Papers (48)
# | Title | |
1. | Decentralizing privacy: Using blockchain to protect personal data Zyskind, Guy and Nathan, Oz and others. 2015. | |
2. | SoK: Research perspectives and challenges for bitcoin and cryptocurrencies Bonneau, Joseph and Miller, Andrew and Clark, Jeremy and Narayanan, Arvind and Kroll, Joshua A. and Felten, Edward W.. 2015. ![]() ![]() | |
3. | The quest for scalable blockchain fabric: Proof-of-work vs. BFT replication Vukolić, Marko. 2015. | |
4. | Eclipse Attacks on Bitcoin's Peer-to-Peer Network Heilman, Ethan and Kendler, Alison and Zohar, Aviv and Goldberg, Sharon. 2015. ![]() ![]() | |
5. | Optimal Selfish Mining Strategies in Bitcoin Sapirshtein, Ayelet and Sompolinsky, Yonatan and Zohar, Aviv. 2015. | |
6. | The stellar consensus protocol: A federated model for internet-level consensus Mazieres, David. 2015. ![]() ![]() | |
7. | Enigma: Decentralized computation platform with guaranteed privacy Zyskind, Guy and Nathan, Oz and Pentland, Alex. 2015. ![]() ![]() | |
8. | A fast and scalable payment network with bitcoin duplex micropayment channels Decker, Christian and Wattenhofer, Roger. 2015. | |
9. | Proofs of Space Dziembowski, Stefan and Faust, Sebastian and Kolmogorov, Vladimir and Pietrzak, Krzysztof. 2015. | |
10. | Inclusive block chain protocols Lewenberg, Yoad and Sompolinsky, Yonatan and Zohar, Aviv. 2015. | |
11. | Centrally banked cryptocurrencies Danezis, George and Meiklejohn, Sarah. 2015. | |
12. | Geppetto: Versatile verifiable computation Costello, Craig and Fournet, C\'edric and Howell, Jon and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Kreuter, Benjamin and Naehrig, Michael and Parno, Bryan and Zahur, Samee. 2015. ![]() ![]() | |
13. | Demystifying incentives in the consensus computer Luu, Loi and Teutsch, Jason and Kulkarni, Raghav and Saxena, Prateek. 2015. | |
14. | Extended Tower Number Field Sieve: A New Complexity for the Medium Prime Case Taechan Kim and Razvan Barbulescu. 2015. | |
15. | One-out-of-many proofs: Or how to leak a secret and spend a coin Groth, Jens and Kohlweiss, Markulf. 2015. | |
16. | SpaceMint: A Cryptocurrency Based on Proofs of Space Sunoo Park and Albert Kwon and Georg Fuchsbauer and Peter Gaži and Joël Alwen and Krzysztof Pietrzak. 2015. | |
17. | Speed-Security Tradeoffs in Blockchain Protocols Kiayias, Aggelos and Panagiotakos, Giorgos. 2015. | |
18. | Efficient RAM and control flow in verifiable outsourced computation. Wahby, Riad S and Setty, Srinath TV and Ren, Zuocheng and Blumberg, Andrew J and Walfish, Michael. 2015. | |
19. | On Bitcoin as a public randomness source. Bonneau, Joseph and Clark, Jeremy and Goldfeder, Steven. 2015. | |
20. | Secure sampling of public parameters for succinct zero knowledge proofs Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Green, Matthew and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2015. | |
21. | A protocol for interledger payments Thomas, Stefan and Schwartz, Evan. 2015. | |
22. | On power splitting games in distributed computation: The case of bitcoin pooled mining Luu, Loi and Saha, Ratul and Parameshwaran, Inian and Saxena, Prateek and Hobor, Aquinas. 2015. | |
23. | Trends, tips, tolls: A longitudinal study of Bitcoin transaction fees M\"oser, Malte and B\"ohme, Rainer. 2015. | |
24. | Non Outsourceable scratch-off puzzles to discourage bitcoin mining coalitions Miller, Andrew and Kosba, Ahmed and Katz, Jonathan and Shi, Elaine. 2015. | |
25. | How to use bitcoin to play decentralized poker Kumaresan, Ranjit and Moran, Tal and Bentov, Iddo. 2015. | |
26. | Scp: A computationally-scalable byzantine consensus protocol for blockchains Luu, Loi and Narayanan, Viswesh and Baweja, Kunal and Zheng, Chaodong and Gilbert, Seth and Saxena, Prateek. 2015. | |
27. | Validation of decentralised smart contracts through game theory and formal methods Bigi, Giancarlo and Bracciali, Andrea and Meacci, Giovanni and Tuosto, Emilio. 2015. | |
28. | Provisions: Privacy-preserving Proofs of Solvency for Bitcoin Exchanges Dagher, Gaby G and Bünz, Benedikt and Bonneau, Joseph and Clark, Jeremy and Boneh, Dan. 2015. | |
29. | On the Malleability of Bitcoin Transactions Marcin Andrychowicz and Stefan Dziembowski and Daniel Malinowski and Lukasz Mazurek. 2015. | |
30. | When bitcoin mining pools run dry Laszka, Aron and Johnson, Benjamin and Grossklags, Jens. 2015. | |
31. | High Parallel Complexity Graphs and Memory-Hard Functions Alwen, Jo\"el and Serbinenko, Vladimir. 2015. | |
32. | Micropayments for decentralized currencies Pass, Rafael and Shelat, Abhi. 2015. | |
33. | Hierarchical deterministic Bitcoin wallets that tolerate key leakage Gutoski, Gus and Stebila, Douglas. 2015. | |
34. | Liar, liar, coins on fire!: Penalizing equivocation by loss of bitcoins Ruffing, Tim and Kate, Aniket and Schr\"oder, Dominique. 2015. | |
35. | Securing Bitcoin wallets via a new DSA/ECDSA threshold signature scheme Goldfeder, Steven and Gennaro, Rosario and Kalodner, Harry and Bonneau, Joseph and Kroll, Joshua A and Felten, Edward W and Narayanan, Arvind. 2015. | |
36. | C$\emptyset$C$\emptyset$: A Framework for Building Composable Zero-Knowledge Proofs Ahmed Kosba and Zhichao Zhao and Andrew Miller and Yi Qian and Hubert Chan and Charalampos Papamanthou and Rafael Pass and abhi shelat and Elaine Shi. 2015. | |
37. | Privacy preserving payments in credit networks Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro and Kate, Aniket and Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim. 2015. | |
38. | Cuckoo Cycle: a memory bound graph-theoretic proof-of-work Tromp, John. 2015. | |
39. | ZombieCoin: powering next-generation botnets with bitcoin Ali, Syed Taha and McCorry, Patrick and Lee, Peter Hyun-Jeen and Hao, Feng. 2015. | |
40. | Decaf: Eliminating cofactors through point compression Hamburg, Mike. 2015. | |
41. | Spacecoin : A Cryptocurrency Based on Proofs of Space Park, Sunoo and Pietrzak, Krzysztof and Alwen, Joel and Fuchsbauer, Georg and Gazi, Peter. 2015. | |
42. | How to Use SNARKs in Universally Composable Protocols. Kosba, Ahmed E and Zhao, Zhichao and Miller, Andrew and Qian, Yi and Chan, T-H Hubert and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Pass, Rafael and Shelat, Abhi and Shi, Elaine. 2015. | |
43. | Making bitcoin exchanges transparent Decker, Christian and Guthrie, James and Seidel, Jochen and Wattenhofer, Roger. 2015. | |
44. | A Note on the Unsoundness of vnTinyRAM's SNARK. Parno, Bryan. 2015. | |
45. | How perfect offline wallets can still leak bitcoin private keys Verb\"ucheln, Stephan. 2015. | |
46. | Ring Signature Confidential Transactions for Monero Shen Noether. 2015. | |
47. | Rootstock: Bitcoin powered smart contracts Lerner, S Demian. 2015. | |
48. | Drivechain-the simple two way peg, November 2015 Sztorc, Paul. 2015. |