Papers (124)
# | Title | |
1. | A survey on the security of blockchain systems Li, Xiaoqi and Jiang, Peng and Chen, Ting and Luo, Xiapu and Wen, Qiaoyan. 2017. | |
2. | Ouroboros: A provably secure proof-of-stake blockchain protocol Kiayias, Aggelos and Russell, Alexander and David, Bernardo and Oliynykov, Roman. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
3. | Algorand: Scaling byzantine agreements for cryptocurrencies Gilad, Yossi and Hemo, Rotem and Micali, Silvio and Vlachos, Georgios and Zeldovich, Nickolai. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
4. | A survey of attacks on ethereum smart contracts (sok) Atzei, Nicola and Bartoletti, Massimo and Cimoli, Tiziana. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
5. | Do you need a Blockchain? Wüst, Karl and Gervais, Arthur. 2017. | |
6. | A taxonomy of blockchain-based systems for architecture design Xu, Xiwei and Weber, Ingo and Staples, Mark and Zhu, Liming and Bosch, Jan and Bass, Len and Pautasso, Cesare and Rimba, Paul. 2017. | |
7. | Blockchain consensus protocols in the wild Cachin, Christian and Vukoli\'c, Marko. 2017. | |
8. | Casper the friendly finality gadget Buterin, Vitalik and Griffith, Virgil. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
9. | Hijacking bitcoin: Routing attacks on cryptocurrencies Apostolaki, Maria and Zohar, Aviv and Vanbever, Laurent. 2017. | |
10. | A smart contract for boardroom voting with maximum voter privacy McCorry, Patrick and Shahandashti, Siamak F and Hao, Feng. 2017. | |
11. | The blockchain folk theorem Biais, Bruno and Bisi\`ere, Christophe and Bouvard, Matthieu and Casamatta, Catherine. 2017. | |
12. | An empirical analysis of smart contracts: platforms, applications, and design patterns Bartoletti, Massimo and Pompianu, Livio. 2017. | |
13. | Ouroboros Praos: An adaptively-secure, semi-synchronous proof-of-stake protocol Bernardo David and Peter Ga\vzi and Aggelos Kiayias and Alexander Russell. 2017. | |
14. | Plasma: Scalable Autonomous Smart Contracts Poon, Joseph and Buterin, Vitalik. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
15. | Ligero: Lightweight sublinear arguments without a trusted setup Ames, Scott and Hazay, Carmit and Ishai, Yuval and Venkitasubramaniam, Muthuramakrishnan. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
16. | Hybrid consensus: Efficient consensus in the permissionless model Pass, Rafael and Shi, Elaine. 2017. | |
17. | Under-optimized smart contracts devour your money Chen, Ting and Li, Xiaoqi and Luo, Xiapu and Zhang, Xiaosong. 2017. | |
18. | Taxonomy of blockchain technologies. Principles of identification and classification Tasca, Paolo and Tessone, Claudio J. 2017. | |
19. | Chainspace: A Sharded Smart Contracts Platform Al-Bassam, Mustafa and Sonnino, Alberto and Bano, Shehar and Hrycyszyn, Dave and Danezis, George. 2017. | |
20. | Scalable zero knowledge via cycles of elliptic curves Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
21. | The Algebraic Group Model and its Applications Georg Fuchsbauer and Eike Kiltz and Julian Loss. 2017. | |
22. | Doubly-efficient zkSNARKs without trusted setup Riad S. Wahby and Ioanna Tzialla and abhi shelat and Justin Thaler and Michael Walfish. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
23. | Defining the ethereum virtual machine for interactive theorem provers Hirai, Yoichi. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
24. | TumbleBit: An untrusted Bitcoin-compatible anonymous payment hub Heilman, Ethan and Alshenibr, Leen and Baldimtsi, Foteini and Scafuro, Alessandra and Goldberg, Sharon. 2017. | |
25. | Bolt: Anonymous payment channels for decentralized currencies Green, Matthew and Miers, Ian. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
26. | RingCT 2.0: A Compact Accumulator-Based (Linkable Ring Signature) Protocol for Blockchain Cryptocurrency Monero Sun, Shi-Feng and Au, Man Ho and Liu, Joseph K and Yuen, Tsz Hon. 2017. | |
27. | Concurrency and privacy with payment-channel networks Malavolta, Giulio and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Kate, Aniket and Maffei, Matteo and Ravi, Srivatsan. 2017. | |
28. | Designing secure Ethereum smart contracts: A finite state machine based approach Mavridou, Anastasia and Laszka, Aron. 2017. | |
29. | Thunderella: Blockchains with Optimistic Instant Confirmation Rafael Pass and Elaine Shi. 2017. | |
30. | Revive: Rebalancing Off-Blockchain Payment Networks Rami Khalil and Arthur Gervais. 2017. | |
31. | Consensus in the age of blockchains Bano, Shehar and Sonnino, Alberto and Al-Bassam, Mustafa and Azouvi, Sarah and McCorry, Patrick and Meiklejohn, Sarah and Danezis, George. 2017. | |
32. | SCPKI: A smart contract-based PKI and identity system Al-Bassam, Mustafa. 2017. | |
33. | Bitcoin as a Transaction Ledger: A Composable Treatment Christian Badertscher and Ueli Maurer and Daniel Tschudi and Vassilis Zikas. 2017. | |
34. | Snarky Signatures: Minimal Signatures of Knowledge from Simulation-Extractable SNARKs Jens Groth and Mary Maller. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
35. | Settling Payments Fast and Private: Efficient Decentralized Routing for Path-Based Transactions Roos, Stefanie and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Kate, Aniket and Goldberg, Ian. 2017. | |
36. | Online detection of effectively callback free objects with applications to smart contracts Grossman, Shelly and Abraham, Ittai and Golan-Gueta, Guy and Michalevsky, Yan and Rinetzky, Noam and Sagiv, Mooly and Zohar, Yoni. 2017. | |
37. | A traceability analysis of monero’s blockchain Kumar, Amrit and Fischer, Cl\'ement and Tople, Shruti and Saxena, Prateek. 2017. | |
38. | The Sleepy Model of Consensus Pass, Rafael and Shi, Elaine. 2017. | |
39. | Tesseract: Real-Time Cryptocurrency Exchange using Trusted Hardware. Bentov, Iddo and Ji, Yan and Zhang, Fan and Li, Yunqi and Zhao, Xueyuan and Breidenbach, Lorenz and Daian, Philip and Juels, Ari. 2017. | |
40. | Fast secure two-party ECDSA signing Lindell, Yehuda. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
41. | A scalable verification solution for blockchains Teutsch, Jason and Reitwie\ssner, Christian. 2017. | |
42. | Scalable Multi-party Computation for zk-SNARK Parameters in the Random Beacon Model Sean Bowe and Ariel Gabizon and Ian Miers. 2017. | |
43. | Zero-Knowledge Contingent Payments Revisited: Attacks and Payments for Services Matteo Campanelli and Rosario Gennaro and Steven Goldfeder and Luca Nizzardo. 2017. | |
44. | SilentWhispers: Enforcing security and privacy in credit networks Malavolta, Giulio and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Kate, Aniket and Maffei, Matteo. 2017. | |
45. | Non-interactive proofs of proof-of-work Aggelos Kiayias and Andrew Miller and Dionysis Zindros. 2017. | |
46. | SCRAPE: Scalable Randomness Attested by Public Entities Ignacio Cascudo and Bernardo David. 2017. | |
47. | SMART POOL : Practical Decentralized Pooled Mining Luu, Loi and Velner, Yaron and Teutsch, Jason and Saxena, Prateek. 2017. | |
48. | P2P Mixing and Unlinkable Bitcoin Transactions. Ruffing, Tim and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Kate, Aniket. 2017. | |
49. | A concurrent perspective on smart contracts Sergey, Ilya and Hobor, Aquinas. 2017. | |
50. | Publish or Perish: A Backward-Compatible Defense against Selfish Mining in Bitcoin Zhang, Ren and Preneel, Bart. 2017. | |
51. | Incentivizing blockchain forks via whale transactions Liao, Kevin and Katz, Jonathan. 2017. | |
52. | 0x: An open protocol for decentralized exchange on the Ethereum blockchain Warren, Will and Bandeali, Amir. 2017. | |
53. | Proof-of-personhood: Redemocratizing permissionless cryptocurrencies Borge, Maria and Kokoris-Kogias, Eleftherios and Jovanovic, Philipp and Gasser, Linus and Gailly, Nicolas and Ford, Bryan. 2017. | |
54. | Subversion-zero-knowledge SNARKs Georg Fuchsbauer. 2017. | |
55. | Simplicity: A new language for blockchains O'Connor, Russell. 2017. | |
56. | An Empirical Analysis of Linkability in the Monero Blockchain Andrew Miller and Malte M\"oser and Kevin Lee and Arvind Narayanan. 2017. | |
57. | Strain: A Secure Auction for Blockchains Erik-Oliver Blass and Florian Kerschbaum. 2017. | |
58. | M{\"o}bius: Trustless Tumbling for Transaction Privacy Sarah Meiklejohn and Rebekah Mercer. 2017. | |
59. | TwinsCoin: A Cryptocurrency via Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake Chepurnoy, Alexander and Duong, Tuyet and Fan, Lei and Zhou, Hong-Sheng. 2017. | |
60. | KEVM: A Complete Semantics of the Ethereum Virtual Machine Hildenbrandt, Everett and Saxena, Manasvi and Zhu, Xiaoran and Rodrigues, Nishant and Daian, Philip and Guth, Dwight and Rosu, Grigore. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
61. | Escrow protocols for cryptocurrencies: How to buy physical goods using Bitcoin Goldfeder, Steven and Bonneau, Joseph and Gennaro, Rosario and Narayanan, Arvind.. 2017. | |
62. | Obscuro: A Bitcoin Mixer using Trusted Execution Environments Muoi Tran and Loi Luu and Min Suk Kang and Iddo Bentov and Prateek Saxena. 2017. | |
63. | Findel: Secure derivative contracts for Ethereum Biryukov, Alex and Khovratovich, Dmitry and Tikhomirov, Sergei. 2017. ![]() | |
64. | Lattice-based SNARGs and their application to more efficient obfuscation Boneh, Dan and Ishai, Yuval and Sahai, Amit and Wu, David J. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
65. | Instantaneous Decentralized Poker Iddo Bentov and Ranjit Kumaresan and Andrew Miller. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
66. | PERUN: Virtual Payment Channels over Cryptographic Currencies Stefan Dziembowski and Lisa Eckey and Sebastian Faust and Daniel Malinowski. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
67. | Revisiting Difficulty Control for Blockchain Systems Meshkov, Dmitry and Chepurnoy, Alexander and Jansen, Marc. 2017. | |
68. | Socially Optimal Mining Pools Ben A. Fisch and Rafael Pass and Abhi Shelat. 2017. | |
69. | Ethereum smart contracts: Security vulnerabilities and security tools Dika, Ardit. 2017. | |
70. | Smart contracts make bitcoin mining pools vulnerable Velner, Yaron and Teutsch, Jason and Luu, Loi. 2017. | |
71. | Using level-1 homomorphic encryption to improve threshold dsa signatures for bitcoin wallet security Boneh, Dan and Gennaro, Rosario and Goldfeder, Steven. 2017. | |
72. | A user-centric system for verified identities on the bitcoin blockchain Augot, Daniel and Chabanne, Herv\'e and Chenevier, Thomas and George, William and Lambert, Laurent. 2017. | |
73. | Graphene: A new protocol for block propagation using set reconciliation Ozisik, A Pinar and Andresen, Gavin and Bissias, George and Houmansadr, Amir and Levine, Brian. 2017. | |
74. | Anonymous alone? measuring Bitcoin’s second-generation anonymization techniques M\"oser, Malte and B\"ohme, Rainer. 2017. | |
75. | Decentralized anonymous micropayments Chiesa, Alessandro and Green, Matthew and Liu, Jingcheng and Miao, Peihan and Miers, Ian and Mishra, Pratyush. 2017. ![]() | |
76. | Porosity: A decompiler for blockchain-based smart contracts bytecode Suiche, Matt. 2017. | |
77. | Short paper: Service-oriented sharding for blockchains Gencer, Adem Efe and van Renesse, Robbert and Sirer, Emin G\"un. 2017. | |
78. | Interactive oracle proofs with constant rate and query complexity Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Gabizon, Ariel and Riabzev, Michael and Spooner, Nicholas. 2017. | |
79. | Z-Channel: Scalable and Efficient Scheme in Zerocash Yuncong Zhang and Yu Long and Zhen Liu and Zhiqiang Liu and Dawu Gu. 2017. | |
80. | Constant-deposit multiparty lotteries on Bitcoin Bartoletti, Massimo and Zunino, Roberto. 2017. | |
81. | On the feasibility of decentralized derivatives markets Eskandari, Shayan and Clark, Jeremy and Sundaresan, Vignesh and Adham, Moe. 2017. | |
82. | Mind your credit: Assessing the health of the ripple credit network Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Modi, Navin and Songhela, Raghuvir and Kate, Aniket and Fahmy, Sonia. 2017. | |
83. | An efficient pairing-based shuffle argument Fauzi, Prastudy and Lipmaa, Helger and Siim, Janno and Zaj\kac, Micha\l. 2017. | |
84. | Decentralized Blacklistable Anonymous Credentials with Reputation Yang, Rupeng and Au, Man Ho and Xu, Qiuliang and Yu, Zuoxia. 2017. | |
85. | A Proof-of-Stake protocol for consensus on Bitcoin subchains Bartoletti, Massimo and Lande, Stefano and Podda, Alessandro Sebastian. 2017. | |
86. | Public Accountability vs. Secret Laws: Can They Coexist?: A Cryptographic Proposal Goldwasser, Shafi and Park, Sunoo. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
87. | Enhancing Bitcoin transactions with covenants O’Connor, Russell and Piekarska, Marta. 2017. | |
88. | How to Charge Lightning Br\^anzei, Simina and Segal-Halevi, Erel and Zohar, Aviv. 2017. | |
89. | Atomically Trading with Roger: Gambling on the success of a hardfork Patrick McCorry and Ethan Heilman and Andrew Miller. 2017. | |
90. | Towards a Smart Contract-based, Decentralized, Public-Key Infrastructure Patsonakis, Christos and Samari, Katerina and Roussopoulos, Mema and Kiayias, Aggelos. 2017. | |
91. | Anonymous Post-Quantum Cryptocash. Zhang, Huang and Zhang, Fangguo and Tian, Haibo and Au, Man Ho. 2017. | |
92. | The Transaction Graph for Modeling Blockchain Semantics Christian Cachin and Angelo De Caro and Pedro Moreno-Sanchez and Bj\"orn Tackmann and Marko Vukoli\'c. 2017. | |
93. | Bancor Protocol Hertzog, Eyal and Benartzi, Guy and Benartzi, Galia. 2017. | |
94. | Beigepaper: An Ethereum Technical Specification Dameron, Micah. 2017. | |
95. | On the Necessity of a Prescribed Block Validity Consensus: Analyzing Bitcoin Unlimited Mining Protocol Ren Zhang and Bart Preneel. 2017. | |
96. | (Short Paper) PieceWork: Generalized Outsourcing Control for Proofs of Work Philip Daian and Ittay Eyal and Ari Juels and Emin G\"un Sirer. 2017. | |
97. | Kaleidoscope: An Efficient Poker Protocol with Payment Distribution and Penalty Enforcement Bernardo David and Rafael Dowsley and Mario Larangeira. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
98. | Proofs of Work for Blockchain Protocols Garay, Juan A and Kiayias, Aggelos and Panagiotakos, Giorgos. 2017. | |
99. | Switch Commitments: A Safety Switch for Confidential Transactions Ruffing, Tim and Malavolta, Giulio. 2017. | |
100. | Time-Memory Tradeoff Attacks on the MTP Proof-of-Work Scheme Itai Dinur and Niv Nadler. 2017. | |
101. | Efficient Algorithms for Broadcast and Consensus Based on Proofs of Work Lisa Eckey and Sebastian Faust and Julian Loss. 2017. | |
102. | Load Thresholds for Cuckoo Hashing with Overlapping Blocks Walzer, S.. 2017. | |
103. | Managing Secrets with Consensus Networks: Fairness, Ransomware and Access Control. Kaptchuk, Gabriel and Miers, Ian and Green, Matthew. 2017. | |
104. | On decentralized oracles for data availability Teutsch, Jason. 2017. | |
105. | ChainLink:A Decentralized Oracle Network Ellis ,Steve and Juels , Ari and Nazarov, Sergey. 2017. | |
106. | Chainlink: A decentralized oracle network Ellis, Steve and Juels, Ari and Nazarov, Sergey. 2017. | |
107. | Randao: Verifiable random number generation Qian, Youcai. 2017. | |
108. | Incentives in casper the friendly finality gadget Buterin, Vitalik. 2017. | |
109. | On Space-Scarce Economy In Blockchain Systems Alexander Chepurnoy and Dmitry Meshkov. 2017. | |
110. | Why You Can't Beat Blockchains: Consistency and High Availability in Distributed Systems Girault, Alain and G\"ossler, Gregor and Guerraoui, Rachid and Hamza, Jad and Seredinschi, Dragos-Adrian. 2017. | |
111. | A Subversion-Resistant SNARK Behzad Abdolmaleki and Karim Baghery and Helger Lipmaa and Michal Zajac. 2017. ![]() ![]() | |
112. | Sharding PoW-based Blockchains via Proofs of Knowledge Frederik Armknecht and Jens-Matthias Bohli and Ghassan O. Karame and Wenting Li. 2017. | |
113. | Obsidian: a safer blockchain programming language Coblenz, Michael. 2017. | |
114. | A Non Outsourceable Puzzle under GHOST Rule Zeng, Gongxian and Yiu, Siu Ming and Zhang, Jun and Kuzuno, Hiroki and Au, Man Ho. 2017. | |
115. | Rational proofs of space-time Moran, Tal and Orlov, Ilan. 2017. | |
116. | Forkable Strings are Rare. Russell, Alexander and Moore, Cristopher and Kiayias, Aggelos and Quader, Saad. 2017. | |
117. | Mixing Confidential Transactions: Comprehensive Transaction Privacy for Bitcoin. Ruffing, Tim and Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro. 2017. | |
118. | Pathshuffle: Mixing credit paths for anonymous transactions in ripple Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Ruffing, Tim and Kate, Aniket. 2017. | |
120. | Proofs-of-delay and randomness beacons in ethereum B\"unz, Benedikt and Goldfeder, Steven and Bonneau, Joseph. 2017. | |
121. | Bulletproofs: Efficient range proofs for confidential transactions B\"unz, Benedikt and Bootle, Jonathan and Boneh, Dan and Poelstra, Andrew and Wuille, Pieter and Maxwell, Greg. 2017. | |
122. | Casper the friendly ghost: A correct by construction blockchain consensus protocol Zamfir, Vlad. 2017. | |
123. | On the linkability of Zcash transactions Quesnelle, Jeffrey. 2017. | |
124. | The Maker Protocol:MakerDAO’s Multi-Collateral Dai(MCD) System Makerdao. 2017. |