Papers (212)
# | Title | |
1. | Hyperledger fabric: a distributed operating system for permissioned blockchains Androulaki, Elli and Barger, Artem and Bortnikov, Vita and Cachin, Christian and Christidis, Konstantinos and De Caro, Angelo and Enyeart, David and Ferris, Christopher and Laventman, Gennady and Manevich, Yacov and Muralidharan, Srinivasan and Murthy, Chet and Nguyen, Binh and Sethi, Manish and Singh, Gari and Smith, Keith and Sorniotti, Alessandro and Stathakopoulou, Chrysoula and Vukolić, Marko and Weed Cocco, Sharon and Yellick, Jason. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
2. | Bulletproofs: Short proofs for confidential transactions and more B\"unz, Benedikt and Bootle, Jonathan and Boneh, Dan and Poelstra, Andrew and Wuille, Pieter and Maxwell, Greg. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
3. | Omniledger: A secure, scale-out, decentralized ledger via sharding Kokoris-Kogias, Eleftherios and Jovanovic, Philipp and Gasser, Linus and Gailly, Nicolas and Syta, Ewa and Ford, Bryan. 2018. | |
4. | A survey on security and privacy issues of bitcoin Conti, Mauro and Kumar, E Sandeep and Lal, Chhagan and Ruj, Sushmita. 2018. | |
5. | Rapidchain: Scaling blockchain via full sharding Zamani, Mahdi and Movahedi, Mahnush and Raykova, Mariana. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
6. | Securify: Practical security analysis of smart contracts Tsankov, Petar and Dan, Andrei and Drachsler-Cohen, Dana and Gervais, Arthur and Buenzli, Florian and Vechev, Martin. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
7. | Mastering ethereum: building smart contracts and dapps Antonopoulos, Andreas M and Wood, Gavin. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
8. | Zeus: Analyzing safety of smart contracts Kalra, Sukrit and Goel, Seep and Dhawan, Mohan and Sharma, Subodh. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
9. | Smartcheck: Static analysis of ethereum smart contracts Tikhomirov, Sergei and Voskresenskaya, Ekaterina and Ivanitskiy, Ivan and Takhaviev, Ramil and Marchenko, Evgeny and Alexandrov, Yaroslav. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
10. | ContractFuzzer: fuzzing smart contracts for vulnerability detection Jiang, Bo and Liu, Ye and Chan, WK. 2018. | |
11. | Finding The Greedy, Prodigal, and Suicidal Contracts at Scale Nikolic, Ivica and Kolluri, Aashish and Sergey, Ilya and Saxena, Prateek and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018. | |
12. | Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity Eli Ben-Sasson and Iddo Bentov and Yinon Horesh and Michael Riabzev. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
13. | Verifiable Delay Functions Dan Boneh, Joseph Bonneau, Benedikt Bünz, Ben Fisch. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
14. | Atomic cross-chain swaps Herlihy, Maurice. 2018. | |
15. | Pbft vs proof-of-authority: applying the cap theorem to permissioned blockchain De Angelis, Stefano and Aniello, Leonardo and Baldoni, Roberto and Lombardi, Federico and Margheri, Andrea and Sassone, Vladimiro. 2018. | |
16. | SBFT: a Scalable and Decentralized Trust Infrastructure Gueta, Guy Golan and Abraham, Ittai and Grossman, Shelly and Malkhi, Dahlia and Pinkas, Benny and Reiter, Michael K and Seredinschi, Dragos-Adrian and Tamir, Orr and Tomescu, Alin. 2018. | |
17. | SBFT: A scalable and decentralized trust infrastructure Golan Gueta, Guy and Abraham, Ittai and Grossman, Shelly and Malkhi, Dahlia and Pinkas, Benny and Reiter, Michael K and Seredinschi, Dragos-Adrian and Tamir, Orr and Tomescu, Alin. 2018. | |
18. | Decentralization in bitcoin and ethereum networks Gencer, Adem Efe and Basu, Soumya and Eyal, Ittay and Van Renesse, Robbert and Sirer, Emin G\"un. 2018. | |
19. | Aurora: Transparent Succinct Arguments for R1CS Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Riabzev, Michael and Spooner, Nicholas and Virza, Madars and Ward, Nicholas P. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
20. | Smart contracts: security patterns in the ethereum ecosystem and solidity Wohrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe. 2018. | |
21. | Sprites and State Channels: Payment Networks that Go Faster than Lightning Miller, Andrew and Bentov, Iddo and Kumaresan, Ranjit and Cordi, Christopher and McCorry, Patrick. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
22. | Compact Multi-Signatures for Smaller Blockchains Dan Boneh and Manu Drijvers and Gregory Neven. 2018. | |
23. | Madmax: Surviving out-of-gas conditions in ethereum smart contracts Grech, Neville and Kong, Michael and Jurisevic, Anton and Brent, Lexi and Scholz, Bernhard and Smaragdakis, Yannis. 2018. | |
24. | Arbitrum: scalable, private smart contracts Kalodner, Harry and Goldfeder, Steven and Chen, Xiaoqi and Weinberg, S Matthew and Felten, Edward W. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
25. | Osiris: Hunting for integer bugs in ethereum smart contracts Torres, Christof Ferreira and Sch\"utte, Julian and others. 2018. | |
26. | Simple schnorr multi-signatures with applications to bitcoin Maxwell, Gregory and Poelstra, Andrew and Seurin, Yannick and Wuille, Pieter. 2018. | |
27. | teether: Gnawing at ethereum to automatically exploit smart contracts Krupp, Johannes and Rossow, Christian. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
28. | A Semantic Framework for the Security Analysis of Ethereum smart contracts Grishchenko, Ilya and Maffei, Matteo and Schneidewind, Clara. 2018. | |
29. | The latest gossip on BFT consensus Buchman, Ethan and Kwon, Jae and Milosevic, Zarko. 2018. | |
30. | Vandal: A scalable security analysis framework for smart contracts Brent, Lexi and Jurisevic, Anton and Kong, Michael and Liu, Eric and Gauthier, Francois and Gramoli, Vincent and Holz, Ralph and Scholz, Bernhard. 2018. | |
31. | Ouroboros Genesis: Composable Proof-of-Stake Blockchains with Dynamic Availability Christian Badertscher and Peter Ga\vzi and Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell and Vassilis Zikas. 2018. | |
32. | Batching Techniques for Accumulators with Applications to IOPs and Stateless Blockchains Boneh, Dan and B\"unz, Benedikt and Fisch, Benjamin. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
33. | Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks Rodler, Michael and Li, Wenting and Karame, Ghassan O and Davi, Lucas. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
34. | Blockchain Access Privacy: Challenges and Directions Henry, Ryan and Herzberg, Amir and Kate, Aniket. 2018. | |
35. | Towards Verifying Ethereum Smart Contract Bytecode in Isabelle/HOL Amani, Sidney and B\'egel, Myriam and Bortin, Maksym and Staples, Mark. 2018. | |
36. | DFINITY Technology Overview Series, Consensus System Hanke, Timo and Movahedi, Mahnush and Williams, Dominic. 2018. ![]() | |
37. | Fast multiparty threshold ecdsa with fast trustless setup Gennaro, Rosario and Goldfeder, Steven. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
38. | Solana: A new architecture for a high performance blockchain v0. 8.13 Yakovenko, Anatoly. 2018. | |
39. | Proof-of-Stake Sidechains. Gazi, Peter and Kiayias, Aggelos and Zindros, Dionysis. 2018. | |
40. | Astraea: A decentralized blockchain oracle Adler, John and Berryhill, Ryan and Veneris, Andreas and Poulos, Zissis and Veira, Neil and Kastania, Anastasia. 2018. | |
41. | Zexe: Enabling decentralized private computation Bowe, S and Chiesa, A and Green, M and Miers, I and Mishra, P and Wu, H. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
42. | FairSwap: How to fairly exchange digital goods Dziembowski, Stefan and Eckey, Lisa and Faust, Sebastian. 2018. | |
43. | Updatable and Universal Common Reference Strings with Applications to zk-SNARKs Jens Groth and Markulf Kohlweiss and Mary Maller and Sarah Meiklejohn and Ian Miers. 2018. | |
44. | Hotstuff: Bft consensus in the lens of blockchain Yin, Maofan and Malkhi, Dahlia and Reiter, Michael K and Gueta, Guy Golan and Abraham, Ittai. 2018. | |
45. | Fast secure multiparty ecdsa with practical distributed key generation and applications to cryptocurrency custody Lindell, Yehuda and Nof, Ariel. 2018. | |
46. | zkLedger: Privacy-Preserving Auditing for Distributed Ledgers Neha Narula and Willy Vasquez and Madars Virza. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
47. | Low-Resource Eclipse Attacks on Ethereum’s Peer-to-Peer Network Marcus, Yuval and Heilman, Ethan and Goldberg, Sharon. 2018. | |
48. | An Empirical Analysis of Anonymity in Zcash Kappos, George and Yousaf, Haaroon and Maller, Mary and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
49. | Formal verification of smart contracts based on users and blockchain behaviors models Abdellatif, Tesnim and Brousmiche, Kei-L\'eo. 2018. | |
50. | OHIE: Blockchain Scaling Made Simple Yu, Haifeng and Nikolic, Ivica and Hou, Ruomu and Saxena, Prateek. 2018. | |
51. | A multi-party protocol for constructing the public parameters of the Pinocchio zk-SNARK Bowe, Sean and Gabizon, Ariel and Green, Matthew D. 2018. | |
52. | Analysis of the XRP ledger consensus protocol Chase, Brad and MacBrough, Ethan. 2018. | |
53. | Network layer aspects of permissionless blockchains Neudecker, Till and Hartenstein, Hannes. 2018. | |
54. | Empirical Vulnerability Analysis of Automated Smart Contracts Security Testing on Blockchains Parizi, Reza M and Dehghantanha, Ali and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and Singh, Amritraj. 2018. | |
55. | Coconut: Threshold Issuance Selective Disclosure Credentials with Applications to Distributed Ledgers Sonnino, Alberto and Al-Bassam, Mustafa and Bano, Shehar and Danezis, George. 2018. | |
56. | Secure two-party threshold ECDSA from ECDSA assumptions Doerner, Jack and Kondi, Yashvanth and Lee, Eysa and Shelat, Abhi. 2018. | |
57. | A Better Method to Analyze Blockchain Consistency Kiffer, Lucianna and Rajaraman, Rajmohan and others. 2018. | |
58. | Sok: A consensus taxonomy in the blockchain era Garay, Juan and Kiayias, Aggelos. 2018. | |
59. | Proof-of-Work Sidechains Kiayias, Aggelos and Zindros, Dionysis. 2018. | |
60. | Stake-Bleeding Attacks on Proof-of-Stake Blockchains Peter Gaži and Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell. 2018. | |
61. | DIZK: A Distributed Zero-Knowledge Proof System Wu, Howard and Zheng, Wenting and Chiesa, Alessandro and Popa, Raluca Ada and Stoica, Ion. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
62. | EthIR: A Framework for High-Level Analysis of Ethereum Bytecode Albert, Elvira and Gordillo, Pablo and Livshits, Benjamin and Rubio, Albert and Sergey, Ilya. 2018. | |
63. | Pisa: Arbitration Outsourcing for State Channels McCorry, Patrick and Bakshi, Surya and Bentov, Iddo and Meiklejohn, Sarah and Miller, Andrew. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
64. | Polyshard: Coded sharding achieves linearly scaling efficiency and security simultaneously Li, Songze and Yu, Mingchao and Avestimehr, Salman and Kannan, Sreeram and Viswanath, Pramod. 2018. | |
65. | Communication complexity of byzantine agreement, revisited Abraham, Ittai and Chan, TH and Dolev, Danny and Nayak, Kartik and Pass, Rafael and Ren, Ling and Shi, Elaine. 2018. | |
66. | Quisquis: A New Design for Anonymous Cryptocurrencies Fauzi, Prastudy and Meiklejohn, Sarah and Mercer, Rebekah and Orlandi, Claudio. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
67. | xJsnark: a framework for efficient verifiable computation Kosba, Ahmed and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Shi, Elaine. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
68. | Confidential assets Poelstra, Andrew and Back, Adam and Friedenbach, Mark and Maxwell, Gregory and Wuille, Pieter. 2018. | |
69. | Erays: Reverse engineering ethereum’s opaque smart contracts Zhou, Yi and Kumar, Deepak and Bakshi, Surya and Mason, Joshua and Miller, Andrew and Bailey, Michael. 2018. | |
70. | A formal verification tool for Ethereum VM Bytecode Park, Daejun and Zhang, Yi and Saxena, Manasvi and Daian, Philip and Ro\csu, Grigore. 2018. | |
71. | The Gap Game Tsabary, Itay and Eyal, Ittay. 2018. | |
72. | Smart contracts for bribing miners McCorry, Patrick and Hicks, Alexander and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2018. | |
73. | Enter the Hydra: Towards Principled Bug Bounties and Exploit-Resistant Smart Contracts Breidenbach, Lorenz and Cornell Tech, IC and Daian, Philip and Tramer, Florian and Juels, Ari. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
74. | TxProbe: Discovering Bitcoin's Network Topology Using Orphan Transactions Delgado-Segura, Sergi and Bakshi, Surya and P\'erez-Sol\`a, Cristina and Litton, James and Pachulski, Andrew and Miller, Andrew and Bhattacharjee, Bobby. 2018. | |
75. | Scilla: a Smart Contract Intermediate-Level LAnguage Sergey, Ilya and Kumar, Amrit and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
76. | Augur: a decentralized oracle and prediction market platform Peterson, Jack and Krug, Joseph and Zoltu, Micah and Williams, Austin K and Alexander, Stephanie. 2018. | |
77. | Formal Barriers to Longest-Chain Proof-of-Stake Protocols Brown-Cohen, Jonah and Narayanan, Arvind and Psomas, Christos-Alexandros and Weinberg, S Matthew. 2018. | |
78. | Model-Checking of Smart Contracts Nehai, Zeinab and Piriou, Pierre-Yves and Daumas, Frederic. 2018. | |
79. | Ouroboros Crypsinous: Privacy-Preserving Proof-of-Stake Kerber, Thomas and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Kiayias, Aggelos and Zikas, Vassilis. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
80. | Sub-linear lattice-based zero-knowledge arguments for arithmetic circuits Baum, Carsten and Bootle, Jonathan and Cerulli, Andrea and Del Pino, Rafa\"el and Groth, Jens and Lyubashevsky, Vadim. 2018. | |
81. | Towards safer smart contracts: A survey of languages and verification methods Harz, Dominik and Knottenbelt, William. 2018. | |
82. | Aggregate Cash Systems: A Cryptographic Investigation of Mimblewimble Fuchsbauer, Georg and Orr\`u, Michele and Seurin, Yannick. 2018. | |
83. | Channels: Horizontal scaling and confidentiality on permissioned blockchains Androulaki, Elli and Cachin, Christian and De Caro, Angelo and Kokoris-Kogias, Eleftherios. 2018. | |
84. | Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Composite Statements Shashank Agrawal and Chaya Ganesh and Payman Mohassel. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
85. | Compounding of Wealth in Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrencies Fanti, Giulia and Kogan, Leonid and Oh, Sewoong and Ruan, Kathleen and Viswanath, Pramod and Wang, Gerui. 2018. | |
86. | Simple Proofs of Sequential Work Bram Cohen and Krzysztof Pietrzak. 2018. | |
87. | Off-chaining models and approaches to off-chain computations Eberhardt, Jacob and Heiss, Jonathan. 2018. | |
88. | Routing cryptocurrency with the spider network Sivaraman, Vibhaalakshmi and Venkatakrishnan, Shaileshh Bojja and Alizadeh, Mohammad and Fanti, Giulia and Viswanath, Pramod. 2018. | |
89. | Rethinking Large-Scale Consensus Rafael Pass and Elaine Shi. 2018. | |
90. | SoK: unraveling Bitcoin smart contracts Nicola Atzei and Massimo Bartoletti and Tiziana Cimoli and Stefano Lande and Roberto Zunino. 2018. | |
91. | ALGORAND AGREEMENT: Super Fast and Partition Resilient Byzantine Agreement. Chen, Jing and Gorbunov, Sergey and Micali, Silvio and Vlachos, Georgios. 2018. | |
92. | BitML: a calculus for Bitcoin smart contracts Massimo Bartoletti and Roberto Zunino. 2018. | |
93. | Smt-based verification of solidity smart contracts Alt, Leonardo and Reitwiessner, Christian. 2018. | |
94. | Tracing Transactions Across Cryptocurrency Ledgers Yousaf, Haaroon and Kappos, George and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2018. | |
95. | SABRE: Protecting Bitcoin against Routing Attacks Apostolaki, Maria and Marti, Gian and M\"uller, Jan and Vanbever, Laurent. 2018. | |
96. | Mechanising Blockchain Consensus P\^\irlea, George and Sergey, Ilya. 2018. | |
97. | Analyzing Ethereum's Contract Topology Kiffer, Lucianna and Levin, Dave and Mislove, Alan. 2018. | |
98. | PaLa: A Simple Partially Synchronous Blockchain Chan, TH Hubert and Pass, Rafael and Shi, Elaine. 2018. | |
99. | Nearly Linear-Time Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Correct Program Execution. Bootle, Jonathan and Cerulli, Andrea and Groth, Jens and Jakobsen, Sune K and Maller, Mary. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
100. | Hot-stuff the linear, optimal-resilience, one-message BFT devil Abraham, Ittai and Gueta, Guy and Malkhi, Dahlia. 2018. ![]() | |
101. | Proofs of Work from Worst-Case Assumptions Marshall Ball and Alon Rosen and Manuel Sabin and Prashant Nalini Vasudevan. 2018. | |
102. | MARVELlous: a STARK-Friendly Family of Cryptographic Primitives Tomer Ashur and Siemen Dhooghe. 2018. | |
103. | Parallel Chains: Improving Throughput and Latency of Blockchain Protocols via Parallel Composition Fitzi, Matthias and Gazi, Peter and Kiayias, Aggelos and Russell, Alexander. 2018. | |
104. | EDRAX: A Cryptocurrency with Stateless Transaction Validation Chepurnoy, Alexander and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Zhang, Yupeng. 2018. | |
105. | eltoo: A simple layer2 protocol for bitcoin Decker, Christian and Russell, Rusty and Osuntokun, Olaoluwa. 2018. | |
106. | Proof-of-Stake Protocols for Privacy-Aware Blockchains Ganesh, Chaya and Orlandi, Claudio and Tschudi, Daniel. 2018. | |
107. | Lattice-Based zk-SNARKs from Square Span Programs Gennaro, Rosario and Minelli, Michele and Nitulescu, Anca and Orr\`u, Michele. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
108. | Committing to quantum resistance: A slow defence for Bitcoin against a fast quantum computing attack Stewart, Iain and Ilie, D and Zamyatin, Alexei and Werner, Sam and Torshizi, MF and Knottenbelt, William J. 2018. | |
109. | Chimeric Ledgers: Translating and Unifying UTXO-based and Account-based Cryptocurrencies Joachim Zahnentferner. 2018. | |
110. | Reward Sharing Schemes for Stake Pools Br\"unjes, Lars and Kiayias, Aggelos and Koutsoupias, Elias and Stouka, Aikaterini-Panagiota. 2018. | |
111. | Raziel: private and verifiable smart contracts on blockchains S\'anchez, David Cerezo. 2018. | |
112. | Tight proofs of space and replication Fisch, Ben. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
113. | EtherTrust: Sound static analysis of ethereum bytecode Grishchenko, Ilya and Maffei, Matteo and Schneidewind, Clara. 2018. | |
114. | Monitoring smart contracts: Contractlarva and open challenges beyond Azzopardi, Shaun and Ellul, Joshua and Pace, Gordon J. 2018. | |
115. | BeatCoin: Leaking Private Keys from Air-Gapped Cryptocurrency Wallets Guri, Mordechai. 2018. | |
116. | Ethereum Query Language Bragagnolo, Santiago and Rocha, Henrique and Denker, Marcus and Ducasse, St\'ephane. 2018. | |
117. | Deconstructing the Blockchain to Approach Physical Limits Bagaria, Vivek and Kannan, Sreeram and Tse, David and Fanti, Giulia and Viswanath, Pramod. 2018. | |
118. | Fraud Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities Al-Bassam, Mustafa and Sonnino, Alberto and Buterin, Vitalik. 2018. | |
119. | Counterfactual: Generalized state channels Coleman, Jeff and Horne, Liam and Xuanji, Li. 2018. | |
120. | Marlowe: Financial contracts on blockchain Seijas, Pablo Lamela and Thompson, Simon. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
121. | Fraud Proofs: Maximising Light Client Security and Scaling Blockchains with Dishonest Majorities Mustafa Al-Bassam and Alberto Sonnino and Vitalik Buterin. 2018. | |
122. | PoReps: Proofs of Space on Useful Data Ben Fisch. 2018. | |
123. | Teechain: Reducing storage costs on the blockchain with offline payment channels Lind, Joshua and Naor, Oded and Eyal, Ittay and Kelbert, Florian and Pietzuch, Peter and Sirer, Emin G\"un. 2018. | |
124. | Bootstrapping the Blockchain, with Applications to Consensus and Fast PKI Setup Garay, Juan A and Kiayias, Aggelos and Leonardos, Nikos and Panagiotakos, Giorgos. 2018. | |
125. | Formal Specification and Verification of Smart Contracts for Azure Blockchain Lahiri, Shuvendu K and Chen, Shuo and Wang, Yuepeng and Dillig, Isil. 2018. | |
126. | Making Groth's zk-SNARK Simulation Extractable in the Random Oracle Model Sean Bowe and Ariel Gabizon. 2018. | |
127. | An incentive analysis of some Bitcoin fee designs Yao, Andrew Chi-Chih. 2018. | |
128. | Agreement with Satoshi – On the Formalization of Nakamoto Consensus Nicholas Stifter and Aljosha Judmayer and Philipp Schindler and Alexei Zamyatin and Edgar Weippl. 2018. | |
129. | Smart contracts and opportunities for formal methods Miller, Andrew and Cai, Zhicheng and Jha, Somesh. 2018. | |
130. | Blockmania: from Block DAGs to Consensus Danezis, George and Hrycyszyn, David. 2018. | |
131. | Ouroboros-BFT: A Simple Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus Protocol Kiayias, Aggelos and Russell, Alexander. 2018. | |
132. | Split payments in payment networks Piatkivskyi, Dmytro and Nowostawski, Mariusz. 2018. | |
133. | HydRand: Practical Continuous Distributed Randomness Philipp Schindler and Aljosha Judmayer and Nicholas Stifter and Edgar Weippl. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
134. | On the specification and verification of atomic swap smart contracts⋆ van der Meyden, Ron. 2018. | |
135. | Monero - Privacy in the Blockchain Kurt M. Alonso and Jordi Herrera Joancomartí. 2018. | |
136. | The Aztec Protocol Zachary J., Williamson. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
137. | A Treasury System for Cryptocurrencies: Enabling Better Collaborative Intelligence Bingsheng Zhang and Roman Oliynykov and Hamed Balogun. 2018. | |
138. | The Arwen Trading Protocols Heilman, Ethan and Lipmann, Sebastien and Goldberg, Sharon. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
139. | Betting on Blockchain Consensus with Fantomette Azouvi, Sarah and McCorry, Patrick and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2018. | |
140. | Verifying liquidity of Bitcoin contracts Bartoletti, Massimo and Zunino, Roberto. 2018. | |
141. | Celer network: Bring internet scale to every blockchain Dong, Mo and Liang, Qingkai and Li, Xiaozhou and Liu, Junda. 2018. | |
142. | An empirical analysis of monero cross-chain traceability Hinteregger, Abraham and Haslhofer, Bernhard. 2018. | |
143. | Towards atomic cross-chain token transfers: State of the art and open questions within tast Borkowski, Michael and McDonald, Daniel and Ritzer, Christoph and Schulte, Stefan. 2018. | |
144. | Temporal Properties of Smart Contracts Sergey, Ilya and Kumar, Amrit and Hobor, Aquinas. 2018. | |
145. | Proofs of Replicated Storage Without Timing Assumptions. Damg\aard, Ivan and Ganesh, Chaya and Orlandi, Claudio. 2018. | |
146. | Correctness and fairness of tendermint-core blockchains Amoussou-Guenou, Yackolley and Del Pozzo, Antonella and Potop-Butucaru, Maria and Tucci-Piergiovanni, Sara. 2018. | |
147. | You sank my battleship! A case study to evaluate state channels as a scaling solution for cryptocurrencies McCorry, Patrick and Buckland, Chris and Bakshi, Surya and W\"ust, Karl and Miller, Andrew. 2018. | |
148. | Why Preventing a Cryptocurrency Exchange Heist Isn't Good Enough Patrick McCorry and Malte M\"oser and Syed Taha Ali. 2018. | |
149. | Retrofitting a two-way peg between blockchains Teutsch, Jason and Straka, Michael and Boneh, Dan. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
150. | Contracts over Smart Contracts: Recovering from Violations Dynamically Colombo, Christian and Ellul, Joshua and Pace, Gordon J. 2018. | |
151. | The scalability of trustless trust Harz, Dominik and Boman, Magnus. 2018. | |
152. | Winning the caucus race: Continuous leader election via public randomness Azouvi, Sarah and McCorry, Patrick and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2018. | |
153. | PHANTOM: A Scalable BlockDAG Protocol Yonatan Sompolinsky and Aviv Zohar. 2018. | |
154. | Loopring: A decentralized token exchange protocol Wang, Daniel and Zhou, Jay and Wang, Alex and Finestone, Matthew. 2018. ![]() | |
155. | Burning Zerocoins for Fun and for Profit: A Cryptographic Denial-of-Spending Attack on the Zerocoin Protocol Tim Ruffing and Sri Aravinda Thyagarajan and Viktoria Ronge and Dominique Schröder. 2018. | |
156. | A Systematic Approach To Cryptocurrency Fees Alexander Chepurnoy and Vasily Kharin and Dmitry Meshkov. 2018. | |
157. | Fun with Bitcoin smart contracts Massimo Bartoletti and Tiziana Cimoli and Roberto Zunino. 2018. | |
158. | Flux: Revisting Near Blocks for Proof-of-Work Blockchains Alexei Zamyatin and Nicholas Stifter and Philipp Schindler and Edgar Weippl and William J. Knottenbelt. 2018. | |
159. | Analysis of Deterministic Longest-Chain Protocols Shi, Elaine. 2018. | |
160. | Pies: Public incompressible encodings for decentralized storage Cecchetti, Ethan and Miers, Ian and Juels, Ari. 2018. | |
161. | Proof-Carrying Smart Contracts Dickerson, Thomas and Gazzillo, Paul and Herlihy, Maurice and Saraph, Vikram and Koskinen, Eric. 2018. | |
162. | COMIT-Cryptographically-secure Off-chain Multi-asset Instant Transaction Network Hosp, Dr and Hoenisch, Toby and Kittiwongsunthorn, Paul and others. 2018. | |
163. | Keeping Time-Release Secrets through Smart Contracts Jianting Ning and Hung Dang and Ruomu Hou and Ee-Chien Chang. 2018. | |
164. | Pitchforks in Cryptocurrencies: Enforcing Rule Changes Through Offensive Weippl, Edgar. 2018. | |
165. | ROYALE: A Framework for Universally Composable Card Games with Financial Rewards and Penalties Enforcement Bernardo David and Rafael Dowsley and Mario Larangeira. 2018. | |
166. | Self-reproducing coins as universal turing machine Chepurnoy, Alexander and Kharin, Vasily and Meshkov, Dmitry. 2018. | |
167. | R3C3: Cryptographically secure Censorship Resistant Rendezvous using Cryptocurrencies Mohsen Minaei and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Aniket Kate. 2018. | |
168. | Temporal aspects of smart contracts for financial derivatives Clack, Christopher D and Vanca, Gabriel. 2018. | |
169. | Database Perspectives on Blockchains Cohen, Sara and Zohar, Aviv. 2018. | |
170. | MARS: Monetized Ad-hoc Routing System (A Position Paper) David, Bernardo and Dowsley, Rafael and Larangeira, Mario. 2018. | |
171. | Blockchains as kripke models: An analysis of atomic cross-chain swap Hirai, Yoichi. 2018. | |
172. | An analysis of atomic swaps on and between ethereum blockchains using smart contracts Bennink, Peter and Gijtenbeek, Lennart van and Deventer, Oskar van and Everts, Maarten. 2018. | |
173. | Echoes of the Past: Recovering Blockchain Metrics From Merged Mining Stifter, Nicholas and Schindler, Philipp and Judmayer, Aljosha and Zamyatin, Alexei and Kern, Andreas and Weippl, Edgar. 2018. | |
174. | Thring Signatures and their Applications to Spender-Ambiguous Digital Currencies. Goodell, Brandon and Noether, Sarang. 2018. | |
175. | A Survey of Two Verifiable Delay Functions. Boneh, Dan and B\"unz, Benedikt and Fisch, Ben. 2018. | |
176. | The Proof is in the Pudding: Proofs of Work for Solving Discrete Logarithms Marcella Hastings and Nadia Heninger and Eric Wustrow. 2018. | |
177. | piChain: When a Blockchain meets Paxos Burchert, Conrad and Wattenhofer, Roger. 2018. | |
178. | Deterministic witnesses for claim-first transactions Borkowski, Michael and Ritzer, Christoph and Schulte, Stefan. 2018. | |
179. | Zero Knowledge Proofs and Applications to Financial Regulation Gowravaram, Nihal R. 2018. | |
180. | A survey of data transfer and storage techniques in prevalent cryptocurrencies and suggested improvements Sunny Katkuri. 2018. | |
181. | 21-bringing down the complexity: fast composable protocols for card games without secret state David, Bernardo and Dowsley, Rafael and Larangeira, Mario. 2018. | |
182. | Developing a K-ary malware using Blockchain Moubarak, Joanna and Filiol, Eric and Chamoun, Maroun. 2018. | |
183. | Paralysis Proofs: Safe Access-Structure Updates for Cryptocurrencies and More Fan Zhang and Philip Daian and Iddo Bentov and Ari Juels. 2018. | |
184. | A New Look at the Refund Mechanism in the Bitcoin Payment Protocol Avizheh, Sepideh and Safavi-Naini, Reihaneh and Shahandashti, Siamak F. 2018. | |
185. | P4PCN: Privacy-Preserving Path Probing for Payment Channel Networks Yu, Ruozhou and Wan, Yinxin and Kilari, Vishnu Teja and Xue, Guoliang and Tang, Jian and Yang, Dejun and Zhang, Xiang and Li, Dan and Song, Yaozhong and Yau, Stephen S and others. 2018. | |
186. | Number of confirmation blocks for Bitcoin and GHOST consensus protocols on networks with delayed message delivery Kovalchuk, Lyudmila and Kaidalov, Dmytro and Nastenko, Andrii and Shevtsov, Oleksiy and Rodinko, Mariia and Oliynykov, Roman. 2018. | |
187. | Parsec: a state channel for the Internet of Value Jaiswal, Amit Kumar. 2018. | |
188. | The Thunder Protocol Pass, Rafael and Shi, Elaine. 2018. | |
189. | State of the Art in Verifiable Computation Khovratovich, Dmitry. 2018. | |
190. | Contractvm: decentralized applications on Bitcoin Bartoletti, Massimo and Gessa, Davide and Podda, Alessandro Sebastian. 2018. | |
191. | Graphchain: a Blockchain-Free Scalable Decentralised Ledger Boyen, Xavier and Carr, Christopher and Haines, Thomas. 2018. | |
192. | ZeroLedge: Proving Solvency with Privacy Doerner, Jack and Shelat, Abhi and Evans, David. 2018. | |
193. | Foundations of State Channel Networks Stefan Dziembowski and Sebastian Faust and Kristina Hostakova. 2018. | |
194. | Blockclique: scaling blockchains through transaction sharding in a multithreaded block graph Forestier, S\'ebastien. 2018. | |
195. | A Practical De-mixing Algorithm for Bitcoin Mixing Services Hong, Younggee and Kwon, Hyunsoo and Lee, Jihwan and Hur, Junbeom. 2018. | |
196. | Executable Operational Semantics of Solidity Jiao, Jiao and Kan, Shuanglong and Lin, Shang-Wei and Sanan, David and Liu, Yang and Sun, Jun. 2018. | |
197. | Multi-Hop Locks for Secure, Privacy-Preserving and Interoperable Payment-Channel Networks Giulio Malavolta and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Clara Schneidewind and Aniket Kate and Matteo Maffei. 2018. | |
198. | Privacy Preserving Verifiable Key Directories. Chase, Melissa and Deshpande, Apoorvaa and Ghosh, Esha. 2018. | |
199. | NOCUST--A Non-Custodial 2 nd-Layer Financial Intermediary Khalil, Rami and Gervais, Arthur. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
200. | Xclaim: Interoperability with cryptocurrency-backed tokens Zamyatin, Alexei and Harz, Dominik and Lind, Joshua and Panayiotou, Panayiotis and Gervais, Arthur and Knottenbelt, William J. 2018. | |
201. | Insured MPC: Efficient Secure Multiparty Computation with Punishable Abort Baum, Carsten and David, Bernardo and Dowsley, Rafael. 2018. | |
202. | GASTAP: A Gas Analyzer for Smart Contracts Albert, Elvira and Gordillo, Pablo and Rubio, Albert and Sergey, Ilya. 2018. | |
203. | Hostile blockchain takeovers (short paper) Joseph Bonneau. 2018. | |
204. | ZoKrates - Scalable Privacy-Preserving Off-Chain Computations Jacob Eberhardt and Stefan Tai. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
205. | A Scalable Proof-of-Stake Blockchain in the Open Setting Fan, Lei and Zhou, Hong-Sheng and Katz, Jonathan. 2018. | |
206. | Hidden in Plain Sight: Storing and Managing Secrets on a Public Ledger. Kokoris-Kogias, Eleftherios and Alp, Enis Ceyhun and Siby, Sandra Deepthy and Gailly, Nicolas and Jovanovic, Philipp and Gasser, Linus and Ford, Bryan. 2018. | |
207. | Calypso: Auditable sharing of private data over blockchains Kokoris-Kogias, Eleftherios and Alp, Enis Ceyhun and Siby, Sandra Deepthy and Gailly, Nicolas and Gasser, Linus and Jovanovic, Philipp and Syta, Ewa and Ford, Bryan. 2018. | |
208. | Filecoin: A decentralized storage network Benet, J and Greco, N. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
209. | Smashing ethereum smart contracts for fun and real profit Mueller, Bernhard. 2018. ![]() ![]() | |
210. | Avoiding deadlocks in payment channel networks Werman, Shira and Zohar, Aviv. 2018. | |
211. | Off-chain protocols for cryptocurrencies Goldfeder, Steven Andrew and others. 2018. | |
212. | Sn{\aa}rkl: Somewhat Practical, Pretty Much Declarative Verifiable Computing in Haskell Stewart, Gordon and Merten, Samuel and Leland, Logan. 2018. |