Papers (30)
# | Title | |
1. | A fistful of bitcoins: characterizing payments among men with no names Meiklejohn, Sarah and Pomarole, Marjori and Jordan, Grant and Levchenko, Kirill and McCoy, Damon and Voelker, Geoffrey M and Savage, Stefan. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
2. | An analysis of anonymity in the bitcoin system Reid, F and Harrigan, M. 2013. | |
3. | Information propagation in the Bitcoin network Decker, Christian and Wattenhofer, Roger. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
4. | Pinocchio: Nearly practical verifiable computation Parno, Bryan and Howell, Jon and Gentry, Craig and Raykova, Mariana. 2013. | |
5. | Quantitative analysis of the full bitcoin transaction graph Ron, Dorit and Shamir, Adi. 2013. | |
6. | Zerocoin: Anonymous distributed e-cash from bitcoin Miers, Ian and Garman, Christina and Green, Matthew and Rubin, Aviel D. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
7. | Quadratic span programs and succinct NIZKs without PCPs Gennaro, Rosario and Gentry, Craig and Parno, Bryan and Raykova, Mariana. 2013. | |
8. | The economics of Bitcoin mining, or Bitcoin in the presence of adversaries Kroll, Joshua A and Davey, Ian C and Felten, Edward W. 2013. | |
9. | SNARKs for C: Verifying program executions succinctly and in zero knowledge Ben-Sasson, Eli and Chiesa, Alessandro and Genkin, Daniel and Tromer, Eran and Virza, Madars. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
10. | Succinct non-interactive arguments via linear interactive proofs Bitansky, Nir and Chiesa, Alessandro and Ishai, Yuval and Paneth, Omer and Ostrovsky, Rafail. 2013. | |
11. | Vector commitments and their applications Catalano, Dario and Fiore, Dario. 2013. | |
12. | Recursive composition and bootstrapping for SNARKs and proof-carrying data Bitansky, Nir and Canetti, Ran and Chiesa, Alessandro and Tromer, Eran. 2013. | |
13. | CryptoNote v 2.0 Saberhagen, Nicolas Van. 2013. | |
14. | Primecoin: Cryptocurrency with prime number proof-of-work King, Sunny. 2013. | |
15. | Accelerating Bitcoin's Transaction Processing. Fast Money Grows on Trees, Not Chains Sompolinsky, Yonatan and Zohar, A. 2013. | |
16. | On Subversive Miner Strategies and Block Withholding Attack in Bitcoin Digital Currency Courtois, Nicolas T and Bahack, Lear. 2013. | |
17. | Deterministic usage of the digital signature algorithm (DSA) and elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) Pornin, Thomas. 2013. | |
18. | Have a Snack, Pay with Bitcoins Bamert, Tobias and Decker, Christian and Elsen, Lennart and Wattenhofer, Roger and Welten, Samuel. 2013. | |
19. | Theoretical Bitcoin Attacks with less than Half of the Computational Power (draft) Lear Bahack. 2013. | |
20. | Resolving the conflict between generality and plausibility in verified computation Setty, Srinath and Braun, Benjamin and Vu, Victor and Blumberg, Andrew J and Parno, Bryan and Walfish, Michael. 2013. | |
21. | Proofs of Space: When Space is of the Essence Ateniese, Giuseppe and Bonacina, Ilario and Faonio, Antonio and Galesi, Nicola. 2013. | |
22. | Pinocchio coin Danezis, George and Fournet, Cedric and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Parno, Bryan. 2013. | |
23. | Succinct non-interactive zero knowledge arguments from span programs and linear error-correcting codes Lipmaa, Helger. 2013. ![]() ![]() | |
24. | Publicly Verifiable Proofs of Sequential Work Mahmoody, Mohammad and Moran, Tal and Vadhan, Salil. 2013. | |
25. | A practical liquidity-sensitive automated market maker Othman, Abraham and Pennock, David M and Reeves, Daniel M and Sandholm, Tuomas. 2013. | |
26. | A more efficient computationally sound non-interactive zero-knowledge shuffle argument Lipmaa, Helger and Zhang, Bingsheng. 2013. | |
27. | Cryptography and the economics of supervisory information: Balancing transparency and confidentiality Flood, Mark D and Katz, Jonathan and Ong, Stephen J and Smith, Adam. 2013. | |
28. | Efficient modular NIZK arguments from shift and product Fauzi, Prastudy and Lipmaa, Helger and Zhang, Bingsheng. 2013. | |
29. | Evaluating user privacy in bitcoin Androulaki, Elli and Karame, Ghassan O and Roeschlin, Marc and Scherer, Tobias and Capkun, Srdjan. 2013. | |
30. | Alt chains and atomic transfers Tier Nolan. 2013. |