaragdakis, Yannis. 2020. | |
17. | The Decentralized Financial Crisis Gudgeon, Lewis and Perez, Daniel and Harz, Dominik and Gervais, Arthur and Livshits, Benjamin. 2020. ![]() | |
18. | CanDID: Can-Do Decentralized Identity with Legacy Compatibility, Sybil-Resistance, and Accountability Deepak Maram and Harjasleen Malvai and Fan Zhang and Nerla Jean-Louis and Alexander Frolov and Tyler Kell and Tyrone Lobban and Christine Moy and Ari Juels and Andrew Miller. 2020. | |
19. | DeFi protocols for loanable funds: Interest rates, liquidity and market efficiency Gudgeon, Lewis and Werner, Sam and Perez, Daniel and Knottenbelt, William J. 2020. | |
20. | eThor: Practical and Provably Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Schneidewind, Clara and Grishchenko, Ilya and Scherer, Markus and Maffei, Matteo. 2020. | |
21. | SmartBugs: A Framework to Analyze Solidity Smart Contracts Ferreira, Jo\~ao F and Cruz, Pedro and Durieux, Thomas and Abreu, Rui. 2020. ![]() | |
22. | MuSig2: Simple Two-Round Schnorr Multi-Signatures Jonas Nick and Tim Ruffing and Yannick Seurin. 2020. | |
23. | Credible auctions: A trilemma Akbarpour, Mohammad and Li, Shengwu. 2020. | |
24. | Streamlet: Textbook Streamlined Blockchains Benjamin Y Chan and Elaine Shi. 2020. ![]() | |
25. | A Stealthier Partitioning Attack against Bitcoin Peer-to-Peer Network Tran, Muoi and Choi, Inho and Moon, Gi Jun and Vu, Anh V and Kang, Min Suk. 2020. | |
26. | Asynchronous Distributed Key Generation for Computationally-Secure Randomness, Consensus, and Threshold Signatures. Kokoris Kogias, Eleftherios and Malkhi, Dahlia and Spiegelman, Alexander. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
27. | Can a Blockchain Keep a Secret? Benhamouda, Fabrice and Gentry, Craig and Gorbunov, Sergey and Halevi, Shai and Krawczyk, Hugo and Lin, Chengyu and Rabin, Tal and Reyzin, Leonid. 2020. | |
28. | A Comprehensive Survey on Smart Contract Construction and Execution: Paradigms, Tools and Systems Hu, Bin and Zhang, Zongyang and Liu, Jianwei and Liu, Yizhong and Yin, Jiayuan and Lu, Rongxing and Lin, Xiaodong. 2020. | |
29. | uPort open-source identity management system: An assessment of self-sovereign identity and user-centric data platform built on blockchain Naik, Nitin and Jenkins, Paul. 2020. | |
30. | Everything is a Race and Nakamoto Always Wins Amir Dembo and Sreeram Kannan and Ertem Nusret Tas and David Tse and Pramod Viswanath and Xuechao Wang and Ofer Zeitouni. 2020. | |
31. | About Blockchain Interoperability Pascal Lafourcade and Marius Lombard-Platet. 2020. | |
32. | Zendoo: a zk-SNARK Verifiable Cross-Chain Transfer Protocol Enabling Decoupled and Decentralized Sidechains Alberto Garoffolo and Dmytro Kaidalov and Roman Oliynykov. 2020. | |
33. | On Subversion-Resistant SNARKs Behzad Abdolmaleki and Helger Lipmaa and Janno Siim and Michał Zając. 2020. | |
34. | Dory: Efficient, Transparent arguments for Generalised Inner Products and Polynomial Commitments Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
35. | Transaction Fee Mechanism Design for the Ethereum Blockchain: An Economic Analysis of EIP-1559 Roughgarden, Tim. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
36. | Bandwidth-efficient threshold EC-DSA Guilhem Castagnos and Dario Catalano and Fabien Laguillaumie and Federico Savasta and Ida Tucker. 2020. ![]() | |
37. | Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments Sergey Gorbunov and Leonid Reyzin and Hoeteck Wee and Zhenfei Zhang. 2020. | |
38. | plookup: A simplified polynomial protocol for lookup tables Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson. 2020. ![]() | |
39. | EVMPatch: Timely and Automated Patching of Ethereum Smart Contracts Rodler, Michael and Li, Wenting and Karame, Ghassan O and Davi, Lucas. 2020. | |
40. | SoK: A classification framework for stablecoin designs Moin, Amani and Sekniqi, Kevin and Sirer, Emin Gun. 2020. | |
41. | Blockchain is Watching You: Profiling and Deanonymizing Ethereum Users B\'eres, Ferenc and Seres, Istv\'an Andr\'as and Bencz\'ur, Andr\'as A and Quintyne-Collins, Mikerah. 2020. | |
42. | Aggregatable Subvector Commitments for Stateless Cryptocurrencies Alin Tomescu and Ittai Abraham and Vitalik Buterin and Justin Drake and Dankrad Feist and Dmitry Khovratovich. 2020. ![]() | |
43. | 2-hop blockchain: Combining proof-of-work and proof-of-stake securely Duong, Tuyet and Fan, Lei and Katz, Jonathan and Thai, Phuc and Zhou, Hong-Sheng. 2020. ![]() | |
44. | LadderLeak: Breaking ECDSA With Less Than One Bit Of Nonce Leakage Diego F. Aranha and Felipe Rodrigues Novaes and Akira Takahashi and Mehdi Tibouchi and Yuval Yarom. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
45. | Overview of Polkadot and its Design Considerations Jeff Burdges and Alfonso Cevallos and Peter Czaban and Rob Habermeier and Syed Hosseini and Fabio Lama and Handan Kilinc Alper and Ximin Luo and Fatemeh Shirazi and Alistair Stewart and Gavin Wood. 2020. | |
46. | One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort Rosario Gennaro and Steven Goldfeder. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
47. | Towards scalable threshold cryptosystems Tomescu, Alin and Chen, Robert and Zheng, Yiming and Abraham, Ittai and Pinkas, Benny and Gueta, Guy Golan and Devadas, Srinivas. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
48. | Ligero++: A New Optimized Sublinear IOP Bhadauria, Rishabh and Fang, Zhiyong and Hazay, Carmit and Venkitasubramaniam, Muthuramakrishnan and Xie, Tiancheng and Zhang, Yupeng. 2020. | |
49. | SoK: Lending Pools in Decentralized Finance Bartoletti, Massimo and Chiang, James Hsin-yu and Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto. 2020. | |
50. | Coda: Decentralized Cryptocurrency at Scale Joseph Bonneau and Izaak Meckler and Vanishree Rao and Evan Shapiro. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
51. | Coded merkle tree: Solving data availability attacks in blockchains Yu, Mingchao and Sahraei, Saeid and Li, Songze and Avestimehr, Salman and Kannan, Sreeram and Viswanath, Pramod. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
52. | An Empirical Analysis of Privacy in the Lightning Network Kappos, George and Yousaf, Haaroon and Piotrowska, Ania and Kanjalkar, Sanket and Delgado-Segura, Sergi and Miller, Andrew and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2020. ![]() | |
53. | Delay Encryption Jeffrey Burdges and Luca De Feo. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
54. | MuSig-DN: Schnorr Multi-Signatures with Verifiably Deterministic Nonces Jonas Nick and Tim Ruffing and Yannick Seurin and Pieter Wuille. 2020. ![]() | |
55. | Lunar: a Toolbox for More Efficient Universal and Updatable zkSNARKs and Commit-and-Prove Extensions Matteo Campanelli and Antonio Faonio and Dario Fiore and Anaïs Querol and Hadrián Rodríguez. 2020. | |
56. | Tight Consistency Bounds for Bitcoin Peter Gaži and Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell. 2020. | |
57. | On the Security of Time-Locked Puzzles and Timed Commitments Jonathan Katz and Julian Loss and Jiayu Xu. 2020. | |
58. | Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge for Blockchain: A Survey Partala, Juha and Nguyen, Tri Hong and Pirttikangas, Susanna. 2020. | |
59. | Out of Oddity -- New Cryptanalytic Techniques against Symmetric Primitives Optimized for Integrity Proof Systems Tim Beyne and Anne Canteaut and Itai Dinur and Maria Eichlseder and Gregor Leander and Gaëtan Leurent and María Naya-Plasencia and Léo Perrin and Yu Sasaki and Yosuke Todo and Friedrich Wiemer. 2020. ![]() | |
60. | Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Set Membership: Efficient, Succinct, Modular Benarroch, Daniel and Campanelli, Matteo and Fiore, Dario and Gurkan, Kobi and Kolonelos, Dimitris. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
61. | Privacy-preserving auditable token payments in a permissioned blockchain system Androulaki, Elli and Camenisch, Jan and Caro, Angelo De and Dubovitskaya, Maria and Elkhiyaoui, Kaoutar and Tackmann, Bj\"orn. 2020. | |
62. | Albatross: publicly attestable batched randomness based on secret sharing Cascudo, Ignacio and David, Bernardo. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
63. | Fast Threshold ECDSA with Honest Majority Ivan Damgård and Thomas Pelle Jakobsen and Jesper Buus Nielsen and Jakob Illeborg Pagter and Michael Bæksvang Østergård. 2020. | |
64. | The Provable Security of Ed25519: Theory and Practice Brendel, Jacqueline and Cremers, Cas and Jackson, Dennis and Zhao, Mang. 2020. | |
65. | A non-PCP Approach to Succinct Quantum-Safe Zero-Knowledge Jonathan Bootle and Vadim Lyubashevsky and Ngoc Khanh Nguyen and Gregor Seiler. 2020. | |
66. | One-shot Signatures and Applications to Hybrid Quantum/Classical Authentication Amos, Ryan and Georgiou, Marios and Kiayias, Aggelos and Zhandry, Mark. 2020. | |
67. | Bitcoin-Compatible Virtual Channels Lukas Aumayr and Oguzhan Ersoy and Andreas Erwig and Sebastian Faust and Kristina Hostáková and Matteo Maffei and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Siavash Riahi. 2020. | |
68. | Minerva: The curse of ECDSA nonces Jan Jancar and Vladimir Sedlacek and Petr Svenda and Marek Sys. 2020. | |
69. | Fluid MPC: Secure Multiparty Computation with Dynamic Participants Arka Rai Choudhuri and Aarushi Goel and Matthew Green and Abhishek Jain and Gabriel Kaptchuk. 2020. | |
70. | RandPiper--Reconfiguration-Friendly Random Beacons with Quadratic Communication Bhat, Adithya and Shrestha, Nibesh and Kate, Aniket and Nayak, Kartik. 2020. | |
71. | Verifiable Timed Signatures Made Practical Thyagarajan, Sri Aravinda Krishnan and Bhat, Adithya and Malavolta, Giulio and D\"ottling, Nico and Kate, Aniket and Schr\"oder, Dominique. 2020. | |
72. | Fully Distributed Verifiable Random Functions and their Application to Decentralised Random Beacons David Galindo and Jia Liu and Mihai Ordean and Jin-Mann Wong. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
73. | Storing and Retrieving Secrets on a Blockchain Vipul Goyal and Abhiram Kothapalli and Elisaweta Masserova and Bryan Parno and Yifan Song. 2020. | |
74. | FastPay: High-Performance Byzantine Fault Tolerant Settlement Baudet, Mathieu and Danezis, George and Sonnino, Alberto. 2020. | |
75. | Another look at extraction and randomization of Groth’s zk-SNARK Baghery, Karim and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Siim, Janno and Volkhov, Mikhail. 2020. | |
76. | Remote Side-Channel Attacks on Anonymous Transactions Florian Tramèr and Dan Boneh and Kenneth G. Paterson. 2020. | |
77. | Vyper: A Security Comparison with Solidity Based on Common Vulnerabilities Kaleem, Mudabbir and Laszka, Aron. 2020. | |
78. | Quarks: Quadruple-efficient transparent zkSNARKs Srinath Setty and Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
79. | Single secret leader election Boneh, Dan and Eskandarian, Saba and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Greco, Nicola. 2020. | |
80. | Linear-Time Arguments with Sublinear Verification from Tensor Codes Bootle, Jonathan and Chiesa, Alessandro and Groth, Jens. 2020. | |
81. | Proof-Carrying Data from Accumulation Schemes Benedikt Bünz and Alessandro Chiesa and Pratyush Mishra and Nicholas Spooner. 2020. ![]() | |
82. | An Algebraic Attack on Ciphers with Low-Degree Round Functions: Application to Full MiMC Maria Eichlseder and Lorenzo Grassi and Reinhard Lüftenegger and Morten Øygarden and Christian Rechberger and Markus Schofnegger and Qingju Wang. 2020. | |
83. | Two-round trip Schnorr multi-signatures via delinearized witnesses Handan Kilinc Alper and Jeffrey Burdges. 2020. | |
84. | Liquidity Provision by Automated Market Makers Jun Aoyagi. 2020. | |
85. | GossipSub: Attack-Resilient Message Propagation in the Filecoin and ETH2.0 Networks Dimitris Vyzovitis and Yusef Napora and Dirk McCormick and David Dias and Yiannis Psaras. 2020. | |
86. | Doubly Efficient Interactive Proofs for General Arithmetic Circuits with Linear Prover Time Jiaheng Zhang and Weijie Wang and Yinuo Zhang and Yupeng Zhang. 2020. | |
87. | Domain Specific Language for Smart Contract Development W\"ohrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe. 2020. | |
88. | Economic implications of scaling blockchains: Why the consensus protocol matters John, Kose and Rivera, Thomas J and Saleh, Fahad. 2020. | |
89. | Incrementally Aggregatable Vector Commitments and Applications to Verifiable Decentralized Storage Campanelli, Matteo and Fiore, Dario and Greco, Nicola and Kolonelos, Dimitris and Nizzardo, Luca. 2020. | |
90. | ConCert: A Smart Contract Certification Framework in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020. | |
91. | GRANDPA: a Byzantine finality gadget Stewart, Alistair and Kokoris-Kogia, Eleftherios. 2020. | |
92. | ConCert: a smart contract certification framework in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020. | |
93. | Expected Linear Round Synchronization: The Missing Link for Linear Byzantine SMR Naor, Oded and Keidar, Idit. 2020. | |
94. | Bitcoin Transaction Networks: an overview of recent results Vallarano, Nicol\`o and Tessone, Claudio and Squartini, Tiziano. 2020. | |
95. | KVaC: Key-Value Commitments for Blockchains and Beyond Shashank Agrawal and Srinivasan Raghuraman. 2020. | |
96. | Generalized Bitcoin-Compatible Channels Lukas Aumayr and Oguzhan Ersoy and Andreas Erwig and Sebastian Faust and Kristina Hostakova and Matteo Maffei and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Siavash Riahi. 2020. | |
97. | TARDIS: A Foundation of Time-Lock Puzzles in UC Baum, Carsten and David, Bernardo and Dowsley, Rafael and Nielsen12, Jesper Buus and Oechsner, Sabine. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
98. | Lift-and-Shift: Obtaining Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs Generically Bezhad Abdolmaleki and Sebastian Ramacher and Daniel Slamanig. 2020. | |
99. | Kachina--Foundations of Private Smart Contracts Kerber, Thomas and Kiayias, Aggelos and Kohlweiss, Markulf. 2020. ![]() | |
100. | Diogenes: Lightweight Scalable RSA Modulus Generation with a Dishonest Majority Megan Chen and Carmit Hazay and Yuval Ishai and Yuriy Kashnikov and Daniele Micciancio and Tarik Riviere and abhi shelat and Muthu Venkitasubramaniam and Ruihan Wang. 2020. ![]() | |
101. | Bulletproofs+: Shorter Proofs for Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger Heewon Chung and Kyoohyung Han and Chanyang Ju and Myungsun Kim and Jae Hong Seo. 2020. | |
102. | A Survey of ECDSA Threshold Signing Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Adrian Hamelink and Omer Shlomovits. 2020. | |
103. | MIRAGE: Succinct Arguments for Randomized Algorithms with Applications to Universal zk-SNARKs Ahmed Kosba and Dimitrios Papadopoulos and Charalampos Papamanthou and Dawn Song. 2020. | |
104. | Compressing Proofs of $k$-Out-Of-$n$ Partial Knowledge Thomas Attema and Ronald Cramer and Serge Fehr. 2020. | |
105. | Liquidity Provider Returns in Geometric Mean Markets Evans, Alex. 2020. | |
106. | Privacy and cryptocurrencies—A systematic literature review Herskind, Lasse and Katsikouli, Panagiota and Dragoni, Nicola. 2020. | |
107. | On the Compressed-Oracle Technique, and Post-Quantum Security of Proofs of Sequential Work Kai-Min Chung and Serge Fehr and Yu-Hsuan Huang and Tai-Ning Liao. 2020. | |
108. | Why Do Smart Contracts Self-Destruct? Investigating the Selfdestruct Function on Ethereum Chen, Jiachi and Xia, Xin and Lo, David and Grundy, John. 2020. | |
109. | Halo Infinite: Recursive zk-SNARKs from any Additive Polynomial Commitment Scheme Dan Boneh and Justin Drake and Ben Fisch and Ariel Gabizon. 2020. | |
110. | UTxO-vs account-based smart contract blockchain programming paradigms Brunjes, Lars and Gabbay, Murdoch J. 2020. | |
111. | Replicated state machines without replicated execution Lee, Jonathan and Nikitin, Kirill and Setty, Srinath. 2020. | |
112. | Expected Constant Round Byzantine Broadcast under Dishonest Majority Jun Wan and Hanshen Xiao and Elaine Shi and Srinivas Devadas. 2020. | |
113. | Optimized and secure pairing-friendly elliptic curves suitable for one layer proof composition Youssef El Housni and Aurore Guillevic. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
114. | Ride the lightning: The game theory of payment channels Avarikioti, Zeta and Heimbach, Lioba and Wang, Yuyi and Wattenhofer, Roger. 2020. | |
115. | Rescue-Prime: a Standard Specification (SoK) Alan Szepieniec and Tomer Ashur and Siemen Dhooghe. 2020. | |
116. | Securing Proof-of-Work Ledgers via Checkpointing Dimitris Karakostas and Aggelos Kiayias. 2020. | |
117. | Threshold ECDSA for Decentralized Asset Custody Adam Gągol and Damian Straszak. 2020. | |
118. | Bitcoin-Monero Cross-chain Atomic Swap Joël Gugger. 2020. | |
119. | Scalable Open-Vote Network on Ethereum Mohamed Seifelnasr and Hisham S. Galal and Amr M. Youssef. 2020. | |
120. | Reducing Participation Costs via Incremental Verification for Ledger Systems Weikeng Chen and Alessandro Chiesa and Emma Dauterman and Nicholas P. Ward. 2020. | |
121. | Toward Active and Passive Confidentiality Attacks On Cryptocurrency Off-Chain Networks Nisslmueller, Utz and Foerster, Klaus-Tycho and Schmid, Stefan and Decker, Christian. 2020. | |
122. | STARK Friendly Hash -- Survey and Recommendation Eli Ben-Sasson and Lior Goldberg and David Levit. 2020. | |
123. | Decentralized Cross-Blockchain Asset Transfers Sigwart, Marten and Frauenthaler, Philipp and Spanring, Christof and Schulte, Stefan. 2020. | |
124. | Updateable Inner Product Argument with Logarithmic Verifier and Applications Daza, Vanesa and R\`afols, Carla and Zacharakis, Alexandros. 2020. | |
125. | Anonymous Tokens with Private Metadata Bit Ben Kreuter and Tancrede Lepoint and Michele Orru and Mariana Raykova. 2020. | |
126. | Full Analysis of Nakamoto Consensus in Bounded-Delay Networks Juan Garay and Aggelos Kiayias and Nikos Leonardos. 2020. | |
127. | Efficient Post-quantum SNARKs for RSIS and RLWE and Their Applications to Privacy Boschini, Cecilia and Camenisch, Jan and Ovsiankin, Max and Spooner, Nicholas. 2020. ![]() | |
128. | Practical Post-Quantum Few-Time Verifiable Random Function with Applications to Algorand Esgin, Muhammed F and Kuchta, Veronika and Sakzad, Amin and Steinfeld, Ron and Zhang, Zhenfei and Sun, Shifeng and Chu, Shumo. 2020. | |
129. | An Analysis of the Market Risk to Participants in the Compound Protocol Kao, Hsien-Tang and Chitra, Tarun and Chiang, Rei and Morrow, John. 2020. | |
130. | Credible, Truthful, and Two-Round (Optimal) Auctions via Cryptographic Commitments Matheus V. X. Ferreira and S. Matthew Weinberg. 2020. | |
131. | Simulation Extractable Versions of Groth’s zk-SNARK Revisited Karim Baghery and Zaira Pindado and Carla Ràfols. 2020. | |
132. | On the Profitability of Selfish Mining Against Multiple Difficulty Adjustment Algorithms Michael Davidson and Tyler Diamond. 2020. | |
133. | Splitting Payments Locally While Routing Interdimensionally Lisa Eckey and Sebastian Faust and Kristina Hostáková and Stefanie Roos. 2020. | |
134. | Round-Efficient Byzantine Broadcast under Strongly Adaptive and Majority Corruptions Wan, Jun and Xiao, Hanshen and Devadas, Srinivas and Shi, Elaine. 2020. | |
135. | Proof of Necessary Work: Succinct State Verification with Fairness Guarantees Assimakis Kattis and Joseph Bonneau. 2020. | |
136. | Mind the Middle Layer: The HADES Design Strategy Revisited Nathan Keller and Asaf Rosemarin. 2020. | |
137. | Empirical Measurements on Pricing Oracles and Decentralized Governance for Stablecoins Gu, Wanyun and Raghuvanshi, Anika and Boneh, Dan. 2020. | |
138. | From Tether to Libra: Stablecoins, Digital Currency and the Future of Money Lipton, Alexander and Sardon, Aetienne and Sch\"ar, Fabian and Sch\"upbach, Christian. 2020. | |
139. | Generic-Group Delay Functions Require Hidden-Order Groups Lior Rotem and Gil Segev and Ido Shahaf. 2020. | |
140. | Proof of Storage-Time: Efficiently Checking Continuous Data Availability Ateniese, Giuseppe and Chen, Long and Etemad, Mohammad and Tang, Qiang. 2020. | |
141. | Liquid: A Bitcoin Sidechain Nick, Jonas and Poelstra, Andrew and Sanders, Gregory. 2020. | |
142. | Authenticated Dictionaries with Cross-Incremental Proof (Dis)aggregation Alin Tomescu and Yu Xia and Zachary Newman. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
143. | Post-Quantum Adaptor Signature for Privacy-Preserving Off-Chain Payments Erkan Tairi and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Matteo Maffei. 2020. | |
144. | Resource-Restricted Cryptography: Revisiting MPC Bounds in the Proof-of-Work Era Garay, Juan and Kiayias, Aggelos and Ostrovsky, Rafail M and Panagiotakos, Giorgos and Zikas, Vassilis. 2020. | |
145. | On QA-NIZK in the BPK model Abdolmaleki, Behzad and Lipmaa, Helger and Siim, Janno and Zaj\kac, Micha\l. 2020. | |
146. | Native Custom Tokens in the Extended UTXO Model Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Chapman, James and MacKenzie, Kenneth and Melkonian, Orestis and M\"uller, Jann and Jones, Michael Peyton and Vinogradova, Polina and Wadler, Philip. 2020. | |
147. | SPARKs: Succinct Parallelizable Arguments of Knowledge Naomi Ephraim and Cody Freitag and Ilan Komargodski and Rafael Pass. 2020. | |
148. | Prism Removes Consensus Bottleneck for Smart Contracts Wang, Gerui and Wang, Shuo and Bagaria, Vivek and Tse, David and Viswanath, Pramod. 2020. | |
149. | Formalizing Nakamoto-Style Proof of Stake Søren Eller Thomsen and Bas Spitters. 2020. | |
150. | Lightweight Virtual Payment Channels Maxim Jourenko and Mario Larangeira and Keisuke Tanaka. 2020. | |
151. | Generically Speeding-Up Repeated Squaring is Equivalent to Factoring: Sharp Thresholds for All Generic-Ring Delay Functions Lior Rotem and Gil Segev. 2020. | |
152. | Triptych: logarithmic-sized linkable ring signatures with applications Sarang Noether and Brandon Goodell. 2020. | |
153. | Smart Contract modeling and verification techniques: A survey Imeri, Adnan and Agoulmine, Nazim and Khadraoui, Djamel. 2020. | |
154. | AMR: Autonomous Coin Mixer with Privacy Preserving Reward Distribution Le, Duc V and Gervais, Arthur. 2020. | |
155. | Streamlined Blockchains: A Simple and Elegant Approach (A Tutorial and Survey) Elaine Shi. 2020. | |
156. | Taming the many EdDSAs Konstantinos Chalkias and François Garillot and Valeria Nikolaenko. 2020. | |
157. | Lower Bounds for Off-Chain Protocols: Exploring the Limits of Plasma Stefan Dziembowski and Grzegorz Fabiański and Sebastian Faust and Siavash Riahi. 2020. | |
158. | The mathematics of Bitcoin Grunspan, Cyril and P\'erez-Marco, Ricardo. 2020. | |
159. | Ledger Combiners for Fast Settlement Matthias Fitzi and Peter Gazi and Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell. 2020. | |
160. | PayMo: Payment Channels For Monero Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan and Giulio Malavolta and Fritz Schmidt and Dominique Schröder. 2020. | |
161. | Formal Specification and Model Checking of the Tendermint Blockchain Synchronization Protocol (Short Paper) Braithwaite, Sean and Buchman, Ethan and Konnov, Igor and Milosevic, Zarko and Stoilkovska, Ilina and Widder, Josef and Zamfir, Anca. 2020. | |
162. | While stability lasts: A stochastic model of stablecoins Klages-Mundt, Ariah and Minca, Andreea. 2020. | |
163. | Multi-Party Timed Commitments Yael Doweck and Ittay Eyal. 2020. | |
164. | PoSAT: Proof-of-Work Availability andUnpredictability, without the Work Deb, Soubhik and Kannan, Sreeram and Tse, David. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
165. | Extracting Smart Contracts Tested and Verified in Coq Annenkov, Danil and Milo, Mikkel and Nielsen, Jakob Botsch and Spitters, Bas. 2020. | |
166. | Anonymous Lottery in the Proof-of-Stake Setting Foteini Baldimtsi and Varun Madathil and Alessandra Scafuro and Linfeng Zhou. 2020. | |
167. | NC-Max: Breaking the Security-Performance Tradeoff in Nakamoto Consensus Ren Zhang and Dingwei Zhang and Quake Wang and Shichen Wu and Jan Xie and Bart Preneel. 2020. | |
168. | Short Selling Attack: A Self-Destructive But Profitable 51% Attack On PoS Blockchains Suhyeon Lee and Seungjoo Kim. 2020. | |
169. | CRAFT: Composable Randomness Beacons and Output-Independent Abort MPC From Time-Lock Puzzles Carsten Baum and Bernardo David and Rafael Dowsley and Jesper Buus Nielsen and Sabine Oechsner. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
170. | Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Protocols with Near-Optimal Throughput Matthias Fitzi and Peter Gaži and Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell. 2020. | |
171. | EthScope: A Transaction-centric Security Analytics Framework to Detect Malicious Smart Contracts on Ethereum Wu, Lei and Wu, Siwei and Zhou, Yajin and Li, Runhuai and Wang, Zhi and Luo, Xiapu and Wang, Cong and Ren, Kui. 2020. | |
172. | Distributed Auditing Proofs of Liabilities Konstantinos Chalkias and Kevin Lewi and Payman Mohassel and Valeria Nikolaenko. 2020. | |
173. | Dynamic Universal Accumulator with Batch Update over Bilinear Groups Giuseppe Vitto and Alex Biryukov. 2020. | |
174. | A Gas-Efficient Superlight Bitcoin Client in Solidity Stelios Daveas and Kostis Karantias and Aggelos Kiayias and Dionysis Zindros. 2020. ![]() | |
175. | Information Theoretic HotStuff Abraham, Ittai and Stern, Gilad. 2020. | |
176. | A Direct Construction for Asymptotically Optimal zkSNARKs Abhiram Kothapalli and Elisaweta Masserova and Bryan Parno. 2020. | |
177. | PERIMETER: A network-layer attack on the anonymity of cryptocurrencies Maire, Maria Apostolaki Cedric and Vanbever, Laurent. 2020. | |
178. | Succinct functional commitment for a large class of arithmetic circuits Lipmaa, Helger and Pavlyk, Kateryna. 2020. | |
179. | Cerberus: Minimalistic multi-shard byzantine-resilient transaction processing Hellings, Jelle and Hughes, Daniel P and Primero, Joshua and Sadoghi, Mohammad. 2020. | |
180. | Consistency in Proof-of-Stake Blockchains with Concurrent Honest Slot Leaders Aggelos Kiayias and Saad Quader and Alexander Russell. 2020. | |
181. | Tiramisu: Black-Box Simulation Extractable NIZKs in the Updatable CRS Model Karim Baghery and Mahdi Sedaghat. 2020. | |
182. | Albert, an intermediate smart-contract language for the Tezos blockchain Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2020. | |
183. | Termination of Ethereum's Smart Contracts Genet, Thomas and Jensen, Thomas and Sauvage, Justine. 2020. | |
184. | Updatable Blockchains⋆ Ciampi, Michele and Karayannidis, Nikos and Kiayias, Aggelos and Zindros, Dionysis. 2020. | |
185. | Consensus Redux: Distributed Ledgers in the Face of Adversarial Supremacy Badertscher, Christian and Gazi, Peter and Kiayias, Aggelos and Russell, Alexander and Zikas, Vassilis. 2020. | |
186. | A note on the low order assumption in class group of an imaginary quadratic number fields Karim Belabas and Thorsten Kleinjung and Antonio Sanso and Benjamin Wesolowski. 2020. | |
187. | Payment Trees: Low Collateral Payments for Payment Channel Networks Maxim Jourenko and Mario Larangeira and Keisuke Tanaka. 2020. | |
188. | Zero-Knowledge Succinct Arguments with a Linear-Time Prover Jonathan Bootle and Alessandro Chiesa and Siqi Liu. 2020. | |
189. | Formalising and verifying smart contracts with Solidifier: a bounded model checker for Solidity Antonino, Pedro and Roscoe, AW. 2020. | |
190. | Mining for Privacy: How to Bootstrap a Snarky Blockchain Thomas Kerber and Aggelos Kiayias and Markulf Kohlweiss. 2020. | |
191. | Plumo: Towards Scalable Interoperable Blockchains Using Ultra Light Validation Systems Gabizon, Ariel and Gurkan, Kobi and Jovanovic, Philipp and Konstantopoulos, Georgios and Oines, Asa and Olszewski, Marek and Straka, Michael and Tromer, Eran. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
192. | Game theoretical framework for analyzing Blockchains Robustness Paolo Zappalà and Marianna Belotti and Maria Potop-Butucaru and Stefano Secci. 2020. | |
193. | Time-release Cryptography from Minimal Circuit Assumptions Samuel Jaques and Hart Montgomery and Arnab Roy. 2020. | |
194. | Polynomial IOPs for Linear Algebra Relations Alan Szepieniec. 2020. | |
195. | A formal model of Algorand smart contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Bracciali, Andrea and Lepore, Cristian and Scalas, Alceste and Zunino, Roberto. 2020. | |
196. | WI is Almost Enough: Contingent Payment All Over Again Nguyen, Ky and Ambrona, Miguel and Abe, Masayuki. 2020. | |
197. | An airdrop that preserves recipient privacy⋆ Wahby, Riad S and Boneh, Dan and Jeffrey, Christopher and Poon, Joseph. 2020. ![]() | |
198. | TxChain: Efficient Cryptocurrency Light Clients via Contingent Transaction Aggregation Alexei Zamyatin and Zeta Avarikioti and Daniel Perez and William J. Knottenbelt. 2020. | |
199. | Decentralized reputation Tassos Dimitriou. 2020. | |
200. | FileBounty: Fair Data Exchange Janin, Simon and Qin, Kaihua and Mamageishvili, Akaki and Gervais, Arthur. 2020. | |
201. | Attacking Threshold Wallets Jean-Philippe Aumasson and Omer Shlomovits. 2020. | |
202. | SodsMPC: FSM based Anonymous and Private Quantum-safe Smart Contracts Shlomi Dolev and Ziyu Wang. 2020. | |
203. | SodsMPC: FSM based Anonymous and Private Quantum-safe Smart Contracts Shlomi Dolev and Ziyu Wang. 2020. | |
204. | Network-Agnostic State Machine Replication Blum, Erica and Katz, Jonathan and Loss, Julian. 2020. | |
205. | How to Keep a Secret and Share a Public Key (Using Polynomial Commitments) Nicolescu, Ioan Alin Tomescu. 2020. | |
206. | CommiTEE: An Efficient and Secure Commit-Chain Protocol using TEEs Andreas Erwig and Sebastian Faust and Siavash Riahi and Tobias Stöckert. 2020. | |
207. | WIP: Finding Bugs Automatically in Smart Contracts with Parameterized Invariants Bernardi, Thomas and Dor, Nurit and Fedotov, Anastasia and Grossman, Shelly and Immerman, Neil and Jackson, Daniel and Nutz, Alex and Oppenheim, Lior and Pistiner, Or and Rinetzky, Noam and others. 2020. | |
208. | Vector Commitment Techniques and Applications to Verifiable Decentralized Storage Matteo Campanelli and Dario Fiore and Nicola Greco and Dimitris Kolonelos and Luca Nizzardo. 2020. ![]() | |
209. | Account Management in Proof of Stake Ledgers Dimitris Karakostas and Aggelos Kiayias and Mario Larangeira. 2020. | |
210. | The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Pitfalls and Best Practices in Automated Sound Static Analysis of Ethereum Smart Contracts Schneidewind, Clara and Scherer, Markus and Maffei, Matteo. 2020. | |
211. | MoneyMorph: Censorship Resistant Rendezvous using Permissionless Cryptocurrencies Minaei, Mohsen and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Kate, Aniket. 2020. | |
212. | Blockchain with Varying Number of Players T-H. Hubert Chan and Naomi Ephraim and Antonio Marcedone and Andrew Morgan and Rafael Pass and Elaine Shi. 2020. | |
213. | The Velvet Path to Superlight Blockchain Clients Kiayias, Aggelos and Polydouri, Andrianna and Zindros, Dionysis. 2020. | |
214. | Load Balancing for Sharded Blockchains Okanami, Naoya and Nakamura, Ryuya and Nishide, Takashi. 2020. | |
215. | Smart Contract Derivatives Kostis Karantias and Aggelos Kiayias and Dionysis Zindros. 2020. | |
216. | Resources: A Safe Language Abstraction for Money Blackshear, Sam and Dill, David L and Qadeer, Shaz and Barrett, Clark W and Mitchell, John C and Padon, Oded and Zohar, Yoni. 2020. | |
217. | Tracking Mixed Bitcoins Tironsakkul, Tin and Maarek, Manuel and Eross, Andrea and Just, Mike. 2020. | |
218. | Lattice-Based Proof-of-Work for Post-Quantum Blockchains Rouzbeh Behnia and Eamonn W. Postlethwaite and Muslum Ozgur Ozmen and Attila Altay Yavuz. 2020. | |
219. | Bitcoin covenants unchained Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Zunino, Roberto. 2020. | |
220. | Aardvark: A Concurrent Authenticated Dictionary with Short Proofs Derek Leung and Yossi Gilad and Sergey Gorbunov and Leonid Reyzin and Nickolai Zeldovich. 2020. | |
221. | Why Stake When You Can Borrow? Chitra, Tarun and Evans, Alex. 2020. | |
222. | Why Stake When You Can Borrow? Tarun Chitra and Alex Evans. 2020. | |
223. | Analyzing Smart Contracts: From EVM to a sound Control-Flow Graph Albert, Elvira and Correas, Jes\'us and Gordillo, Pablo and Rom\'an-D\'\iez, Guillermo and Rubio, Albert. 2020. | |
224. | Proposal: The Turbo-PLONK program syntax for specifying SNARK programs Ariel Gabizon and Zachary J. Williamson. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
225. | Tezla, an Intermediate Representation for Static Analysis of Michelson Smart Contracts Santos Reis, Jo\~ao and Crocker, Paul and Melo de Sousa, Sim\~ao. 2020. | |
226. | Design choices for Central Bank Digital Currency Allen, Sarah and Capkun, Srdjan and Eyal, Ittay and Fanti, Giulia and Ford, Bryan and Grimmelmann, James and Juels, Ari and Kostiainen, Kari and Meiklejohn, Sarah and Miller, Andrew and others. 2020. | |
227. | A Tendermint Light Client Braithwaite, Sean and Buchman, Ethan and Khoffi, Ismail and Konnov, Igor and Milosevic, Zarko and Ruetschi, Romain and Widder, Josef. 2020. | |
228. | Making Tezos Smart Contracts More Reliable with Coq Bernardo, Bruno and Cauderlier, Rapha\"el and Claret, Guillaume and Jakobsson, Arvid and Pesin, Basile and Tesson, Julien. 2020. | |
229. | Pricing ASICs for Cryptocurrency Mining Yaish, Aviv and Zohar, Aviv. 2020. | |
230. | Formal Verification of Solidity contracts in Event-B Zhu, Jian and Hu, Kai and Filali, Mamoun and Bodeveix, Jean-Paul and Talpin, Jean-Pierre. 2020. | |
231. | Timelocked Bribes Majid Khabbazian and Tejaswi Nadahalli and Roger Wattenhofer. 2020. | |
232. | Flexible Formality Practical Experience with Agile Formal Methods Szamotulski, Marcin and Vinogradova, Polina. 2020. | |
233. | Manta: Privacy Preserving Decentralized Exchange Shumo Chu and Qiudong Xia and Zhenfei Zhang. 2020. | |
234. | The security of Groups of Unknown Order based on Jacobians of Hyperelliptic Curves Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
235. | Performance Overhead of Atomic Crosschain Transactions Robinson, Peter. 2020. | |
236. | JugglingSwap: Scriptless Atomic Cross-Chain Swaps Shlomovits, Omer and Leiba, Oded. 2020. | |
237. | Accumulators in (and Beyond) Generic Groups: Non-Trivial Batch Verification Requires Interaction Schul-Ganz, Gili and Segev, Gil. 2020. | |
238. | Achieving privacy and accountability in traceable digital currency Amira Barki and Aline Gouget. 2020. | |
239. | Bypassing Non-Outsourceable Proof-of-Work Schemes Using Collateralized Smart Contracts Alexander Chepurnoy and Amitabh Saxena. 2020. | |
240. | Committing to Quantum Resistance, Better: A Speed–and–Risk–Configurable Defence for Bitcoin against a Fast Quantum Computing Attack Dragos Ioan Ilie and William J. Knottenbelt and Iain Stewart. 2020. | |
241. | Barriers for Succinct Arguments in the Random Oracle Model Alessandro Chiesa and Eylon Yogev. 2020. | |
242. | Lower bounds for the depth of modular squaring Benjamin Wesolowski and Ryan Williams. 2020. | |
243. | RandChain: A Scalable and Fair Decentralised Randomness Beacon Runchao Han and Haoyu Lin and Jiangshan Yu. 2020. | |
244. | A Note on Low Order Assumptions in RSA groups István András Seres and Péter Burcsi. 2020. | |
245. | WhylSon: Proving your Michelson Smart Contracts in Why3 da Horta, Lu\'\is Pedro Arrojado and Reis, Jo\~ao Santos and Pereira, M\'ario and de Sousa, Sim\~ao Melo. 2020. ![]() | |
246. | Verifiable state machines: Proofs that untrusted services operate correctly Srinath Setty and Sebastian Angel and Jonathan Lee. 2020. | |
247. | Model Checking Bitcoin and other Proof-of-Work Consensus Protocols DiGiacomo-Castillo, Max and Liang, Yiyun and Pal, Advay and Mitchell, John C. 2020. | |
248. | TaiJi: Longest Chain Availability with BFT Fast Confirmation Songze Li and David Tse. 2020. | |
249. | Selfish Mining Attacks Exacerbated by Elastic Hash Supply Shibuya, Yoko and Yamamoto, Go and Kojima, Fuhito and Shi, Elaine and Matsuo, Shin’ichiro and Laszka, Aron. 2020. | |
250. | SoK: Lifting Transformations for Simulation Extractable Subversion and Updatable SNARKs⋆ Abdolmaleki, Behzad and Ramacher, Sebastian and Slamanig, Daniel. 2020. | |
251. | Alt-Coin Traceability Claire Ye and Chinedu Ojukwu and Anthony Hsu and Ruiqi Hu. 2020. | |
252. | Layer 2 Atomic Cross-Blockchain Function Calls Robinson, Peter and Ramesh, Raghavendra. 2020. | |
253. | Formal Specification and Verification of Solidity Contracts with Events Hajdu, Akos and Jovanovic, Dejan and Ciocarlie, Gabriela. 2020. | |
254. | Towards Smart Hybrid Fuzzing for Smart Contracts Torres, Christof Ferreira and Iannillo, Antonio Ken and Gervais, Arthur and State, Radu. 2020. | |
255. | Uniswap v2 Core Adams, Hayden and Robinson, Dan. 2020. | |
256. | Tendermint blockchain synchronization: formal specification and model checking Braithwaite, Sean and Buchman, Ethan and Konnov, Igor and Milosevic, Zarko and Stoilkovska, Ilina and Widder, Josef and Zamfir, Anca. 2020. | |
257. | On the (Ir)Replaceability of Global Setups, or How (Not) to Use a Global Ledger Christian Badertscher and Julia Hesse and Vassilis Zikas. 2020. | |
258. | Balancing Privacy and Accountability in Blockchain Transactions Damgard, Ivan and Ganesh, Chaya and Khoshakhlagh, Hamidreza and Orlandi, Claudio and Siniscalchi, Luisa. 2020. | |
259. | The Arwen Trading Protocols (Full Version) Ethan Heilman and Sebastien Lipmann and Sharon Goldberg. 2020. | |
260. | Baby SNARK (do do dodo dodo) Andrew Miller and Ye Zhang and Sanket Kanjalkar. 2020. ![]() | |
261. | Renegotiation and recursion in Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Murgia, Maurizio and Zunino, Roberto. 2020. | |
262. | A PoR/PoS-Hybrid Blockchain: Proof of Reputation with Nakamoto Fallback Leonard Kleinrock and Rafail Ostrovsky and Vassilis Zikas. 2020. | |
263. | Promise: Leveraging Future Gains for Collateral Reduction Dominik Harz and Lewis Gudgeon and Rami Khalil and Alexei Zamyatin. 2020. | |
264. | Permissionless Consensus in the Resource Model Benjamin Terner. 2020. | |
265. | Zecale: Reconciling Privacy and Scalability on Ethereum Rondelet, Antoine. 2020. | |
266. | Impossibility on the Schnorr Signature from the One-more DL Assumption in the Non-programmable Random Oracle Model Masayuki Fukumitsu and Shingo Hasegawa. 2020. | |
267. | Publicly Verifiable Zero Knowledge from (Collapsing) Blockchains Scafuro, Alessandra and Siniscalchi, Luisa and Visconti, Ivan. 2020. | |
268. | Unifying Compilers for SNARKs, SMT, and More Alex Ozdemir and Fraser Brown and Riad S. Wahby. 2020. | |
269. | Analysing Mining Machine Shutdown Price Shange Fu and Jiangshan Yu and Rafael Dowsley and Joseph Liu. 2020. | |
270. | Ethna: Channel Network with Dynamic Internal Payment Splitting Stefan Dziembowski and Paweł Kędzior. 2020. | |
271. | ZeroJoin: Combining ZeroCoin and CoinJoin Alexander Chepurnoy and Amitabh Saxena. 2020. | |
272. | Community Proposal: A Benchmarking Framework for (Zero-Knowledge) Proof Systems Benarroch, Daniel and Nicolas, Aur\'elien and Thaler, Justin and Tromer, Eran. 2020. | |
273. | Unbounded Simulation-Sound Subversion Resistant Quasi-Adaptive NIZK Proofs and Applications to Modular zk-SNARKs Behzad Abdolmaleki and Daniel Slamanig. 2020. | |
274. | Custody Protocols Using Bitcoin Vaults Swambo, Jacob and Hommel, Spencer and McElrath, Bob and Bishop, Bryan. 2020. | |
275. | Anonymous probabilistic payment in payment hub Tatsuo Mitani and Akira Otsuka. 2020. | |
276. | How to compute all Pointproofs Alin Tomescu. 2020. | |
277. | Smart Derivatives: On-Chain Forwards for Digital Assets Rius, Alfonso DDM and Gashier, Eamonn. 2020. | |
278. | Survey on Cryptocurrency Networking: Context, State-of-the-Art, Challenges Dotan, Maya and Pignolet, Yvonne-Anne and Schmid, Stefan and Tochner, Saar and Zohar, Aviv. 2020. | |
279. | zkInterface, a standard tool for zero-knowledge interoperability Daniel Benarroch and Kobi Gurkan and Ron Kahat and Aurélien Nicolas 1 and Eran Tromer. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
280. | Succinct Diophantine-Satisfiability Arguments Patrick Towa and Damien Vergnaud. 2020. | |
281. | Economic Principles of PoPCoin, a Democratic Time-based Cryptocurrency Zhang, Haoqian and Basescu, Cristina and Ford, Bryan. 2020. | |
282. | AAVE: Protocol Whitepaper V1.0 Usal, Ernesto. 2020. | |
283. | SoK: Cyber-Attack Taxonomy of Distributed Ledger- and Legacy Systems-based Financial Infrastructures Ralph Ankele and Kai Nahrgang and Branka Stojanovic and Atta Badii. 2020. | |
284. | Game-Theoretically Fair Leader Election in O(log log n) Rounds under Majority Coalitions Kai-Min Chung and T-H. Hubert Chan and Ting Wen and Elaine Shi (random author ordering). 2020. | |
285. | Formal specification of a security framework for smart contracts Mandrykin, Mikhail and O'Shannessy, Jake and Payne, Jacob and Shchepetkov, Ilya. 2020. | |
286. | Multichain-MWPoW: A $p/2$ Adversary Power Resistant Blockchain Sharding Approach to a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation Architecture Yibin Xu and Yangyu Huang and Jianhua Shao and George Theodorakopoulos. 2020. | |
287. | Performance Trade-offs in Design of MimbleWimble Proofs of Reserves Suyash Bagad and Saravanan Vijayakumaran. 2020. | |
288. | Compiling a Higher-Order Smart Contract Language to LLVM Nagaraj, Vaivaswatha and Johannsen, Jacob and Trunov, Anton and P\^\irlea, George and Kumar, Amrit and Sergey, Ilya. 2020. | |
289. | Multi-Shard Private Transactions for Permissioned Blockchains Androulaki, Elli and De Caro, Angelo and Elkhiyaoui, Kaoutar and Gorenflo, Christian and Sorniotti, Alessandro and Vukolic, Marko. 2020. | |
290. | Adaptive layer-two dispute periods in blockchains Rami Khalil and Naranker Dulay. 2020. | |
291. | Optimal Communication Complexity of Byzantine Agreement, Revisited Atsuki Momose and Ling Ren. 2020. | |
292. | What is an EUTxO blockchain? Gabbay, Murdoch J. 2020. | |
293. | Reparo: Publicly Verifiable Layer to Repair Blockchains Thyagarajan, Sri Aravinda Krishnan and Bhat, Adithya and Magri, Bernardo and Tschudi, Daniel and Kate, Aniket. 2020. | |
294. | Bitcoin Crypto–Bounties for Quantum Capable Adversaries Dragos Ioan Ilie and Kostis Karantias and William J. Knottenbelt. 2020. | |
295. | Trustless Groups of Unknown Order with Hyperelliptic Curves Samuel Dobson and Steven D. Galbraith. 2020. ![]() | |
296. | "Many-out-of-Many" Proofs with Applications to Anonymous Zether Benjamin E. Diamond. 2020. | |
297. | Optimized Collision Search for STARK-Friendly Hash Challenge Candidates Udovenko, Aleksei. 2020. | |
298. | Hydra: Fast Isomorphic State Channels Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Coretti, Sandro and Fitzi, Matthias and Gazi, Peter and Kant, Philipp and Kiayias, Aggelos and Russell, Alexander. 2020. | |
299. | Triptych-2: efficient proofs for confidential transactions Noether, Sarang. 2020. ![]() ![]() | |
300. | Efficient polynomial commitment schemes for multiple points and polynomials Dan Boneh and Justin Drake and Ben Fisch and Ariel Gabizon. 2020. | |
301. | Constructing hidden order groups using genus three Jacobians Steve Thakur. 2020. | |
302. | A Quantitative Analysis of Security, Anonymity and Scalability for the Lightning Network Sergei Tikhomirov and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Matteo Maffei. 2020. | |
303. | zkRelay: Facilitating Sidechains using zkSNARK-based Chain-Relays Martin Westerkamp and Jacob Eberhardt. 2020. | |
304. | Accountability in a Permissioned Blockchain: Formal Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric Ralf Kuesters and Daniel Rausch and Mike Simon. 2020. | |
305. | Optimal Good-case Latency for Byzantine Broadcast and State Machine Replication Abraham, Ittai and Nayak, Kartik and Ren, Ling and Xiang, Zhuolun. 2020. | |
306. | Implementing a Smart Contract PKI Patsonakis, Christos and Samari, Katerina and Kiayias, Aggelos and Roussopoulos, Mema. 2020. | |
307. | Smart Contract With Secret Parameters Thiercelin, Marin and Cheng, Chen-Mou and Miyaji, Atsuko and Vaudenay, Serge. 2020. | |
308. | TinyRAM Architecture Specification v2. 000 Chiesa, Eli Ben-Sasson Alessandro and Genkin, Daniel and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2020. | |
309. | On the Confidentiality of Amounts in Grin Suyash Bagad and Saravanan Vijayakumaran. 2020. | |
310. | Reputable List Curation from Decentralized Voting Elizabeth C. Crites and Mary Maller and Sarah Meiklejohn and Rebekah Mercer. 2020. | |
311. | Rational Behavior in Committee-Based Blockchains Yackolley Amoussou-Guenou and Bruno Biais and Maria Potop-Butucaru and Sara Tucci-Piergiovanni. 2020. | |
312. | Leveraging Weight Functions for Optimistic Responsiveness in Blockchains Simon Holmgaard Kamp and Bernardo Magri and Christian Matt and Jesper Buus Nielsen and Søren Eller Thomsen and Daniel Tschudi. 2020. | |
313. | MAD-HTLC: Because HTLC is Crazy-Cheap to Attack Itay Tsabary and Matan Yechieli and Ittay Eyal. 2020. ![]() | |
314. | Dynamic proofs of retrievability with low server storage Anthoine, Gaspard and Dumas, Jean-Guillaume and Hanling, Michael and de Jonghe, M\'elanie and Maignan, Aude and Pernet, Cl\'ement and Roche, Daniel S. 2020. | |
315. | Solida: A Blockchain Protocol Based on Reconfigurable Byzantine Consensus Abraham, Ittai and Malkhi, Dahlia and Nayak, Kartik and Spiegelman, Alexander. 2020. ![]() | |
316. | Stablecoins 2.0: Economic Foundations and Risk-based Models Ariah Klages-Mundt and Dominik Harz and Lewis Gudgeon and Jun-You Liu and Andreea Minca. 2020. | |
317. | A Simple Range Proof From Polynomial Commitments Dan Boneh and Ben Fisch and Ariel Gabizon and Zac Williamson. 2020. ![]() | |
318. | An Empirical Study of Ownership, Typestate, and Assets in the Obsidian Smart Contract Language Coblenz, Michael and Aldrich, Jonathan and Sunshine, Joshua and Myers, Brad. 2020. | |
319. | Groth16 SNARKs are Randomizable and (Weakly) Simulation Extractable Mikhail Volkhov and Markulf Kohlweiss. 2020. | |
320. | PayPlace: A Scalable Sidechain Protocol for Flexible Payment Mechanisms in Blockchain-based Marketplaces Harishankar, Madhumitha and Iyer, Sriram V and Laszka, Aron and Joe-Wong, Carlee and Tague, Patrick. 2020. | |
321. | An empirical study of availability and reliability properties of the Bitcoin Lightning Network Waugh, Finnegan and Holz, Ralph. 2020. | |
322. | Flood \& Loot: A Systemic Attack On The Lightning Network Harris, Jona and Zohar, Aviv. 2020. ![]() | |
323. | Virtual ASICs: Generalized Proof-of-Stake Mining in Cryptocurrencies Chaya Ganesh and Claudio Orlandi and Daniel Tschudi and Aviv Zohar. 2020. | |
324. | Proofs of Useless Work--Positive and Negative Results for Wasteless Mining Systems Dotan, Maya and Tochner, Saar. 2020. | |
325. | Cross-Layer Deanonymization Methods in the Lightning Protocol Romiti, Matteo and Victor, Friedhelm and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Haslhofer, Bernhard and Maffei, Matteo. 2020. | |
326. | zk-SNARKs Analysis and Implementation on Ethereum Ballesteros Rodr\'\iguez, Alberto. 2020. | |
327. | Threshold ECDSA with an Offline Recovery Party Battagliola, Michele and Longo, Riccardo and Meneghetti, Alessio and Sala, Massimiliano. 2020. | |
328. | Non-Atomic Payment Splitting in Channel Networks Dziembowski, Stefan and Kedzior, Pawe\l. 2020. | |
329. | Undercutting Bitcoin Is Not Profitable Tiantian Gong and Mohsen Minaei and Wenhai Sun and Aniket Kate. 2020. | |
330. | UTXOma: UTXO with Multi-Asset Support Chakravarty, Manuel MT and Chapman, James and MacKenzie, Kenneth and Melkonian, Orestis and M\"uller, Jann and Jones, Michael Peyton and Vinogradova, Polina and Wadler, Philip and Zahnentferner, Joachim. 2020. | |
331. | Synthetix Synthetix. 2020. | |
332. | Foundations of Distributed Consensus and Blockchains Elaine Shi. 2020. | |
333. | GasMet: Profiling Gas Leaks in the Deployment of Solidity Smart Contracts Canfora, Gerardo and Di Sorbo, Andrea and Laudanna, Sonia and Vacca, Anna and Visaggio, Corrado A. 2020. | |
334. | Smart Contract Languages: A Thorough Comparison Gramlich, Benjamin. 2020. | |
335. | Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits Spooner, Nicholas. 2020. | |
336. | Formal Verification of Ethereum Smart Contracts Using Isabelle/HOL Ribeiro, Maria and Adao, Pedro and Mateus, Paulo. 2020. | |
337. | The Checkpointed Longest Chain: User-dependent Adaptivity and Finality Sankagiri, Suryanarayana and Wang, Xuechao and Kannan, Sreeram and Viswanath, Pramod. 2020. | |
338. | On Succinct Non-InteractiveZero-Knowledge Protocols UnderWeaker Trust Assumptions Behzad Abdolmaleki. 2020. | |
339. | Ethereum Smart Contracts Optimization Margherita Renieri. 2020. | |
340. | Verification of recursive Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Murgia, Maurizio and Zunino, Roberto. 2020. | |
341. | BDoS: Blockchain Denial-of-Service Attacks Mirkin, Michael and Ji, Yan and Pang, Jonathan and Klages-Mundt, Ariah and Eyal, Ittay and Juels, Ari. 2020. | |
342. | The Bitcoin Hunter: Detecting Bitcoin Traffic over Encrypted Channels Rezaei, Fatemeh and Naseri, Shahrzad and Eyal, Ittay and Houmansadr, Amir. 2020. | |
343. | Functional Verification of Smart Contracts via Strong Data Integrity Ahrendt, Wolfgang and Bubel, Richard. 2020. | |
344. | Specifying Framing Conditions for Smart Contracts Beckert, Bernhard and Schiffl, Jonas. 2020. | |
345. | Zero-Knowledge Proofs applied to finance S\'anchez Ortiz, Elvira. 2020. | |
346. | Achieving State Machine Replication without Honesty Assumptions McMenamin, Conor and Daza, Vanesa and Pontecorvi, Matteo. 2020. | |
347. | Efficient Verification of Optimized Code: Correct High-speed Curve25519 Schoolderman, Marc and Moerman, Jonathan and Smetsers, Sjaak and van Eekelen, Marko. 2020. | |
348. | A tool for proving Michelson Smart Contracts in WHY3 da Horta, Lu\'\is Pedro Arrojado and Reis, Jo\~ao Santos and de Sousa, Sim\~ao Melo and Pereira, M\'ario. 2020. | |
349. | Halo 0.9: A Halo Protocol with Fully-Succinctness Lira Wang. 2020. | |
350. | Post-Quantum Security of the Bitcoin Backbone and Quantum Multi-Solution Bernoulli Search Cojocaru, Alexandru and Garay, Juan and Kiayias, Aggelos and Song, Fang and Wallden, Petros. 2020. | |
351. | SoK: Algorithmic Incentive Manipulation Attacks on Permissionless PoW Cryptocurrencies Aljosha Judmayer and Nicholas Stifter and Alexei Zamyatin and Itay Tsabary and Ittay Eyal and Peter Gaži and Sarah Meiklejohn and Edgar Weippl. 2020. | |
352. | Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography in Distributed Ledgers Angelo De Caro and Michele Ciampi and Berry Schoenmakers and Toon Segers and Mikhail Volkhov and Markulf Kohlweiss and Ahto Truu and Henri Lakk. 2020. | |
353. | Qredo Network McCusker, Kealan and Spector, Brian. 2020. | |
354. | Nexus Mutual: A peer-to-peer discretionary mutual on the Ethereum blockchain Karp, H and Melbardis, R. 2020. | |
355. | Selfish mining in ethereum Grunspan, Cyril and P\'erez-Marco, Ricardo. 2020. |